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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
Bible Lecture In Market Monday Donald A. Adams, a special representative of the Watchtower Bible So ciety from Brooklyn, New York, will visit St. Thomas and St. Croix this Monday and Tuesday.He will spend MondayinCharlotte Amalie and Tuesday in Christianst ed visiting the local com panies of Jehovah's witnesses. Monday even ing, Mr. Adams will de liver a free public Bible lecture in the Rothschild Francis Square near the Public Marketat 8 PM on the Bible subject “World Unity-Is It Justa Dream?” Mr. Adams’ visit, will conclude a several weeks trip to many of the princi pel islands of the - Carib bean visiting the congrega AHRISE - - announces the opening of | ' ) ‘No. 7 QUEEN"’S a modern air-conditioned Restaurant - Bar- Luncheonette - Soda Fountain Under Th‘e Maragement Os MR. ANP MRS. OSCAR LUND * : BREAKFAST SERVED 7 to 9 A.M. LUNCHEONS 1266 3 PM. ) DINNERS 7 P.M. tolo P.M. | , * Open Daily For General Service From 7 a.m. to Midnight g tions of Jehovah’s witnesses' and supervising several three day District Assem blies of the witnesses in the various islands visited. |This week end in Puerto Rico such a three day as sembly is being held in Hato Rey, San Juan. Mr. 'Adams will deliver several Bible = Talks during the convention as well as the lecture “WorldgUnity--Is It Just a Dream?”’ His talks ’will be translated into Spanish for the many hundreds of witnesses in attendance from all parts of Puerto Rico. Upwards of iBOO are expected to be in attendance at the conven ition. Clocking the Town 'other qualifications to serve on such a committee. Governor de Castro vows he wi'l nct be caught napping The Home Journal this timeonthe matter o,f; of making appointments to the Economy Commission. Hei started to interview nominees yesterday, and will send the entire slate 'o the Council for confirmation as soon as he gets their acceptance. He doesn’t want to encounter the problem of persons accepting nomination, t hen excusing themselves. TLe Governor is considering appointing another orderly or a watchman for Government ‘House whichis no w closed part of the night. An armed orderly, Halvor Hart, who ‘was laid off last fiscal year when the administration was required to slash expenses, has recently been re-employed. Cooperation o f the public Wednesday’s air raid practice drill was satisfactory, except in one or two outlying dis tricts. ‘l'here was a little ex citement when two CD work ers exploded smoke bombs a top Municipal Building, and laier when over-zealous fire Pre - Carnival Dance At Grand Hotel The Women’s League, in coniunction with the Carnival Committee, is planning a big Pre-Carnival Dance at which the main feature will be the election and proclamation of the Cacnival Xing and Queen. All contestants will be onhand to vie for your votes, as voting will close at midnight in order that the King and Queen may be prcc'aimedat t h e dance, The date is August 25th, Mon day night, and the place - the Grand Hotel. Roy Wallace and his Orchestra will be in attendance to play the special ‘Carnival Caiypso numbers. The tr ue Carnival spirit will be |added by the Casablanca Steel 'Band who will show you what a “'round march’’ is like. Come in the gayest colors you have and catch the Carnival spirit. Tickets are on sale at Blue-! beard’s Castle Hotei, Don k Shop, Bolero,Stationery Store, Hay’s Store, French Sh o p, Ransom House, and Virgin Isle Hoziel. fig ters lost control of a hose and sprayed water in Clinton’s Grocery. The Governor, who was on the spot, ordered the water turned off immediately as Clinton emerged from the grocery with a ‘what the hell’ look on his face. Publication All local plumbers are invi ted to attend a meeting in the High School Auditoriurr on August 20, 1952 at 8:00 p.m. The p.rpose of this meeting is to discuss the submission of plunbing plans, the Sewage Act, and general policies con cerning appoval and disappro val of plans. | Rudolph B. Galiber i Sanitary Engineer Director ' Publication It is hereby brought to pub lic notice t hat the Govern lment of the Virgin Islands of ‘the United States has this 'date authorized The Reverend Robert J. Macdonald of the 'Watchtower Bible and Tract !Society. St. Thomas, to per form civil-religious ceremonies ’in the Virgin Islands. A | Government of the V.I. of | the United States Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas August 12, 1952 Daniel W. Ambrose Government Secretary - D a2 CARLOS JARDINE The Only Specialist in St. Thomzs for repairing all makes of Typewriters Adding and Calcu lating Machines Cash Registers Comptometers : Mimeograph Ma chines; ete. 148 Norre Gade, back of Dr. Anduze’s Clinic PHONE 662