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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Everdy Monday, Wednesday and Saturday EARLEB. OTTLEY . .. ... Editor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Wednesday, July 9, 1952 Democratic Hopes A few weeks ago the Democratic Party was in deep gloom. Every public opinion poll, every political observer agreed that Gen eral Dwight Eisenhower would win the 1952 pre sidential race by a wide margin if nominated by the Republi-an party Pre sident Truman announced he would retire at the end of his present term, and that he would not yield to a draft, and the Demo rats’ most formidable potential candidate, Gover nor Stevenson of Illinois, steadfastly refused to make the race. In the meantime, the furious slugging match which has been taking place between General Eisenhower and Senator Robert Taft for the Re publican nomination has caused a wide and danger ous split in the party. The fight is the most bitter the Republicans have ex perienced in twenty years, and party leaders fear that no matter who wins the nomination it will be impossible to repair the damage that has already been inflicted. Despite the general be lief that Eisenhower is the best vote getter in the coun try, supporters of Taft, who control the par ty’s machinery, are deter mined to nominste the O h i 0 Senator whatever the cost, and he already has a commanding lead in the fight for delegates. . The Democrats are in! Senator Taft’s corner too. They are certain that if he becomes the GOP nomi nee that Governor Steven son will become the Dem ocratic standard bearer, and will easily win the election. Even if the Republicans choose Eisen hower, the Democrats are hoping that the Republi cans will fail to achieve the unijy a n d solidarity without, which they can not hope to win. Our Town and You : food imports. ‘. Private and governmental building contracts already let will require the importation of many millions o f dollars worth of materials within the next few . years which will come from both the continen tai United States and Puerto Rico. - “'Exports from the Virgin Islands bave increased mater ially and a reliable and re gular steamship service will definitely help in the expansion of an export pro gram. ; ‘““We are aware _hat the Bull Insular Line, Inc. is the logical steamship companry to! render the Virgin Islands the serviee they need. A closer cooperation between your Company and ourselves should result in an operation mutual ly satisfactory to everycne.”’ Thus, again, the Chamber of Commerce demOnstrates to Our Town and You that the entire community can join to gether when a true communi ty problem needs solving. Publication It is hereby brought to pub lic notice that the Government of the Virgin Islands of the United States has this date authorized The Reverend Ken neth Ferguson of the Lutheran Church to perform civil-religi ous ceremonies in the Virgin Islands. . Government of the Virgin {slands of the United -States Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas June 25, 1952 Louis Shulterbrandt Aciing Government Secretary The Home Journal Notice The Development Authority offers you a glorious vacation for only 5.00 per month. By buying a monthly ticket for $5.00, you can take the kids down to Lindbergh Beach from ¥:00 a.m. to 5 p.m. For further information call ‘—m & 8 Amazing new type of tire does wonders for your car! The Super-Cushion —featured on latest cars—is bigger, softer . . . runt on only 24 lbs. of air instead of the usual 28 to 32 lbs. Put Super-Cushions on gour car —whether it’s old or new| They’ll make an amazing difference in its performancel fl’ AT QY7 =s\ Vo N 5 NS/ /] AN . /A /SN % ¥ ; Q 7 ‘ " ‘ N © \ 3’31_53* @4« g ‘ ‘( \\\, & Ll R LTS 3 b apmit e([ JilE or% B < g e | RV RN . oo ge | N ,13: g ol ¢ G aad |RN T e, "»‘{f"’.ffi ! ,‘.I ¢ ‘.‘\“' B / = S /4’;, Sy N , PN 2 ‘,’.;W&//a . o el Y Y = S ’“( BT e A aO, 3 -‘, 2 i & A—Ru ¥ y '.—A'-‘—“-,' ~Emoe B —— he _—-—“—“fi {' ® Softer, =moother zide on ® Fewer rattles—fewar any roadl repair bills) ® Greater traction— - ® More mileage and econemy! greater safetyl o Less wear and tear { o Greater blowout resistancel on your carl L The new g i ® = Depper )y by 5090,’ YEAR MORE PEOPLE, THE WORLD OVER, RIDE ON GOODYEAR TIRES THAN ON ANY OTHER MAKS S ; > .- M’“ Louis Lindqgvist ’ ‘ Distributor |Harry S Truman Ai!‘pt;l‘t. ' telephone 225 For Sale Partly constructed House at Contant See | J. Alwyn Richards