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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL \ A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, | Wednesday and Saturday | EARLEB.OTTLEY ...... lditor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Saturday, July 19, 1952 Good Investment Last year when legisla tion to create the Virgin Is lands oftice of information in Washington was intro duced i n the Legislative Assembly ofticials of the Department of Interior took a hostile view,and it w a s indicated that the islands were receiving f ro m the Department more repre sentaticn than they could possibly get from -t h e es tablishment of a n y inde pendent office The bill was not passed because the legislature could not agree on the appropriatign that would be required and whether it would be possi ble to find the money imme diatcly. It is expected that these obstacles will be over come during. this session of the Assembly and th el measure adopted. Os course, in view of the hos tility of the Department of Interior, itis a * foregone conclusion that the Gover nor will veto the measure, and the legisiators are pre pared to override the veto. Indeedthe Virgin lslands‘ cannot afford to have an elaborate set-up in the Ca pital. That is notnecessary. What is needed is a com petent man of high charac ter, who is known and re spected in Administration and Congressional circles, and who has the interest and the resourcefulness that will be required to do an effective job. The is.’arvd! of Guam has such a man ml the person of former Con gresman J. Hardin Peter-{ sen of Florida who, be- cause of his former con nections, has been able to win sympathetic consider ation for that territory.’ . The Department of In- Iterior is not «(quipp d to effectively represent these islands. No territory but the Virgin Islands wholly depend on Interior for re lpresentation in Washing ton. We cannot afford to wait ! until Congress amends the organic act to provide for ‘a resident commissioner. 5 Scholarships |A Year for TeacliersNowLaw - An ordinance to grant scholarships to teachers in the public school sys tem tas been approved by Governor de Castro. Five scholarships of S3OO each will be granted each year to permit teachers to take ¢ urses for professional or technical improvement in tre fi Id of teacting. The sum of SISOO will be ap propriated each year for this purpose. The mea-‘ sure was offered by Coun cilman Ottley. I The Town Crier | Miss Theresa Venzen &‘ Mr. John Joseph White were married on July 15 byl Judge Christian. ... ' Tourist Director Harry Goeggel, who is on a trip through principal cities of the Eastern states reports that sixteen ships are alrea dy listed to visit .St. Tho mas andeleven are pending. Councilman Oswald Har ris left this week for the Democratic Convention in“ Chicago. The Assembly has voted to give him leave of absence with full pay. | The Home Journal That day appears to be a full decade a way,if it ever comes. Our best bet b e Dol TRI e | Nc. 822 | Government Os The Virgin | Islands Os The United ' States Charlotte Amalie, | St. Thomas ! , - Certificate Os Registration To All To Whom These Presents Shall Come, Greeting: This is to certify tha t there has been registered in the Office of the Govern ment Secretary of the Vir gin Islands of the United States, at St. Thomas, in accordance with the provi sion of the Regulations governing the registration of Patents and Trade marks in the Virgid jslands approved April 1, 1946 the following TRADE MARK: | i N :a?‘;i; . 1,311‘)"“" S o v':-l\;;‘;;: R B@ (oA & 89 e e B, RN PSR IR S A bearing United States Pa tent Office trademark regis tration No. 43,513, dated: October 11, 1904, and now owned by A.D.C. Halford & Co. Limited, of London, England, a corporation Ofi Great Britain, which has' made a showing of owner-‘ ship of the said trademark,l - In testimony whereof, 1| h a v e hereunto set myl hand and caused the Seal ~ of the Government of thel ~ Virgin Islands of the! United States to be a af-| i fixed at Charloite Amalie, . St.. Thomas, Virgin Is ~ lands, this 17th day of June, A.D., 1952, (SEAL) , ~ Daniel W. Ambrose Government Secretary for the Virgin Islands, is to get a representative now. If we select the right man, the investment will pay off handsomely. m - FLY e 0 — i e /%/’,’""//////f’/ G S g, Y, 9 4 Y 7 7 4 W% Y '%/,, ! v T _ =====——?—_é{/ = (e TV - = FEN Ty, G e77 'A,‘ : D 2LI ‘ Al = ‘,/,,,-,////u,,“d»“m;' i. 4 — 3 /4/;’ <& A 7478 C R i L %) El‘_ S '//7)7;55-», 9% ) D 1= St o SR N From Trinidad magnificent double decked “El Presidente,” world’s largest, most luxurious airliner. Direct flights to Rio, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Convenient con nections at Rio for Sio Paulo. vt“\ G = el = i I o . Mentevideo & Buenos Aires Connect with popular, economical “El Turista” DC-4 type Clipper* at Trinidad. Regular service via Belem to Rio, Sio Paulo, Monte video and Buenos Aires. For reservations, see your Travel Agent or [ grmpTy (5N .--.$ m s 3 P 7 % 8 @ WORLD'S B W 4 MOST EXPERIENCED ?é'-'!.'v:‘f;?' AIRLINE PAN AMFRICAN HOorLY /. iHAYS Norre Gade No. 4 — S¢. Thomas, V. I. < Phone: 319 ¢ *TM REG., PAA, INGC,