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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday an! Saturday EARLE B. OTTLEY ... . .. Editor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abread Advertising Rates on Request i Saturday, June 14, 1952 Assembly Prospects If the Legisluture As sembly which convenes here on Ju'y 7 meets with greater success than the last session it would sur prise even its most opti mistic members. Only five bills «n the 14-item agen da were proposed by the Governor, who called the session. They include an act to create an Economic Development Adminisi ra tion, and an act to compel property « wners toconnect to the public sewage sys tems. Both of these mea sures wer« defeated in the Assembly several months ago, and there is no indi cation that members of the Assembly w h o opposed them have reversed their position. Most of the other nine items on the agenda were also considered during the last Assembly session, but either failed of passage or met with xecutive disap proval. -One of them, the! the wage-hour act, which attempts to bring the wages paid in St. Crcix to an equal level with the wages paid in ~t. Thomas, was vetoed by the Gover nor mainly on the ground that it would cost St. Croix more money than it could ever hope to find. Unless th at objection, ‘which has not yet been re futed, is ove come, it ap pears to b a waste of time to give further con sideration to the bill. If the money can be found all the Assembly needs to do 1s to the Gover- The Home Journal nor’s veto of the bill, in stead of treating the pro posal as a new one. It is doubtful that any bill on the agenda which requires the two munici palities to sharein the pay ment of the expenses will received favorable consid eration. The act to create a food production adminis tration and the proposal to set up an office of infor mation in Washington are already doomed, without even considering other ob jecticns which will be raised. The rejection by lSt. Croix of the 50-50 for-. jmula of meeting the ex (penses of the Tourist De | velopment Board will, un fortunately, result in clashes whenever the sub jectof sharing expenses for insular activities is brought up,and with present bitter feeling on the subject, it is doubtful that these se rious difference can be compromised. Interior Official Due On June 21 Alfied E. Moon, Asst. Chief of the Caribbean Division, Dept. of Interior, who recent ly succeeded Dr. John Honey, ,will visit here from at out June 21 to June 29 as guestof Gov error de Castro. ..\—// CARLOS JARDINE The Only Specialist in St. Thomes for all makes of Typewriters Adding and Calcu lating Machines Cash Registers Comptometers Mimeograph Ma chines, ete. 148 Norre Gade, back of Dr. Anduze’s Clinic ’ PHONE 662 Sale Os Real Property PUBLICATION Notice is hereby given that pursuant tof section 47 of Reg ulations for the levy, assess ment, collection and enforce ment of real property tax in the Municipality of St. Tho mas and St. John and authori zations for sale issued by the Government Secretary, in each case, and attachments ‘made subsequent to such au thorizations, the below listed properties, owned 'according to the public records by the persons indicated, will be of fered for sale at a public aue tion be to held at the office of the Sheriff, Charlotte Amalie St. Thomas, V.I. on June 24, 1952 From 10:00 to 11:00 A. M. for delinquent real property taxes owned by the Municipa lity of St. Thomas and St. John for the calendar year 1950: Owner From10:00to 11:00 a m. . Virgin Islands Distillers, Inc., 48b, 49b, 50c, & 47be, Crown Prince, C.P.Q. Anna Belle George O’Mabho ney, Bgda Lytton’s Fancy, Gr. Northside Qtr. M ary Louise Walters, 13 Agnes Fancy. Great North side Quarter Leon A. Reovan, 46 Agnes, Fancy. Great Northside Quarter e SRR T . & | : A - ! A\ 5\5 % ‘.. o R &S e ot ST A #ff :}\ : .\--.._—_. ~::‘\.¢: - & i ‘BLACKWHITE' SCOTCH WHISKY Distilled, Blended and Bottled in Scotland ® JAMES BUCHANAN & CO. LTD., GLASGOW, SCOTLAND & Albert E. King, 198 Hospi tial Ground, New Quarter Adolphus T. Sewer, 66 Estata Ross, New Quarter. Office of the Sheriff Charlotte An{,alile, St. Thomas, June 4, 1952 Earle H. Charles Sheriff Notice To Telephone Subsrcibers Your attention is invited to General Rules printed on the next to the last page of your telephone Directory: Article No. 2 Section (C) All bills are payable at the Office of the nSt. Thomas Power Authority on the first day following the billing period. Failure to make full payment on or before the 15th. of the month next fol. lowing the billing will result in severing connections and removing the telephone after which a new application must® be made should further ser vice bedesired. St. Thomas Municipal Telephone System For Sale 1950 Studebaker, No. 731. Mileage 7985. Price SI7OO cash. Apply to Loiusenhoj