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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAIL- 2nd Year Anglican Convocation Meets Here The Third Convocation of the Virgin Islands diocese of the Anglican Church will meet at All Saints’ Church, St. Thomas, Tuesday ana Wednesday, May 6th and 7th. The Right Revd A.E. Swift, Bishop-in-charge, will pre side and will deliver the Episcopal Charge Tuesday evening at the opening service which begins at Bo’clock. His Excellency the Governor has been in vited and has signified hisintention to be present. Ardheadon Swinson and Father MacLaughlin will conduct the service. The Revd H. M. Pigott will be the celebrant at 6:45a .m. Wednesday, assisted by Father Aldrich and Father MacLaugh lin. Father Pigott wili soon be retiring as rector of the Christiansted parish, where he has served for almost foriy years, after almost fifty years in the priesthood of the Anglican Church, Before coming to St. Croix, he served churches in Antigua and St. Kitts. The Revd. John Levo, rector emeritusof Frederiksted will be unable to attend on account of ill health, | Prominent laymen from St. Croix who will take part are: the Hon. D. C. Canegaia, M D.. Administrator, who is ( ‘hancellor of the Virgin Is landsf diocese; Mr. Malcoim K. Armstrong; Mr Ernest Benjamin; Almeric Christian, E«q.; v r. Roubert S: Fleming; and Mr. Lecander Henderson, who is Treasurer of Convoca tion. Mr Rupert Williams will represent Holy Cross Chureh, K:ingshill. St. Thomas will be repre sented by Mr. Carl A. Anduze, continued on page 4 St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Monday, May 5, 1952 Asks Court To Reverse Order Os Commission James Gifft, through his attorney, Francisco Corneiro, has appealed a decision of the Compen \sation Commission to the District Court. The deci sion directed h i m to pay as compensation f r inju ries suffered by William Hodge, the sum of $1,787.56. Mr. Gifft described the Commission’s order as im proper, and not in accor darce with applicable’ law and charged that Compen sativn Commissioner Regi nald Davis, upon whose origninal ruling the ap peal was made to the Commission, “‘participat ed actively in the hearing and trial of s u ¢ h appeal and exercised undue in fluence in its determina tion.” He also charged that t h e Commission’s order was approved and given effect by an insufficient number of members of the Commission actually present at t h e meeting. $305 Fines Imposed In ‘ Police Conrt ; The s um of $305 in fines was imposed by Judge Chris tian in the Police Court on Friday, setting a new record. One defendant, Eric Smith, who was charged with display ing a deadly weapon, was Raps Tau Lose; Rubicans Win The biggest upset of the softbzll season occured yester day when the Pirates took bo h ends of a doubleheader from the previously undefeat ed Tau, The Rubicans, w h o have yet to lose, Itock two games from the Home Gua'd. Marines Wreck Bar: Beat Owier Who Fiees - Sergio Gonzalez, owner of El Lielo Bar in the lßack Street, fled from ithe establishment on Sat urday night when he was lattacked by a group of ’U.S. Marines. He said the servicemen started to beat him whenhe attempted to stop them from fighting among themselves. Atter he fled, the Ma rines smashed the bar, tearing the door off a re frigerator, throwing a nickelodeon to t h e floor, and tossing out chairs and tables. They fled before the arrival of the shore patrol and pclice officers. Music Programs iad Wadne day, Thursd.y } . : ¥ At CARS Audidorem ! A Music We e k program, under the directior of Music Supervisor Adele Galiber will be held at t he High School auditorium on Wednesday and Tharsday :night, May 7 and 8, at 8:15 o’ clock. The participants will include Rubina Farrington, the Junior Glce Club, Edith Rose Francis, Greta Hall, Alicia Calistro ard Janet Harrigan. Special Music Week pro grams are being held in sever al schovls, Rev. Aldersiey will speak at the program at Jef ferson School this afterncon at 4 o’clock. Other programs will be held at Commandant Gade Schoul at 2:30 p.m. to morrow; at the Dober School at 10:00 a.m. on Wedne:zday, ai.d at Lincoln School at 9:00 on Thursday. The program w i | | actually embrace a two week period, with the annual Lincoln Sehool Maypole exercises set for Thursday, May i 5. No. 152 l L o $ Os I's !Nearly uts Offßrothe Arm With Machete I Swinging a machete, An tonio Caliwood nearly cut off the left hand of hig brother, !Herman Callwoced, in an alter. cation at koss Yard last ]night. Herman, who was cut between the wrist and elbow, ; was taken to the hospital in a Iserious condition. l Antonio was arrested by the lpo!ice and held for investiga tion. The machete was also seized. Antonio said that Hep man had threatered to kil | him and Edwin, another bro ther, b o e ;Employees Hit New Pay Plan l About sixty municipal employees attended 2 lhearing' on the new pay iplan held at the Council’s thall on Friday night by | Personnel Director Ulmont James. Most of the employees who expressed their views were highly eritical of the plan, and urged that it be amended to provide more reasonable compensation. Mr. James promised to study the recommenda itions and to revise the clan which will be sub mitted to the Governor and legislature during this month. bbb s 5 Supreme Court Justice Has Session in Tortola The Supreme Court Justice from Antigua opened court in loadtown, Tortola last Wed nesday. Hel d annually, the session in Tortola hears t h e most important cases, whic: are beyond the jurisdiction of the Commissioter, and also (appeals frem decisions of the Chrmmissioner.