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Doris Galiber Singing In “Porgy and Bess” Will Appear In Metropolitan Opera House, Tour U.S., Europe Doris Galiber, of St ~ Thomas, a mezzo soprano, I has been chosen to sing in the musical, ‘‘Porgy andl Bess,” and will appear in the famed New York Metropolitan Opera House. Out of 700 singers from all over the United S ates, who took the audition,, forty were chosen. Four, including Miss Galiber, are in their twenties. One is the winner of a Marian Andersen Fellow ship, another hasa Rosenthal, Fellowship, and a third hasa John Hay Whitney Award. The others are in theilsn thirtifs’] and forties, eCS AR e g LSk el and nave had experience, of long standing. Miss Galiber began rehear sals last week. Theshow opens on June 9 in Dallas, Texas for two weeks,then two weeks in| Los Angeles, California, and two more weeks in Washing | ton, D.C. It will be at the‘ Metropolitan Opera house for one wnonth, and will mark the first time thut a Negro show will be staged in the ‘‘Met.” After the engagement in New York will come a tour of Europe. The goup will open the ‘'Berlin Festival of Music”’ in Berlin, then will move on to Rome, points in Denmark, The Hague, Paris and England and other European spots. ; In selecting the singers for the show, talent to sing, per sonality, background (college) were considered. A graduate of the Charlotte Amalie High School and Howard University, wher: she majored in Music, Miss Gali ber has been climbing rapidly. She was outstanding at Howard, where her voice teacher, Miss Grant, took special interest in her. After Miss Galiber's graduation from Howard, Mise Grant turned her over to Madame Marinka Gurewich a Russian, who specializes in training singers for the stage. Last I e Iyear, Madame Gurewich ‘pre sented Doris at the New York College of Music where severe critice were gathered and she passed the test.ina big way. Miss Gabiber has sung in many cities on the mainland, while touring with the Howard University Choir as soloist He~ most brilliant pro : _ : I Clocking The Town ‘% Supporters are urging] ex-Councilman Louis! Hodge, who los to Wey mouth Rhymer in 1950 to run again for the legisla ture in November. Broth-l er Hodge,a carpenter,who | ils now working at the; hospital project, declined to run in the speciai elec ltion, declatring he was too itoo busy. ' Speaking about new cand:dates in Nuvember, Gunny Maduro, proprietor of Maduro’s Lumber Yard, admits he will be gunning {for a Council seat in the next election... There are also reports tnat admir {ers of WSTA"'s Bill Greer are urging him to throwl this hat into the ring. | ‘ Radio Station WIVL, St. Croix began broadcasting op erations this week. Since the B atty-Thompson case, no in {eident has disturbed Crucians ‘more than the failure of the | station to get permission to go !on air two weeks ago on the ‘occasion of the dedication of |the Charles Harwood Hospital. llf the vociferous protests | which wereraised at that time ~mean anything, t h e station |should receive the support it {will need from the community ’to stay alive. . ! There was a beautiful wed ding at Mafolie recently, and The Home Journal gram, however, was in Ber muda Daughter of Mrs., Adele Galiber, Muszic Supervisor here, Doris is twenty-seven years, but looks like seven teen because of her sunny disposition. Her favorites are French, Italian and German ‘lsongs. Many pleasdnt things | have been said about her sirg -ling ability, but the one she likes Jest is “'she has a golden bird singing in her throat.’”’ ’After years of hard work, she is modest and thinks she’s ]lucky to have been chosen for “Porgy and Bess.”’ tscores of friends and acquain tances of the couple were on hand. Among the guests were two candidates in the special {election who got as much at tention as the newly-weds. One |of them momentarily stole the o R e L B e it i) e e 2 ¢ ALCOA STEAMSHIP CO., INC B U TN 2 SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK Sails New Yurk Due St. Thomas S.s. Alcoa Puritan (via Bermuda) May 15th May 24th S.s. Geuneral Artigas |Direct] May 23th June 4th S.s. Alcoa Planter (via Bermuda} June 6th Jure 13 h (Sailings from Norfolk May 10th and 31st and Balom sre May 3ist and June 3rd) SAILINGS FROM GULF PORTS New Orleans Mobile Due St. Thomas Alcoa Pointer April 24 April 26 May 6 h | A Steamer June sth June 7th « June 17 h 1! SAILING TO NEW YORK ‘ | S.s. General Artigas About May 18th .{ . E et 10 change of cancellation. Above vessels and sailing dates V;U‘:'IT:L ::n |sc|‘:r?ds and Brifish L | & i occeP::f é:; :':e;onse of call on application. : : 4 Do s ’ | m £ AMALIE:S A GUEEN STRER] . ;f CHARLOT TELEPHONES: 440, T ‘R e N RS TR T YLTB WD R ’show from the other by taking a gracious curtesy,giving afine ltoast,and presenting the bride with a lovely bouquet of flow ‘ers. Not to be outdone, the ______continued on paged = FOR SALE {1942 De Soto Custom 4-door Sedan. Mileage 8,500 leather upholstery. n esw plastic seat covers. Very good condition Apply GEORGE LEVI & SON l oL v B T | Selling Off At Cost Price Large size Men’s pants ' Many other articles still on hand i COME EARLY! t| -to get the best. {lnly l : 1 week more DANIEL'S SQUARE DEAL