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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Will Delay ] Naming Turner’s | Successor 1 Police Director Earle Charles has said he will make no immediate recom mendation for the appoint ment of an officer to suc ceed the late William A. Turner, Assistant Director. Because a large amount of the present appropriation will have to be used to pay Mr. Turner’s accumulated leave, there will not be sufficient funds on hand to name a successor before July 1, he reveaied. He said heisalso giving thought to reorganizing the functions of the de partment to promote greater efficiency. It is expected that Lieut. Henry Morris will be named to succeed Turner, and thatother officers will be piomoted as a result of the vacancy. Public Notice _ The Public hearing on the new Fay Plan has been post-[ poned from Wednesday, April 23,1952, to May 2,1952. Hea ring will be held in Municipa) Council hall. | Ullmont L. James, Director of Personnel AN NP NI PPN NN P For Sale 1 Table Model R.C.A, Radio, $45, 1 Radio Phonograph (Silvertone) $35. 1 Baby Stroller $7. Irene L. Torres | No. 10 King’s Street ‘ Police And Prison Department Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, Virgin Is]ands ‘ Special Traffic Regulations In the event of an Air Raid Alert, which will be indicated by the sounding of the public ‘sisens, (three minutes of fluec ‘tuating or warbling sound)the following procedures will be observed: 1. All vehicles, with the ex ‘ceprion of those owned by Fe deral Agencies or Municipal 'Departmems, will immediate ly pull over to the extreme left side of the street, road or highwsy. and stop. Care will be taken by t h e drivers of these vehicles not to block street crossings or intersec tions. 1 2. Drivers and passengers in all vehicles w ill get out. and take cover in the nearest building, where they will re ‘main until the all clear signal (three steady b l as t s of the | public sir ens of one minute duration each, with intervals lof two minutes between each Iblast), or until they are evac luated to a designated area. 3. Federal and Municip3l vehic'es will proceed at a mod erate speed directly to their respective department head iquarters, park on the extreme left of the street, and await orders from the heads of their departments. 4. All vehicles of the Public Works Department, with the exception of garbage trucks and fire engines, will report to the motor pool of that de partment, and await orders from the Superintendent. 'Garbage trucks will pull over to the extremeleft of the road or street and stop. Fireengines will operate under orders from the Brardmajor. 5. Buses will immediately move at a moderate speed to the nearest bus-stop where they will prompty discharge all passengers, then proceed directly th the nearest ter minal, where they will re main until the all clear signal is sounded, or other orders for ’movement ane given, ' 6. Pedestrians will take cover in the nearest building and remain therein until the all clear is sounded,or evacua tion orcers are given. ‘ 7. Fersons who may be in- The Home Journa) churches, theaters, stores and other public buildings will go to the gound floor of these places and remain where they are until the all clear signal is sounded, or orders for their evacuation are given. . 8. Persons connected wilh Civil Defense Activities, who 'wear or conspicuouslg display appropriate Civil Defense In signia, and such vehicles ,(with appropriate identifica tion displayed) as may be usedl for their transportation _are exempted from the provisions of these regulations. ; Earle H. Charles ‘ Director of Police 1 APPROVED: | Morris F. de Castro : Governor. | S ———————————————————— ——.— { Police Notice ] The attention of all house owners is directed to the factl that Sections 42 and 43 of | Police Regulations for St. John require that every housecwner must cause the name of the street, road or place to be plainly painted on the corner of the house facing the pubMe street. It is also required that the street number, is to be put up in a conspicuous way upon the house. It is directed that the ‘fforegoing requirement be complied with by all house iowners within a period of sixty days from this date, Failure to do so will result in action being taken against them in the Police Court, for violation of the law, Earle H, Charles Directur of Police Office of the Director of Police Fort Christian Charlotte Amulie ~ St. Thomaa, Virgin Islands i April 19, 1952 e i e e Notice Mrs. Agnes Daniel is selling out her complete stock of merchandise. Pay a visit and take advantage of the greatly reduced prices, A WORD TO CUSTOMERS All bills must be paid by May 15, or arrangement made for early settlement. Urges Pay Boost For Dept. Heads The budget for the fis cal year 1952-53 "which Goverrnor de Castro has re commended to the local le gislature, urges increases in salary for heads of most municipa: agencies and de partment. : T h.e biggest increase would go tofjthe Tax As sessor-from $3200' to $4200 a year. Other increases proposed by the Governor incude: Auditor, $4200 to $5000; Police Judge, S3BOO to $4200; Personnel Direc tor, S3BOO to 4200; Harbor master, S4OOO to $4200, & Police Director, S3BOO to $4200. Police and Prison Department Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, V,I. Sheriff’s Notice i ‘The Public is hereby noti fied that the Sheriff will take laction a s prescribed in Section 10 of. ‘“Ordinance to Provide Addit'onal Revenuss by Levying Certair Trade Taxcs and Fees,’”’ by the at tachment and sale of personal property o f persons owing Delinquent Trade Taxes, un less the same is paid in to the Office of the Sheriff at Fort Christian not later than sioo p.m, Friday May 2, 1952, I Action will also be taken to advertise and sell real pro perty under existing laws, for which Real Property Taxes are due for the calendar year 1950, unless the same is paid in to the Office of the Commission er of Finance not later than 3:00 p.m.,Friday, May 2.1952. Earle H. Charles, Sheriff Office of the Sheriff St. Thomas, Virgin Islands April 21, 1952 : For Sale 1950 Studebaker, No. 731. Mileage 79¢5. Price 31700 cash. Apply to Louisenhoj