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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL 2ad Year Democrats Adopt Wew Constitution The Democratic Club of§ St. Thomasformally adopt- | ed its constitution at a special mee: held on! Wednesday night. | Membership in th- Club is open to any U.B. citizen - 18 years of age or over, w h o has resided in the] Virgin Islands for a peri | od of one year or more, or any non-citizen, at least 18 y-ars of age, who has legally resided here for five years or more. ' Persons who are mem bers of any other political party, either locally or on the state or national level, are not eligible for mem bership. Not later than the first week during the month of September in each g ner al election year a conven tion will be held to nomi nate and elect candidates to be supported by the Democratic Party in the general election, to adopt a political platform, and to elect a campaign manager - and campaign committee. Ralph Paiewonsky is president of the Club. Oth \j er ofticers include Dr: J. Singleton, vice president;! Oswald Harris, treasurer, and Mrs. Mary Francis, secretary. ; Demands Case be Reopened ! A demand that a charge of manslaughter be filed agginst] Patroiman Gittens who shot and killed Gabriel Jackson ini Bt. Croix has been made by Paul E. Joseph, Editor of the West End News in a protejst} mass meeting at P‘rederzk-; sted. He.charged that Jack-' son’s slaying was unjustified. St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Saturday, June 14, 1952 >eT T o e N e eR O RS, PRRERS SRS KL TS fi'féfl‘ifi'f» R R R O R roat -AR Lt SR RS RSA RO S RR R R SR AU <SILSReR PAR Rl eRN R S A BSOS, S R L 2005 o S SRR R S IR AR RSR S o S ORI Be- BRIBOR S LRI ] eg 0 N e r’.{?,& J.vw‘v,“ e S R 2oy eS A D R :5:5.:5:;:E:5;5:5:i:{:};5:3:;:;:;:::;:_4;.;:;:;:;Ec';:;;;:;:;:;:,‘.':sr, R BRI R '321‘5131:1525252:2131:? 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Brown of St. Thomas w as graduated on Wednesday from New York University’s School of Commerce, Accounts and Fin ance, and was awarded t he | B.S. Degreein Business Ad 'ministration. He majored in !Economics and spe('ia‘{ized in Public Finance with a minor in Accounting and Taxation. Mr. Brown, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Brown of this city, is presently working as Reseaich Assistant to the ;Director of Advertising and iPublic Relations of the Babatco 'Alarm Systems, Inc., of New , York. He will be returning to St. Thomas later t h i s month or early July, and it is expect ed that he - will assume the position of Treasurer of the ISt. Thomas Development Au thority. Held In SI2OO Bail Victor Turnbull was held in bail of SIOOO for arson and an additional S2OO for aggravated assault and battery in the Po lice Court yesterday. The cas es were referred to the Dis-l !trict Court. | A charge of burglary that was filed against Frank Rosley I was dismiszed for lack of evi dence, Fines totaling $265! were imposed on several de-| fendants. t hotel Owners Plan Fight 04 Occupancy Tax Local hotel owners have all expressed their opposi tion to the proposed ‘‘Ho tel Occupancy Tax” which is now being considered by the Municipal Council. The ownérs who met with the Teurist Develop ment Board & again met in conference at Virgin Isle Hote¢l, are now distribut ing petitions among their employees in opposition to the tax which they claim will inflict considerable damage to the tourist trade. The Taxicab Asso ciation has been requested !by the hotel owners to join them in opposing the tax. ' The Municipal Couneil 'will hold a public hearing on the m-asure next week. ‘The hotel owners have elected a spokesman to re present them. TR e i e Judge Moore Keappointed ~ President Truman yes terday nominated Herman E. Moore for a thitd term as Judge of the Distric t Court of t he Virgin Is lands. The nom nation is expected to be zcted upon by the cenate shortly. ‘ Catholic School l Holds Exercises | Diplomas were awarded! to eighteen -graduates of the Catholic High 'dchooli in a ceremony at Sts. Pe ter & Pau! Church Thurs day night that w a s wit nessed by an overflow au dience. Rev. Fr. Bernard McWilliams addressed the gra- No. 167 | Truman Is , (Howard Uniyv. ‘Speaker | Lindqvist,Sibilly . Among Graduates | President Harry S. Tru !man was the Commence iment speaker at the Howard University exer cises held on the Univer sity campus yesterday af iternoon. In accepting Dr. ;J ohnson’s invitation to ad dress the nearly 700 grad luates, the President said that he was thinking of ‘the thousands of students tand alumni ““who are de !voting their lives to the betterment of the whole . people.” At this year’s exercises !honorary degrees were 'conferréed on Judge Wa ydies Warring, former Fe deral Judge in South Caro lina, and Paul R. Williams, 'distinguished architect of California. President Truman is the second President of the United States to have addressed a Howard Uni versity graduating class, the first being Herbert Hoover. Two Virgin Islands stu dents were graduated dur ing these exercises. They are Howard A. Lindqvist, and Leo R. Sibilly, both of St. Thomas. Both tcok engineering courses. duates, while presentation of diplomas was made by Rev. !Fr. Bernard Power. Marilyn Moron, the valedie torian, and Milton Downing, ' Evelyn Quetel and Herman Richardson, also received di 'plomas from the Catholic Uni versity of America. The la:' er was awarded a 4 year scholar ship at St. Norbert’s College, Wisconsin. -