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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME J@RN——AL . 2nd Year Make Plea For Better Pay For Nurses A strong plea for more attractive salaries for nurses in orderto relieve! the existinlg shortage was] made last Friday by Doc-| tors John S. Moorhead and Roy Anduze in a hear-‘ ing held by the Municipal | Committee on the appro-‘ Briations for the Health! apartment for the 1952-.‘ 53 fiscal year. The (%’ommissioner of; Health and his Assistant: pointed out that it is im possibie to obtain trained nurses at the salary now offered, and urged that' as a beginning nurses who graduate from recognized’ school be given the same compensation as college trained teachers. - The addition of one physician to the staff of! the hospitaland the crea tion of the position of housekeeper were recom mended. The need for substan tially increasing the appro priation for medical pur poses when the new hospital is put info opera tion was discussed. The new hospital is expected to be completed in Feb ruary. , Governor Speaks Today Gov, de Castro will deliver| another supper-time chat over radio station WSTA this even ing at 6:45 o’clock. ’ ‘Macbeth’ to be Repeated Tues. The presentation of “Mac-i beth’’ hy the Senior Class of the High School was so high-, = ly acclaimed by those who at-| tended the performance on' St. Thomu,?Virgin Islands, Monday, Ma] 19: 1952 'Caribbean Synod of Lutherans To Meet May 29 | The first convention of the Caribbean Synod oft!:e 'Lutheran Church will be 'held in San Juan on May | 129,30 and 31. Composed : of all Lutheran Churches 'in Puerto Rico and the‘ lVirgin Islands, the Synod will be formally organized atl | this convention which will be presided over by Dr. Franklin ‘ Fry, president of the Lutheran €hurch. Brown To Quit AsGuide Head Omar Brown, Sup-rvi sor of the Virgin Islands | Progressive Guide, is ex 'pected toannounce his re signa’ion at a meeting of the organization thisweek. Chairman of the Legisla tive Assembly, the Muni tcipal Council, and tte Or ganic Act Commi tee, Mr. Brown has recently e . consiruction work on a building to hcouse a shirt factory, and he 1s b:lieved to be resigning as supervi sor due to the pressure of these cther activities. Committee Ends Hearings This Week The Municipal Committee 'will wind up its hearings on the budget this week, and ex pects to issue a formal ceport on the 1952-53 appropriation act to t he legislature some time next week. The Depart ments of Education and Wel fare will be heard today, and Ilater this week the Committee 'will confer with Governor de| ‘Castroonthe revised estimates. i Friday that it will be repeated; tomorrow night in the CAHS; courtyard Butler Ukag,q Senate To Name | ICom. on V.L Act| In a letter written on May 9 to Ashley L. Totten, president of the American %Virgin Islands Civic As 'sociation, of New, York, iSenator Hugh Butler, of ‘Mebraska, ranking Re publican cn the Committee l continued on page 4 _ THE TOWN CRER Miss Adina Dunlop, who. was a Graduate Nurse in| St. Thomas before sh eif left for New York nearly: thirty years ago, is home! for several weeks vacation.! She is now connected with ! the New York Dept. of l Hospitals. She is the-sis ter of Grocer Willy Dunlop and the aunt of Police Sgt. Raelle Dunlop. ' Miss Leona Gibbs, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Arn 1d Gibbs of this city, became the bride Friday night of Mr. Louis Augus tus Joseph in a ceremony at the Lutheran Church. Dr. Sabatelle isconclud ing the purchase of Fish Bay from Hon. Julius Sprauve. The 300-odd acre St. John estate has a good harbor. Survey work has been start ed at Estate Hope, and wheni the task of mapping out plots has been . completed, land will be allocated to applicants by the Homestead Commission. ! | Maurice Brady, 16, son of, Mr. and Mrs. Ruel Brady of | St. Croix, was drowned earlier this month in Dryers Beach, :nea‘r San Francisco, California, while on an outing. No. 158 Coldessats On 7 X 'Mental Helth Set I A working conference on Mental Health, will be held here June 5 through June 7 for the staffs of the Health, Welfare, and Education Departments, the Courts and other social agencies. - Dr. Roger William Howell, Professor of Men tal Health of the Univer -1 Bity of North Carolina, at | Chapel Hill, will lead ‘the ' discussions. gExpectanl Mother Struck By Car ! Beryl Hector charged last night that sh: was struck on ‘the shoulder and abdomen by {a car driven by Übaldo Swan ‘ when she tried toget her 1 1-2 year old son out of the way of the vehicle near Denton’s gro cery. Eight months’ preg nant, she was detained in the i hospital. Swan said that the boy tried to run across the street from behind two parked cars, a n d that w hen his mother at tempted to stop him he struck his head against one car, but he appeared unhurt. Charged With Offering Marijuana for Sale Juan Fuentes Comacho was arrested on Saturday and charged with offering to sell marijuana cigarettes to visit ing servicemen. Nomarijuana was found on him when he was searched at Fort Chris tian, however. [Com. Acts On Police Promotions The promoOtions o f Police fficers Morris, Hendricks and Felix were confirmed last week by the Police Commission, but it rejected two other recom mendations of the Police Di recter. Instead, the Commis sion voted to promote Cpl. Ira Chesterfield to Sergeant a n d Ptm. Jurgen to Corporal.