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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday EARLEB. OTTLEY . .. ... Editor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Wednesday, April 23, 1952 Disturbing Action An ordinance designed to extend the life of the Vir gin Islands Tourist Devel opment Board which is due to expire on June 30, was the subjec: of reated controversy in the Legis lative Assembly last week. The members from St. Croix have never been will ing to pay one half of the expenses of the Tourist Board, as required by u: e law enacted by the Assem bly. Upto now, the St. Croix legislature has con tributed only S6OOO to the Board, and has failed to provide the additional S3OOO to match the S9OOO put up by this municipal ity. St. Croix argues that the Municipa!:ity ot St. Thomas and ~t. < ohu reaps most of the benefits of the tourist trade, therefore the latter should pay most of the ex penses of the agency. Fig ures released by the [our-! rist Foard, however, indi cat d that f r the past two fiscal years the ag-ncy has been sp-nding an ever increasing sum to feature St. Croix exclusively, with ohe view of popularizing the island among potential visitors. If any island is receiving favored treat ment from the board, it is St. Croix. It is distur' ing to hear representatives from one[ municipality assailing the motives and intentions of! the other, and taking the| narrow-mind:d view that| each island must receive $1 of tangible results for every single dollar invest ed. Such arguments give |r Ise to recriminations which pull the islands wider apart. If we are finding it impossible to reach agreement now on the expenses for one or two agencies which serve t h e Virgin Islands as a whole, how are we going to make out when the two municipalities are abolish ed, and t he expenses of running the entire Virgin Islands will have toibe borne by one treasury? ‘Will it ever be possible to reach agreement on an in sular budget? ‘ Police and Prison l Department Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, V.I. : Sheriff’s Notice | The Public_is hereby noti fied that the Sheriff wiil take action a s prescribed in Section 10 of: ‘‘Ordinance to Provide Addit onal Revenus=s by Levying Certair Trade Taxcs and Fees.”” by the at. tachment and sale of personal properiy o f persons owing Deunquent Trade Taxes, un ess the same is paid in to the Cffice of the Sheriff at Fort Christian not later than sioo p.m, Friday May 2, 1952, I Action will also be taken to advertise and sell real pro-| per.y under existing law , for! which R:al Preperty Taxes arel due for the calendar year 1950, unless ihe same 1s paid in to rhe Office of the Commission er of Finence not laier than 3:00 p.m.,Friday, May 2 1952. Eaile H. Charles, Sheriff Office of the Shenift St. Themas, Virgin Islands | April 21, 1952 | For Sale 1 Table Model R.C.A Radioc, §45, 1 Radio Phonograph (Silvertone) SBS. 1 Baby Stroller $7. Irene L. Torres No. 10 King’s Street The Home Journal Police And Prison Department‘i | Charlotte Amalie ~ St. Thomas, Virgin Islands Special Traffic Regulations In the event of an Air Raid’ Alert, which will be indicated by the sounding of the public sisens, (three minutes of fluc ’tuating or warbling sound)the following procedures will be ‘ubserved: 1. All vehicles, with the ex ception of those owned by Fe deral Agencies or Municipal Departments, will immediate }ly pull over to the extreme left side of the street, road or highway. and stop. Care will be taken by t he drivers of these vehicles not to block‘ street crossings or -intersec- Ltions. 1 2. Drivers an d passengers in all vehicles w ill get out. and take cover in the nearest building, where they will re main until the all clear signal (three steady b 1 a s t s of the public si r ens of one minute 'duration each, with intervals of two minutes between each blast), or until they are evac !uated to a designated area. 3. Federa] and Municipal vehicles will proceed at a mod erate speed directly to their respective department head quarters, park on the extreme left of the street, and await‘ orders from the heads of their departments. | 4. All vehicles of the Public Works Department, with the exception of garbage trucks and fire engines, will report‘ to the motor pool of that de- The Ideal Gift for all Occasions . . . “P ARK ER” Pens, Pencils & Desk Sets New stocks just received: Firkey S- U1 -Gl TN . 165 D T den - "Bl - Silver Cap... .. oo 138 D TWaker Pen -0 - Sheeile a0 o 1000 FUNSE e R g TR e AN Pen - EMERRRReT .. oL e Parker Pen -- “Hopalong Cassidy’’ ball point _______________ .93 Refill for the ““Hopalong Cassidy,"pen__ ... ... _.. .35 Parker Mechanical Work Pencil, for office and general use__ 1.00 All the above pens in assorted colors and points, and “Parker’ Pencils to match all pens Also ‘‘Parker’” Desk Sets - single and double - from $12.5) to $33 SEE OUR DISF! AY TODAY" : Remember you buy at cheaper prices in the Virgin Islands than in the United States HAY‘'S DEPARTMENT STORE Authorized Dealers ! partment, and await orders from the Superintendent. Garbage trucks will pull over to the extremeleft of the road or street and stop. Fireengines will operate under orders from the Brandmajor. 5. Buses will immediately ‘move at a moderate speed to the nearest bus-stop where they will prompty discharge all passengers, then proceed directly th the nearest ter minal, where they will re main until the all clear signal is sounded, or other orders for movement ane given. 6. Pedestrians will take cover in the nearest building and remain therein until the all clear is sounded,or evacua tion orders are given. 7. Persons who may be in churches, theaters, stores and other public buildings wili go to the gound floor of these places and remain where they are until the all clear signal is sounded, or orders for their evacuation are given. 8. Persons connected wilh Civil Defense Activities., who wear or conspicuously display appropriate Civil Defense In signia, and such vehicles (with appropriate identifica tion displayed) as may be used for their transportation are exempted from the provisions of these regulations. Earle H. Charles Director of Pulice APPROVED: Morris F. de Castro Governor.