OCR Interpretation

The home journal. [volume] (Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, V.I.) 1951-1973, August 06, 1952, Image 2

Image and text provided by University of the Virgin Islands

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037503/1952-08-06/ed-1/seq-2/

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Our Town And You
Your Chamber of Com
merce is alert in the inter-‘
ests of Our Town and You.
This week t h e following
letter was writtento the
Commissioner ot Customs
in Washington. If it brings
the desired results more
friendliness will grow be-
Government of No. 826
The Virgin Islands Os The
Uuited States
Charlotte Aunalie, St. Thomas
Certificate of Registration
To all to whom these Pre
sents shall ¢ me, Greeting:
This is to certify that there
has been registered in the Of
fice of the Governm«nt Secre
tary of the Virgin Is. of the
United States, at St. ‘Thomas,
in, accordance with the provi
sion of the Regulations govern
ing the registration of Patents
and Trademarks in the Virgin
Islands, approved April 1, 1946,
the fo.lowing Trademark:
bearing United States Patent
ffice trademark registration
No. 106,727 dated Oct, 26,
1915, and now owned by Am
sterdamsche Likeurstokerij T
Lootsjo’’ Der Erven Lucas Bols
of Amsterdam, Netheriands
a corporation of Kingdom of
the Netherlands which
h: s made a showing of owner
ship of the said trademark,
In testimony whereof, 1
have hereunto set my hand
and caused the Seal of the
Government of the Virgin Is
lands of the United States to
be affixed at Charlotte Amalie,
St. Thomas, Virgin Islands,
this twentyfourth day of July
A.D., 1962,
Louis Shulterbrandt |
Acting Government SecretaryJ
of the Virgin Islands -
By The St. Themas
Chamber of Jommerce
tween Puerto Rico and the
Virgin Islands and business
volume should increase.
*‘ln the recently released
Pan American World Air
ways bulletin, “Ho w to,
Clear U. S. Customs’ ap-l
lpears this statement, ‘Or
dinarily you have to be
outside the country for at
least 48-hours t o gqualify
for it [exemption] How
ever, if you return through
a port along the California
- border, you may
use the S2OO exemption af
ter only a 24-hour absence.
There is no time restriction
at all on articles acquired
in Mexico if you return
through a po r t in Texas,
Arizona or New Mexico.
'But in no case is this ex
emption allowable more
'often than once in any 31-
day period.’
“For Customs purposes
the Virgin Islands have
been considered ‘domestic
foreign'.. Between the Vir
gin Islands and the Com
monwealth of Puerto Rico
regulations exist that re
istrict one from taking tax
exempted articles to Puer
'to Rico if he has not been
outside the country for at
Ilezalst 48-hours, Puerto Rico
land the Virgin Islands have
'la much closer national
lbond than Mexico and the
United States yet Mexico
is granted preferential
treatment. :
“The Commonwealth of
Puerto Rico and the Virgin
Isiands are mutually develop
g an ‘intramural’ tourist
trade which promisesincreased
‘business for both localities,
Since it is possible to make
ore day exeursions by air eit
her way, this Chamber of
Commerce asks that the same
exemptlion now applying bet-"‘
continued on page 4
The Home Journal
‘Mahoo’ James
Has 11-2 Record
Walter ‘““Mahoo”’ James
yield seven hits in chatking
up a7 to 1 victory for the
Danville Dans, of Danville,
Illinois, a team in the Bos
ton Braves farm system.
His record now is eleven
victories and two defeats.
The Dans have risen from
fourth to second place in
the last two weeks and are
three games from the lead.
i The league ends on Septem
ber 4. .
Although he is suftering
from a sore arm, James still
takes his regular turn on
Pl Bl oR s=
i A
With Red Skelton cast as the
inventor of a horseless carriage
inthe innoeent era of 1895, the
technicolor musical ‘“‘Excuse
lMy Dust,”” brings a carload
\of laughs and a flock of new
songs to Center screen today.
Also playing is ‘‘Bomba in the
Lost Voleano.”’ \
The rollicking story of a
breadwinning secretary with a
ven for a rich husband and a
playboy radio announcer who
inherits two million dollars,
“*A Millionaire f o r Christy’’
will be shown Thursday at
Center, Fred Mac Murray and
Eleanor Parker co-star.
‘‘Cause for Alarm,”’ the
story of an innocent woman
whose jealous husband accu
mulates a series of circumstan
tial evidence which points her
out as a murderess, will be
shown on Friday. Pregnant
with powerful dramatic situa
tion and suspense, the picture
stars Loretta Young and Bar
ry Sullvian. :
In Paramount’s “W hen
Worlds Coliide,”” which will
be shown on Sunday and Mon
day pr ducer George Pal has
has taken an awesome theme--
the destruction of the earth
and wrapped it up in an explo
sive package of thrills that
i.will jar sudiences r:ight out of
jtheir seats. It is" a tascinating
lexperience you’re no t likely
ito forget socn.
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From Trinidad magnificent double
decked “El Presidente,” world’s
largest, most luxurious airliner.
Direct flights to Rio, Montevideo
and Buenos Aires. Convenient con
nections at Rio for Sio Paulo. _
E .—'—_ :;. ‘ :fl-f"{‘
‘Buenos Aires |
Connect with Igopular, economical
“El Turista” DC-4 type Clipper* .
at Trinidad. Regular service via
Belem to Rio, Sio Paulo, Monte
* video and Buenos Aires.
For reservations, see your
: . Travel Agent or
(—’ PAA -2
, :.‘:,;;\ WORLD'S .
" Norre Gade No. 4 — St. Thomas, V. I.
s Phone: 319
e ~ *TM REG., PAA, ING,

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