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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication | Published Ever('iy Monday, | Wednesday and Saturday | EARLE B. OTTLEY . . . . . . kditor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $6.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Monday, May 5, 1952 The Pay Plan i Municipal employees, with very few exceptions, aredissatisfied with ;t h e recommendati ns that are contained in the first draft ofthe new pay plan prepar ed by the Div. of Person nel Alchough it is estima ted that the proposed in creases'insalarty would cost the municipality be tween $75,000 and SIOO,- 000, the new pay plan would still leave t' e vast majority of employees at! the same shamefully low levels. In his budget mes sage, the Govern r empha sized that additional re venue would ‘be needed next fiscal year to enable the municipality to make jobs more attractive to employees, who are leav ing in large numbers to accept jobs with Federal agencies and private en terprise. Despite the pro posed upward revision of the plan. however, many employees would receive only $5 to $8 per month more, while others w. uld have to be satisfied with their existing pay Obviously, there will never be enough money to satisfy the demands of every emp'oyee for what he considers to be an ade quate and reasonable salary boost. It is not pos sible for us to match, dol lar for dollar, t he wages paid by the Federal gov ernment or by certain - private enterprises. But with SIOO,OOO, we should be able to satisfy more emp'oyees than we have yet done. | There are more contro versies,dissatisfation and distrast existing under the pay plant h a n when the legislature, acting by whim, caprice and politi cal consideration, juggled municipal salaries around at the beginning of each fiscal year. The pay plan which is designed to com pensate employees on a scientific, objective basis hzs not yet succeed d inl eliminating gross inequi ties. Whether correct or not, many employees strongly believe t at the rate of compensation one gets still largely depends upon who they are, rather than upon what duties they perform. The taxpayers who are being called upon to raise the money which wlll be required to pay for the in creases in salaries do not | ke the idea at all. If, des pit« imp sing additional burdens cn the taxpayers we still leave our employ ees disgruntled, we will have lost all around. For Lease Booths Non. 2 and No. 3 avaiiable for lease or rental at the Harry S Truman Air Terminal. These booths to be used for display purposes ¢nly. ~ Call or phone the manage m-nt Harry S. Truman Ex change 225. Roy P. Gordon General Manager St. Thomas Development Authority ! For Sale 1950 Studebaker, No. 731, Mileage 79 5. Price isl7oo cash. Appy to Loiusenhoj For Sale One swmall piano in first class condition. H. NORMAN, piano tuner Opposite Home Jrurnal The Home Journal A\ s (XIS P ALCOA STEAMSHIP CO., INC. ,/_3'))///// L : SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Sails New York Due St. Thomas Ss. Sapho [Direct) May 9th May 15th S.s. Alcoa Puritan (via Bermuda) Mav 16th May 24th S.s. General Artigas [Dirert] May 2ith J.une 4th S.s. Alcoa Plarter (via Bermuda) June 6th Jure 13ih Sailings from Norfolk May 10th and 31st and Baltimore May 3llst snd June 3rd) SAILINGS FROM GULF PORTS New Orleans Mobile Due S . Thomas Alcoa Pointer April 24 April 26 May 6:h A Steamer June sth June Tth June 17th SAILING TO NEW YORK S.s. General Artigas About May 18th . change or canceflation. e vessl and 3ing S 0 P lands ond i e e, ol n et Y ARLOTTE AMALIE ° 14 QU4E‘EN STREE CH TELEP“PN!S’ 440, 4 v : Shop At A. H. RIISE Feor Fine Quality Liquors Food Products Al NOURISHING BREADS BAKED DAILY QUALITY ICE CREAM