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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
TEE HOME JOURNAL | . A Virginllsloads Pablirztién- Published Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday EARLE B. OTTLEY . - . ' . Editor b cents a copy, 50 a month, ‘ $5.00 a year, $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Monday, April, 7, 1952 Pulling a Fast One _ pl%g}a;t}iifi”?eifigfilficiéls when they slyly create e- Ermergescies, _',_‘nd “oose “with “the truth, and ~even tell brazen, bare-faced lies to deceive the people & to put across their pet schemes? _ . The misrepresentation thst.was. employed by of ,.fic als to dupe the legisla ture.into making an unce “‘remonious . somersault on - the power question is the type'of aciion that creates _.suspicion-and bad faith. Mr. James P. Davis, Di rector of the Office of Ter ritories of the Department of Interior, spoke to Gov ernor de Castro by radio ¢elecphone, last week soon a!ter the Municipal Council rejected the recommenda tion to s«ll ths power facil ities to the Virgin Tslands Goeporation. Mr. Davis”indicated that the loan of $125,000 already granted to the Power Au thority by the Corporation wdSbéing cancelled, and that a confirm ng cable gram would follow. When the news was relayed to them, members of the Board of Dircctors of the St. Thomas Power Au thority threw up their , hards, and in a letter to ‘he législature disclosing the new turn of ‘events,in dicatedthat with the with drawal of thie loan by the Covrporation a real emer gency now exXisted. Gover not de Castro, who ex pressed opposition to the loan’s cancellation,indicat- ec tht the 750 KW gen e¢.ator destined for St. Thomas, was now going to be transferred to St. Croix, ‘‘which can use it.” l Apparently, Mr. Davis pulted a fast one and got away with it. When he 'was. pinned down, he ad mitted that the $125,000 loan to the Power Authori ty stills stands, & that no action had been taken by the CGorporation -to cancel it. That statement, how ever, came after the legis * Telephone Notice ‘ . It is anticipated that the rew telephone system will go Into operation within a fe w ;months” Service will be a] vailable to all subscribers within a distance of 500 ft. of the new cable system, Sub scribers beyond © 500 feet will be required to pay additional cost of the ivstaliation in ad vance Present subscribers will be given present service nnless change or additional iservice is appiied for. Those who have not yet submitted wpplications shoutd- do - so im }m.ed{a-tely. Ch TS ! } St. Themas-Power Authority v e enfired Vialet © | General Manager . Notice To Telephone | Subscribers ' Your attention'is invited tol General Rules printed on the next to the last page of yrvur‘ telephone directory: | Article No, 2 Section (C) ‘ All bills are pa:able month ly at the Office of the St. Tho mas Power Authority on the' first day following the billing period. Failare to make fn]’.l payment on or before the 15t! of the month nest following the billing will result~in sever ing connec i:ns and removingl the telepheone afier which a new application must be madel should further service be de sired. St, Thomas Municipal, l'elephone System Fred Vial«t 1 ' wsww--General Manager The Home Journal lature had been pressured by the earlier misrepre sentation to reverse itself & approve the sale of the power facilities to the Vir gin Islands Corporation. It s ho ws the lengths to which officials are willing to go to attain their objec tives. 'To Whom It May Concern In accordance with Section 6 of Bill No. 67 of the Eighth Municipal Council of St. Thomas and St. John, Ordinance to Encourage the Establishment of New Industries and the pro motion of Tourism in St. Thomas and St. John through the Granting of Exemptions trom Certain Taxes and Fees, and the Gréanting of Special Industrial Subsidies, and for other Purposes, sanctioned and approved on the 17th day of Aug., 1951, a public hearing on the following applicant seeking ex emptions and subsidies will be held on April 17,1952, at 8:00 p.m. at the Municipal Council Hall: Name of Applicant Address Type of Business West Indies Bay St. Thomas, V.I. Manufacturing and Combpany packaging Toiletries Any person, firm, or corporation, interasted in the approv al or disapproval of an application, may aprear and be heard provided a written statement is submitted to th? Board at least one wéek prior to the hearing on such appfication. % ot Louis Lindqvist, Chairman Attest: 63 Louis Shulterbrandt, Secretary ————— AR NP ». : 6 2 : ’,:-:_ \\ %\o ..-..' :\2 <D el <o var, T e, TR . gyl W Gs d) - WA Wi o T N o *figfp”} i \ : S SR ; ; Pord sA A 4 = 7,’-‘&); <“-“; ’:?;;{%’Q;?\\ 3 & un\i: .:.E:.A‘»_.-,;A,\J.,"\ - 9 , = Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland | h ) JAMES BUCHANAN & CO. LTD., GLASGOW, SCOTLAND : B | i 1 Readers’ Forum trouble with him where he is refusing them permission to connect their sanitary lines, bearing on the fact that some day he will push them all off. Something shouldbe done about this situation, and las a poor man,am asking for help along with many others. Again I thank you Mr. Editor. | - Sincerely, | George Dunnivan