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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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| Publication | Pursuant to Regulation No. 10 of t h e St. Thomas Virgin Islands Lottery itis hereby brought to the Publie Notice: (1) that the Lottery balls will be examined in the Lottery Office, Municipal Building, Dronningens Gad e No. 20, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Izlands at 2;00 p.m. Monday, April 7, 1952. (2) ! he 1565th Drawing of the St. Tho mas Virgin Islands Lottery will take place in the Lottery Office, Municipal Building. Dronningens Gad e No, 20, Charlotie Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands at 1:30 p.m. precisely. Tuesday, April 8, 1952. The verification of the balls and the Drawing are public acts, therefore, the public is urged to be present and to wilness same, Municipality of St Thomas : ard St. John Bureau of the St. Thomas Vir gin Istards Lottery Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Virgin Islands April 1, 1¢52 D. E. Lucien Lorard, Director Approved; Louis Shulterbrandt, Treasurer Notice All concerned please take no tice that by decree of the District Court granted c¢n March 18, 1952, the name *‘ldalia Samue!’’ was changed to, and s h all hereafter be “‘ldalia Sprauve.”’ Alphonso A. Christian Attorney for Petitioner Dated: March 18, 1952. Telephone Notice i It is anticipated that the new telephone system will go into operation within a fe w months. Service will be a vailable to all subsecribers! within a distance of 500 ft. of | the new cable system. Sub scribers beyond 500 feet will be required to pay additional cost o!f the installation in ad vance Present subscribers will be given present service unless change or additional service is applied for. Those who have not yet submitted applications should do so im mediately. | St. Thomas Power Authority‘ Fred Vialet General Manager R EADERS’ FORUM Editor, The Home Journal: - May I take this opportunity to correct what may have a ‘wrong impression on many persons in this community. .1 refer to your editorial in Apr. 2issue of the Home Jour nal under the Headir g of NEW TAXATION tbe second paragraph wherein you refer to the following “An in crease of real proparty tax has been ruled out, but a hotel tax and one or two others are un der study.’’ While the Council in its wis dom» would not consider t h e Goverror’s proposal in addition to an increase of reassessment on real property to increase al so the rate-bear in mind the excessive and confiscatory re assessment that is now under away a‘one will bring ina reve nue of over $50,000. Just ima gine if the rate had also been raised, it would mean only one thing viz: the wealthy onti nenials who are moving in fast would just take over every thing, and we are playing fast into their hands daily. The na tives are about to lose their i dentity, believe it or not. The Reeve’s report stated very ciearly that this was a small cOmmunity without any industry or resources from which to draw and that his re cowmmendations should take a matter of many years to put into practise, and taen with understanding for cur particu iar condition. The Governor seems to be in an awful hurry to put everything into play all at once, contrary to his recom mendations. | This wild orgy of taxation if allowed to go through will cripple business thiroughout the island, it must be checked. Sincerely, St. Thomian Butler Wins Primary Election Sen. Hugh Butler of Ne braska, ranking Republican on the Senate Interior and Insu lar Affairs Committee, defeat ed Gov. Val Petersenin the Republican primary election held this week. The 74 -year old Senator w h o faced his toughest test, is assured of re elect'on in this ncrmally Re publican state The Home Journal Clocking The Town Hot Spot for Tax Assessor Tax Assessor Clarice [Bryan’s tiff with Finance Commissioner’s Louis ‘Shulterbrandt which led to her sudden resignation was not the only difficulty though which she passed last week. Assailed to the left and right by property owners, furiously protesting against the reassessment of their properties, Miss Bryan was in the hottest spot every occupied by a Tax Assessor. If the pain ful outcries of property owners meant anything, the cases to be reviewed by the Board of Appeals which meets in mid-April wiil reach record propor tions. Nearly 5000 new as sessments have been sent out and increases have been made in the vast majority of cases. - Some property owners were not content to fume over the new assessments. A few of them were per sonal in their attacks and violent in their language, and one anonymous tax payer called the Tax Assessor ather home at an early hour one morning to give her a verbal spank ing : Miss Bryan will probably not quit her jub after all, in view of the warm, com mendatory, conciliatory tone of a letter written to her by the Governor, but she has convinced him that all the insults, abuse and character asaults she has to undergo make the office of Tox Assessor de serving of a higher salary than $250 a month. Gov.—Board Tiff Gov. de Castro’s bitter feeling toward the Muni cipal Council for rejecting his recommendation to sell the properties of t h e St. Thomas Power Authority was sweet and gentle love compared to the venemous feelinghe hadfor the Board of Directors of the. Authority. i He was piqued at the Board for not supporting his recommendation to the legislature. Moveover, he made no effort to hide his suspicion. t hat the Board had alotto do with the Council’s reject ion of the sale of the Corporation. In a meeting on Wednesday with members of the Board a n d legisla ture he accused the Roard of “failing inits dut y to the public” by n o t vigor ously supporting his re commendation. For t w o years, I have fought alone without any help, to ob tain more power here, he insisted. He rebuked the Board for disclosing that the loan of $125,000 grant ed to the Authority by V. I. Corporation had been cancelled, and said he was shocked by a letter writ ten by the Board to the Council. When it was sug gested that the letter be withdrawn, Alton Adams, chairman of t h e Board, hotly retorted that “I am 62 years of age, and no one is going to put words in my mouth.” It was not the first time the Governor and the Au thority h ad clashe¢d, but it was the first time it had been brought into the open.