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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Congressman Urges Comments On Organic Act Congressman Redden, Chairman of t h e House subcommittee on interior and insular affairs, has in formed Omar Brown, chairman of the Assem bly’s Organic A ct Com ' Sale Os Government Properties Sealed bids, in triplicate, will be received at the Depart ment of Finance, Purchasing Offiece, Administration Build ing, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, at 11:00 A.M., Tuesday, April 1, 1952, and then publicly opened for the sale of the foliowing items located at the Agricultural Station, St. Tho mas, Virgin Islands: 3 No. Range, shelter, poultry 1 No. Battery, starting, hoeft 1 No. Cart, 1-1-2 ton four wheel (feed) 1 No. Scale, egg grading i 2 No. Tables, bridge with 7 chairs 1 No. Pump, gasoline engine 3 BP 1 No. Chair, typist 1 No. Lawn Mower : 3 No, Block. double wood ; 1 No. Knife, draw 2 No, Level. spicit 1 No. Pruner, point cut 27in, 1 No. Saw coping ' 1 No. Saw, double edge 1 No. Square 10in. 1 No. Thermometer, household .3 No. Bars, Crow 5 pr. Hinges, heavy strap 100 Ne. Traps, rat, mongoose, metal 1 No. Hacksaw 3 No. Pruning hand shears The Government reserves the right to reject any or a#l bid, to waive any informality in bids and unless otherwi3c speci fied by the Government or by the bidder to accept any item in the bid. Purchase Office, Department of Finance, Administration Building, March 20, 1952. Louis Shulterbrandt, Commissiones of Finance Position Vacant Position of Treasurer and Procurement Officer for the St. Thomas Development Authority. Salary $3600. -per annum, , General Qualifications required. Government procurement and disbursement procedure Cost Accounting (‘ompletion and preparation of Government Payrolls. Standard Bookkeeping and Record keeping. : Competent in use of typewriter, adding machine and accounting machine. Applicativn must be filed prior to March 28,1952, mittee, that he will let iin kicow w h e n and if further hearing on the new organic act for the Virgin Is: lands wili be held. In the meantime, he suggested that the Organic Act Committee submit its comments in writ ing on the recommendations recently adopted by the Con gressional committee, The Home Journal Our Town And You The Chamber of Com-, merce supports the view,asl do individuals & business firms throughout the Is land, that taxes are at the danger point, beyond asafe upward limit. They have reached heights which I'e-! duce . incentive. They threaten to destroy eco nomic stability which is es sential to the well-being of the Virgin Isiands. ~ During some periods ihigh, but not excessive, taxes are inescapable. Pro \perly cevised, such taxes are preferable to deficit financing and inflation, ‘which is the worst form of tax. It is the Chamber’s view that the key to'the preblem of lowertaxes, reduced debt and a stable fiscal system, is curtailment of lavish government spend ing. The private enterprise svstem must be allowed to grow. Business should be permitted to retain suffi cient earnings to finance expansion and to provide adequate dividends. I t must be. enabled to pro vide for equity financing and avoid dangerous bor rowing. The disturbing and discouraging - effects o f 'excessive taxes should be eliminated. | 3 ! Taxes must not cripple} initiative , self-reliance , ’thrift, risk-taking and proper provision for de \pendents and old age. Fe deral income ta x rates, reaching from 22 per cent upon modest incomes to four tim s that,take from two to nine of every 10! dollars of net taxable in-1 come. They cut deeply in-! By The St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce to small incomes and prac tically destroy those above a moderate level. ARtax program must be provided which will be better balanced and better suited to the system of indiv dual responsibility and incen tive which has enabled the Virgin Islands to reach its present state of economy, T h e effects of enormous budgets are to encourage wasteful spending create dis trust in the integrity of the p ocesses of government, and threaten its stability. Now that the next year’s budget is being considered the Chamber supports these speci fic proposals: 1. Xeep expen ditures within the expected revenues, without increazing \taxes. thus applying the prin ciple of ‘‘go as-we-pay’’ as }‘well as “pay as you go. 2. Make rates decreases rather than increases. Lower rates an wean higher revenue. 3. "Distribute the burden equita- Lbly over the entire population. : e House Trims Housing Program { Taking action which isex 'pected to have local repercus sions, the House of Represen [tatives on Friday passed a $6, 254, 215, 628 bill to finance 'more than a score of Federal agencies in the coming fiscal year, but in so doing sharply reduced the appropriations re quested by President Truman. The reductions amounted to $724,000,000. The bill prohibits the Pub lic Housing Administration from starting more than 5,000 new low-cost housing units during the coming fiscal year or in any following “year. without specific Congressional approval. The administration had plans for 50,000 units. W\’WWVW\IVWM For Sale , One Vahagony Bedstead In Good Condition Inquire at Home Journal Office.