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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
Surveys Need For Middle Income Housing Investment of a million dollars to construct at least 115 homes for midule income families her- was indicated last week by Thomas E. Breen, of Beverly Hills, Callfornla‘ Government of No. 8261 The Virgin Islands Os The , United States Charlotte Awnalie, St. Thomas Certificate of Registration To all to whom these Pre sents shall come, Greeting: This is to certify that there has been registered in the Of fice of the Government Secre tary of the Virgin Is. of the United States, at St. Thomas, in accordance with the provi sion of the Regulations govern ing the registration of Patents and Trademarks in the Virgin Islands, approved April 1, 1946, the following Trademark: bearing United States Patent (:ffice trademark registration No. 106,728 dated Oct, 26, 1915, and now owned by Am sterdamsche Likeurstokerij*'T Lootsje’’ Der Erven Lucas Bols of Amsterdam, Netherlands a corporation of Kingdom of the Netherlands which has made a showing of owner ship of the said trademark. In testimony whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand and caused the 'Seal of the Government of the Virgin Is lands of the United States to be affixed at Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, this twentyfourth day of July: A.D., 1952, Louis Shulterbrandt Acting Government Secretary of the Virgin Islands during a visit to the is lands. Mr. Breen said he was still gathering information and had not arrived at a decision, but he appear-, ed to be pleased with the; prospects. He outlined! a proposal under which! persons who are. desirous of purchasing their own homes would be able to do 'so on a long-term pay-i ment plan. ‘ Mr. Breenacknowledged‘ that he would face a jand problem, and said he would like to get tax ex emption if he decides to build here. Says Section of Hotel Tax Is ’Ambiguous The phrase, ‘‘paying re sident guests’’ in the hotel tax measure ils ambiguous, and I i would suggest that the Munici- Ip’al Council state in unmis. takeable language the class or 'classes of persons to be taxed, lat the same time in a manner that would not be discrimina tory, Distriet Attorney Cyril Micha-=l, recommended. Ho:el owners are requesting that the taX be repealed but ’officials are unwilling to take such action until an adequate substitute ean be found. : For Sale | The following dwelling houses and lots in Kronprind sens Quarter: _4 ; 1. Twostorey dwelling house at Lot No. 688 Store- Straede. : ‘ T 2. One storey dwelling house at Lot No. SA. tore- Straede. /' | ‘3. One storey dwelling house at Lot No. 5B Store- Straede, : ¢ 4. One-storey dwelling house at Lot No. 4 Store- Straede. (The situation would permit it to be used as a busi ness place.)- : ; 5. Two-storey dwelling house at Lot No. 12 Vester gade. Ca o T Written offers may be sent to.the undersigned. . Gwendolyn E. Kean No. 8B Catherineberg, St.. Thomas, V.I. - or c-o 0 Box. 149 St. Thomas, July 12, 1952 , ] The Home Journal Our Town and You l ween Mexico and Texas, Aii zona and New Mexico be granted Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. l ‘““The granting of this! exemption will in no way dis-] rupt existing procedures be cause the hundreds of friends fr to Rico who visit us ‘weekly between planes n o w g 0 back empty handed. Giving ‘us this consideration will al low them happily to return from this ‘domestic foreign’ area with 2290 worth of duty exempt goods and increased sales in the Virgin Islands. ~ "'Will you.consider applying to this area the same lprocedures that now exist be tween Mexicu, Texas, Arizona yjand New Mexico? ‘“Thank you in advance for your considericg this proposi- Ition.” ln Community Sunday School presenis ANNIVERSARY PROGRAM [ August 7th at 8:30 p.m. Recitations & Dialogues | Special Feature The Grown-ups of Tomorrow Aunt Matilda Will - The Wedding of Johnny Jump Up and Lilla Valla " TICERTS . : - 40e CENTER THEATRE Weekly Schedule For The Week of Aug. 6th te Avg.l2th ) Wednesday Aug. sth Big Double Feature Program . MGM'’s song and fun product. Excuse My Dus Red Skelton-Sally Forrest Monogram’s jungle product. \ Bomba In the Lost ; Volcano John Sheffield Zii Thursday, Aug. 7th 20th Century Fox’s comical A Millionaire for Christy Fred Mac Murray - Eleanor __Parker - Kichard Carlson Friday, Aug. Bth A MGM’s suspenseful product. Cause for Alarm Loretta Young-Barry Sullivan | Saturday, Aug. 9th | Chapters 3&4 of Republic’s | New & Exciting Serial: “Desperadoes Os The West’’ ; Repub. action production Under Mexican Stars Rex Allen Paramount’s laugh hit: Monkey Business j The Marx Brothers Sun. & Mon., Aug. 10th & 11th Paramount’s outstanding science-fiction pieture When Worlds Collide | Richard Derr - Barbara Rush eS S Wet v Tuesday Aug. 12th MGM’s higtorical production * Indide Straifbt ; David Brian -, Arlene Dahl Barry Sullivan - Lon Chaney TRE Program Schedule For Week of Aug. 6th to Aug. 12th . Wednesday, Aug. 6th ' THEATRE IS CLOSED \ e —————————————— | Thurs. & Fri., Aug 7- Aug. 8 | Our triple action program in | two:performancesats to 9 Chapter 13 of Republic’s . 4 : serial Son of Zorro . Repub. top action productiou Ranger of Cherokee : Strip . Monte Hale - Paul Hurst Warner Bros. exciting produc. ; Singapore Woman Brenda_ Marshall-David Bruce ~ Saturday, Aug. 9th : THEATRE IS CLOSED l i Sun. & Mon.,Aug. 10 - Aug.ll_ ' Columbia’s pirate story .~ Fortunes of Captain : Blood o ~ Louis Hayward -G. McCreary ' Tuesday, Aug. 12th - . Columbia’s top dramatic A Woman of Distinction | Rosalind Russell-Ray Millasd