OCR Interpretation

The home journal. [volume] (Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I.) 1951-1973, July 16, 1952, Image 1

Image and text provided by University of the Virgin Islands

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037503/1952-07-16/ed-1/seq-1/

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2nd Year
21 Nominations
Are Confirmed;
One Rejected 1
Nominations to eigh t
boards an d commissions
were confirmed by the Mu
nicipal Council on Monday.
One nomination, that of
Ulmont James as a mem
ber of the School Board to
succeed Dr. John Moorhead
was rejected because the
legislature felt that there
would be a conflict with
his position as Personnel
continued on page 4
New Hotel
Law Passed
An ordinance to provide
regulations ior hotels and
guest houses was adopted
on Monday night by the
Council. The measure,
which w as proposed by
hotel owners, provides for
the safekeeping of money,
jewelry and other belong
ings of guests, and fixes
the hotel’s liability in event
of damage or theft; and
gives the hotel the right to
refuse accomodations to
criminals, intoxicated per
sons,& other undesirables.i
Tests Assessment Program
Charging that the reas
sessment of real property
was conducted in an ille
gal,arbitrary and captious
manner,Earl Ricardo filed
suit in the District Court
this week asking that the
1952 tax rolls be set aside
and that collection of tax
es based on these rolls be
enjoined. The firm ofDud
ley, Hoffman and McGow
alelf represents the plain-;
§t Thomas, Virgin Islands, Wednesday, July 16, 1952
Lockhart’s Net
Estate Totals
Half Million
Herbert E. Lockhart,
p r o minent businessman
who died here in Sept.
of 1949, left a net estate
of nearly half a million
dollars. i
In a final judgment en
tered by the District
Court, the estate was be
queathed to his Widow,‘
Mrs. Karen Ingeborg
Lockhart, in accordance
with a will.
' Real property left by
Mr. Lockhart totaled
$238,951 and his personal
property amounted to
$383,692.96, or a total of
$622643.96. When
$130,187.57 of claims and
obligations was deducted,
there remained a net es
tairalg of $492,45%.39.
he estate included the
capital stock in A.f. Lock
hart & Co., Inc., 87 shares
of the capital stock of the
Virgin Islands National
Bank, 5 shares of capital
stock of the West Indian
Company, Ltd., the estates ‘
Thomas, Raphun, and
Donoe and twenty-odd]
other properties in St.
Thomas and six estates in
St. John.
- Inheritance taxes in the
amount of $4,924.56 were
paid by the estate.
Budget Changes Become Law
Amendments to the budget
to place the position of Direc
tor of the Printing Office in
the unclassified service with
a salary of S3OO a month, and
to forbid the filling of vacan
cies except in cases of emer
gency in essential posit i o ns,
will become law without t h e’
Governor’s approval.
Plans to Create
V.l Office In
Wash. Get Okay
__ Plans for establishing a
Virgin Islands office of in
formation in Washington,
D.C. received the vigorous
lsupport of members of the
Legislative Assembly this
week. Anticipating an ex
ecutive veto of the propo
'sal, members indicated
they would return to ses
sion to pass t h e measure
over the Governor’s veto.
The resolution congratu
lating the people of Puerto
Rico on their achievement
of commonwealth status
was unanimously adopted
by the legislature.
Members agreed to hold
public lectures in St. Tho
mas and St. Croix before
adjournment to get t h e
people to sign a petition
urging the Senate not to
take acticn on the orfianic
act, without public hear
ings in the islands.
Employees Move
To Establish 1
Credit Union
Employee representatives
from various Federal a n d
Municipal departments,au
thorities and agencies met
last night at Government
House with James T.,Coats,
Regional Representative of
the Bureau of Federal Cre
dit Unions, to discuss plans
for establishinga credit
union. A committee was
selected to nominate mem
bers to a board of directors.
and on Monday night all
employees will meet in the
High School auditoiium to
select the board.
No. 180
Nielsen Killed In Fall
Thorvald Nielsen, 74. steve
dore foreman at the West In
dian Co. for many years, was
killed this morning when he
‘was hit by a sling and fell 12
feet into a hatch of the Alcoa
Themosticles which was load
ing ma‘'l. He fell on his face
and never regained conscious
ress. He was pronounced
dead at the hospital.
Increases Every One,
2 Years Due Employees
An amendment to the
Personnel Rules and Regu
lations to provide automa
tic salary increases of one
step every year for employ
ees In the salary ranges
which include five dollar
steps, and every two years
,for employees who are in
the salary ranges which in
clude steps of over five
dollars per month,has been
approved by Governor de
Castro. This will mean auto
lmatic salary increases for all
employees annually or every
two yewurs.
t In addition, an amendment
to the pay plan to provide a
one.step increase for each past
ten years of service as a per
manent employee is now be
ing considered by the Councils.
In a radio address over
station WIVI on Mon
day, the Governor said hz re
gretted that all employees are
not getiing salary increases
and that some may be re
ceiving ' more substantial in
creases than others under the
new pay plan. ‘‘For the most
part, however, those who will
not be receiving increazes are
cases of employees whose sa
laries have been adjusted up
wards in the last year or so for
special reasons. We know,
too, that there must inevit
ably be some hardship case,
I have asked all department
heads to bring to our
attention any cases of seri
ous inequities,’’

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