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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HCME JOURNAL ‘ A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday ancy Saturday | EARLEB. OFTLEY ... . .. Editor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, | $6.00 a year $7.00 abroad ‘ Advertising Rates on Request | Saturday, July 12, 1952 A Swell Idea With the passing of the years, the unique type of merry-making which made holidays in this community gay and much desired events has completely vanished. Except for an occasional preogram o f speech-making of which the people are tired most of our holidays are the same as ordinary days, only that stores an d offices close, and workers receive a respite froin their every day chores. Time was when every important holiday was the occasion for a spontaneous community celebration. In dians & Zulus danced,war whooped, made faces and ‘fought’ in the strecets to the enjoyment of grown-ups and youngsters alike. The mocko-jumbie was always an object of amazement and delight The , masque raders, with their colorful costumes -and bamboula music, never failed to make a hit And the public sup ported these activities quite generously, without any one having to pass the hat. Perhaps these activities disapreared because the people have very little to be happy about. In those days there was little money’ in circulatien, and a per son received for one day’s wages what he now earns in an hour. Nevertheless, they had less to worry aboui. and merry-making caméi naturally, | A determined effort is now being made to revive that old spirit. A group of citizens led by Mr. Ron de e @ . Lugo, is mapping plans for}| an old-time carnival to be‘ staged here on Septemberl, 1f successful, it should be‘ the biggest thing of its| lk ind in twenty years,i Some of the performersl iwho thrilled andi delighted the populace in| the 1930’s are still with us, and are enthusiastic about the event. It should not be ‘difficu!t to enlist the sup-l port of business places &the , community at large. Even: if we look at it froma strict-’ ly business standpoint, it is! a good in vestment. A suc-| !cessful carnival on Septem-i iber | will result in "c;iggeri ;and be'ter ones next year! land every vear thereafter,; land it should be able to at-| itract visitors in the same ‘manner t hat neighbor-, ling is'ands are able to lure tourists with gay festivals. | Let us all pitch in and do’ 'what we can to make the' carnival an outstanding success. [t isa swell idea, 'We Are Proud : ! . One of the most lamen ‘table shortcomings of Vir ‘gin Islanders is our failure ‘to give due recognition and to offer encouragement to those among us who ac complish something really | !worthwhile. On the other, ‘hand, we frequently make la great fuss and get excited about persons who have! very little claim to even| passing recognition. ” Selection of Amadeo| IFrancis a member of (Puerto Rico’s delegation to the World's Olympic| Games which wili open in| 'Helsinki, Finland later this ” ’month is a signal honor, ‘ not olny to young Francis| but to all Virgin Islanders.‘ Francis made a name for" himself in Puerto Rico inl track. Last year he re presented that island in the ' Central American Carib- The Home Journal bean games, and at Hel sinki will compete in the 400-meter hurdles, of which he is insular champion. ~ In Puerto Ricoand New iYork where the delegation Istoppe’d en route to Fin i]and, ‘he athletes were given rousing receptions. An official congratulatory message to Francis in be half of his fellow Virgin llslanders for his signal ‘achie' ement seems to be in order. In competition [With the world’s best, he 'may be eliminated in the trial heats, b u t it makes us proud to note that for the first time in our his tory one of our sons is irubbing shoulders with ‘the world’s fastest sports company. We are proud ‘of him, and we shou!d not ‘hesitate to express it. — Re. A QAT T e ===t e S appr— el e, SO i S = ¥ T e { eTR s T e B G L R G e=oo g m et NTT — - X s e = CARLOS JARDINE The Only Specialist in St. Thomzs for repairing all makes of . Typewriters Adding and Calcu la ing Machines Cash Registers Comptometers ,Mimeograph Ma chines, etc. 148 Norre Gade, back of Dr. Anduze’'s Clinic PHONE 662 Your Eyes Deserve The Best TAKE CARE of the only pair of eyes you will ever have with THERMINON OPHATHAMIC LENS Scientifically formulated to absorb ultra-violet and infra-red radiation and to reduce giare - without affecting visibility Therminon Ophthalmic Lenses are available at THE BLOCH GENTER Telephone: 537 ; Howle: -8 -'l2 3.6 No. 823 Government Os The Virgin Islands of ihe United States Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas Certificate of Registration of Renewal Application Having Been Made By: MEAD OHNSON AND COMPANY for registration in the Virgin Islands of the United States of renewal of Certificate of itegistration No. 295,757, re gistered in the United States Patent Office on July 12. 1932 and in the Virgin Islands of the United States on June 6, 1947, and it having been shown that said certificate of registration was renewed in the United States Patent Of fice on April 29, 1952, for a period of twenty years from July 12, 1952 unless sooner ter minated as. provided by law, in the name of Mead Johnson & Company of Evansville, In diana,a corporation of Indiana which has made a showing of ownership of the said trade mark: This is to certify that the said renewal has been record ed in theOffice of the Govern ment Secretary of the Virgin Isiands of the United States at St, Thomas in accordance with the provisions in the Re gulations governing the regis tration of Patents and Trade marks in the Virgin Islands, approved April 1, 1946. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the Govern ment of the United _States to be affixed atCharlotte Amalie, St. Thomas. Virgiu -Islands, this third day of July A.D., 1952. Louis Shulterbrandt Acting Government Secretary for the Virgin Islands