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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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The Town Crier @ P ercy De Jongh, the Virgin Islands Auditor, has undergone eye opera tion in Puerto Rico, and expects to be away from his desk for several weeks. Arthur Bryan is acting Auditor in his absence. Tears were shed by members of the congrega tion last Sunday when Rev. C.F. Aldersley, pas tor of Memoria: Moravian Church, announced that he would be leaving in July for a new assign ment at Antigua. A hard, tireless worker, -who kept an amazing number of church organizations and functions going with splendid results, R e wv. Aldersley endeared him self to the congregation, who looked upon him not alone as a minister, but as a friend and counselor. They were so surprised and shocked that when the pastor announced a song after the disclosure, no one sang, and all day church members called on him to express heart felt regret. Omar Brown, the chair man of the legislature, Notice Notice is hereby given to a'l parties interested that the undersigned has been appoint ed the Admistrator of the Es tate vs William A. Turner, deceased. Creditors of the Estate are requested to file with the un dersigned, within six [6] months from the date hereof, whatever claims they may have against the Estate. Debt ors of the Estate are likewise requested to settle their ac counts with the Estate within the said period of time. Signed: Henry Morris Dated: May 15, 1952 has started work on a shirt factory. The building which will house it isbeing built in the lot north of the Donk Shop. Brown re cently got a loan of SSOOO from the Virgin Islands Corporation to finance the enterprise. } Gov. de Castro & mem-! b-rs of the legislature in spected the Agricultural Station at Dorothea on Thursday. = Closed downl as a Federal activity, the station will be continued under the direction of Al phonse Nelthropp as a municipal project. The U.S. Attorney this week filed an injunctive action against Tropicana Hotel Corporation, which owns and operates Carib bean Hotel, for failure to comply with t h e Ceiling Price Regulations, which Community Organ Committee % Initiates Move - The Community Orga n‘ Committee, a group of public spirited individuals, has initia ted a move to raise funds for the purchase of an electric or gan for our community by se v.ral planned projects. Con vinced that the need for pub lic participation in musical programs is acute and that the ‘“Community Sing’’ is one of the best means of diversion for t h e populace in general, the Committee expects to launch an educational cam paign in order to gain the pub lic’s understanding and sup port of the undertaking. | As the plans unfold a ndl progress it is hoped that Saint Croix may be encouraged to make a similar move ahead so that community music may be! come a permanent reality for the enjoyment of all the in-‘ habitant of the Virgin Islands. The Home Journal establish @eiling prices for the sale of meals and bev erages. Seven persons who re gistered recently for t h e special election were chal lenged bp an elector, and six of them appeared Dbe fore the chairman of the Electoral Board to sweat that they had established residence here for. at least a year. An invitation has been extended to the general public to visit the U.S.S. Chilton today between the hours of 10 a.m. and 3 p. m. in observance of Armed Forces Day. The bill recently passed by the Council authorizing the Governor to sell sand from Mandahl Bay has been vetoed by Governor Castro, who said he is certain that there are other local sands just as good or better than the Mandahl sand. The Legislatve Assembly will meet in informal session in St. Croix on May 27 to Notice Effective Monday, May 19, 1952 The Donk Shop shall discontinue serving Dinners for a short time. The Dcnk Shop shall open at 8- A.M. for Breakfast and réemain open until 8 P.M. for your Cock tail Pleasure. Lunches as usual. THE DONK SHOP discuss items for the agenda for the regular sessiorn to be held here in July. Twelve hundred U.S. Marines, together with more than 500 sailors will be visit- ! ing St. Thomas today and tomorrow. To set up the Virgin Is lands paricipation in the Carib bean Festival to be held in San Juan, Gov. de Castro has appointed a Folklore Com mittee to be composed of Mrs. Eldra Shulterbrandt, Miss Aline Kean, Mrs. Ann Holland, Charles Emanuel, J. Antonio Jarviz and H. W. iGoeggel. es i e Notice Permission has been grant ed for the taking of seabird eggs from May 10 to June 15, 1952, inclusive, subject to the following provision: } (1) The eggs of Noddys, Larkbicds and Davies only ‘may be taken. ~ (2) All other seabirds must be strictly left alone. ~ This permission will be revoked upon proven failure to comply with these regulatiuns given to conserve the seabirds ’of this Municipality. ; 1 The Game Commission ‘ E. L. Simmons, Director