A Virgin Islands Publication
Published Evelx' Monday, an SaturdaE
EARLEB. OTTLEY . ... .. Editor
5 cent a copy, 5¢ a month,
$6.00 a year ¥7.00 abroad
Advertising Rates on Request
Monday, May 12, 1952
Amazing Transformation
Up to a few years ago,
national politics held in
terest to only a handful of
the inhabitants of the Vir
gin Islands. Outside of the
overnor and a few other
top officials who knew that
their jobs depended upon
which party won the four
vear lease to the White
House, and a tiny colony
of continentals, people in
the Vir%-in Islands paid
very little attention to the
fights which were waged
for the Presidency & con
trol lg&mgress.To be sure
the i§lands were, and pro
bably still are overwhelm
ingly Democratic, thanks
to'the generous contribu
tions made by the New
Deal in the lean years fol
lowing the great depres
sion. The man on t he
street never forgot or for
gave Herbert Hoover for
his characterization of the
islands as “a perpetual
poor house.” To term one
a siepublicanin those days
was to invite a fistie clash.
Time has ghanfed. To
day, many residents are
more informed about na-.
tional golitics & more in
terested in it, than they
areo about Virgin Islands
affairs, & Republicans are
sprouting up all over the
lot. :
Virgin Islands.. part
icipants in national politics
are so hopeful and am
bitious they are no longer
content to sit at the mas
ter's table and scrabble
for the political crumbs
that drop to the floor.
Thkey aredemanding juicy
plums too. 1
‘While most Democrats
and those whose futures
are linked to the De
mocratic adminijstration
get the jitters every time
they hear the name ‘‘lke,”
some Republicans - have
begun to prepare lists with
the names of a new Gov
ernor, Government Sec
retary, District Attorney,
Judge, and a host of other
Federal plums. To hear
the politicos tell it, the
November election will
S{)ell the greatest house
cleaning in Virgin Islands
history. If the GOP train
is de-railed, there will not
be envughhandkerchieves
in Macy’s to scp up the
tears. :
The President Os The Uhnited
To: The Heirs and Next of
Kin of Augustina Samuel, de
ceased. |
If you have any cause to
show why the paper writing
dated March 7, 1949, purport-l
ing to be the Last Will and
Testament of Augustina Sam
vel, late of St. Thomas Virgin
Islands, deceased, should not
be admitted to Probate and re
lcord, and why Letters 'of
Administration C.T.A. should
lnot be granted to Alphonsu A.
Christian, Esquire, to adminis
ter the estate in the place of
iC.G. Thiele, deceased, named
Executor therein, you shall
| appear and make 8 u ¢ h cause
lknown before the District
‘Court of the Virginlslands, on
‘the 10th - day of June, A.D.,
1952, at 10:00 A.M.
f WITNESS the hand of
‘George A. ‘Mena, Esquire,
Dirtrict Court Commissioner,{
this 3rd day of May, A,D,,
1952. :
.o . ~George A. Mena,
District Court Commissioner
Alphonso A. Christian l
The Home Journal
Question of laxation
Like myself, there are
still a number of others
existing from the days of
of LIVING,’and they will
all tell how happy we
were with our Lower
Standard of Living. We
could ea t of the best for
onefifth the price of today,
drink of the best, dressin
fine English ClothinE, and
the best Chinese Silk, Ra
%Bll was not yet known.
e could live and own
the best homes for a frac
tion of its today’s value.
Even children had money
in thebank. Life was hap
piness wit h that lower
standard of living. The
ambition of that time was
to pay for what we had or
don’t have it.
The reqtfiirements of to
day’s higher standard of
living is to have the best
if we even cannot afford
to pay forit. Build the
?best home, own the bect car,
take friends to the best Hotels
and live three times ajove
our ability. As long as such
SUMMONS [Civil Action - Duplicate)
In the District Court of the Virgin Islands
Division of St. Thomas and St. John at Charlotte Amalie
William H. Fleming, Plaintiff)
‘The Heirs and next of kin of Civil No. 158 - 1952
Su:anna Stenb?rg and all
other persons claiming an in- : .
terest in re al property No. Action to Quiet Title
6 Ny Norsidevej, Kronpr i n
sens Qtr. St. Thomas, Virgin
Islands, Defendants
The President of the United States:
To the Heirs and Next of Kin of Susanna Stenberg
Defendants. ete.
Within the limited by law, July 5, 1952, your are hereby
required to appear before this Court and answer to a com
plaint filed against you in this action; and in case of your
failure to appear Or answer, judgment by default will be
tatli:en azainst you as demanded in the complaint, to quiet
Witness my hand and the Seal of the Court this 2nd day
of May 1962
- George A. Mena, Clerk of the Court
Alphonso A. Christian, Atterney for Plaintiff
people are interested in living
tothe tune of “HIGHER
long will they rcquire* more
and more taxes to satisfy
their foolish ambition As
long as we the taxpayers are
disposed to pay their bill, so
long will they exploit us.
Unity demands that tax
es go no Ligher then tobe
passed on to the poor comsu
mers or Tenants. The ass will
be given the load as long as
he stands up & accepts it, but
when he lay down with that
load, a part must sure be re
moved before that ass will
carry it. Yesterdayit was
your Brother's home or
business sold on Sheriff sale
for taxes, tomorrow it might
be yours or mine if we are in
different. ‘‘Let’s insist on no
more unreasonable taxes.
Jose 1. Gimenez.
For Lease
Booths N 0.2 and No. 3
avaiiable for lease or rental at
the Harry S. Truman Air
These booths to be used for
display purposes only.
Call or phone the manage
ment Harry S. Truman Ex
change, 225.
Roy P. Gordon
General anager
St. Thomas Development