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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
THE HOME JOURNAL 2nd Year Compromise Is Reached On 1 Pay Plan Differences between Gov ernor de Castro and the Municipal Council over the most recent amendment to the pay plan were r-solved in a conference at Govern “ment House on Saiurday afteracon, - : , The amendment sub mitted by the Governor would have gdiven to em ployees in the classified ser vice on June 30, 1952, an additional increment of one siep for cach ten years of past service as permanent employees p ior to that date, and also would have transferred {rom the Council to the Personnel Board the power to ap prove the reallocation of classes of positions in pro per salary ranges. * The Couucil was in favor of the seciion oof the amendment to provide employees with additicnal compensation, .but disapproved the second part of it. Since no changes couid be made in the amend ment sub . jited by the Gov erncr, the entire amendment was rejected. In Saturday’s c¢:nference, + h e {ov. agreed to submit only- the increment provision, and the legislature « agreed to approve it prouptiy. The Governor also promised to issue an execu ive order ex tending similar benefits for eontinuous non appointed ser e . £ To Leaseßutldings At Sub Base Several buildings that are now vacant at the Sub marine Base, including the supply oftice, administra tion buiiding, and barracks will soon be advertised for St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, M>aday, Auzast 18 1952 New Tortola Pier Will Cost $30,000 1 Construction of a 160-ft. finger pier in the vicinity 'of Barracks Yard to acco 'modate Tortola boats and iother vessels will cost nearly $30,000, it was stated today. The project has already been approved but some authorities are concerned about the high cost, and also because the pens for cattle that will be built will be close to the waterfront highway. The suggestion has been made lthat the boats use the bulk head somewhere to the 'west of the present Torto la Wharf. S s S 13 Tourist vessels szsted lo Call Here - The West Indian Company, Ltd. nas releas«d the following information of tourist vessels scheduled to callat St. Thomas during the coming season: Oct. 20 Nieuw Amaterdamr . Dec. 23 Nieuw Amsterdam "~ Deec. 23 - Flandre if 24 Queen of Bermuda 2 26 Cuaronia - Jan. 24 Oslofjord Loy 25 Nicuw Amsterdam o Y 26 Caronia - Feb. 2 Muauretahia - 11 Maasdam % . 24 Mauretania - Mar., 17 DMauretania L. Aprs '3 Curobin - Almoest "all the ships will stay from morning to evening in port. Olympics Reut Browns The Olympics drubbed t e Browns, 12 - 3 in an exhibition game played at the Bali Park yesterday afternogn. Viggo Wallace, Lionel Richards ard Winston Robles shared the pitching for the vietors, ‘ lease by the St.ThomasDe velopment Authority. . Rejects Meeting With Hotels And Governor The Municipal Council has turned down an invita tion extended by Governer de Casiro to meet with him and members of the Hotel Association on Wednesday, August 20 at Ggvernment House to discuss the 2 per cent hotel tax. The legislators informed the Governor, who has already held a series of conferences with the hotel owners, that they would be }willing to consider any amendments whichhe has to ofter, and if the hotel !operators want to discuss ;the matter further with the ’Council they should write to the Council to request a conference. : ~ The Association, which first warned that it would fight the tax ‘‘to the bitter rend", and assailed the tax as discriminatory, uniair and ambiguons, has since sought to have the tax re pealed. Several objections raised by the hotel opera tors during their meetings with the Governor are said to be receiving his study. New Edition Os Vi Magazine Out The latest edition of*“The Virgin Islands Magazine’’, which is published by The Art Shop, is now available. Designed to promote the islands’ tourist industry,the 64-page edition contain s m any interesting photo graphs taken byFritz Henle and Don Toschi, in addi-; tion to articles on islands’ No. 194 'To Sat Rales For lCargo atßulkhead A mecting of officials will be held this week to idiscuss the establishment iOf rates for the loading and unloading of cargo at the new bulkhead. Within a few months, it is expected that mo s t of the freight handling which was removed to the Sub marine Base w hen the waterfront project got un 'derway, will be transfer red to the bulkhead. Audain Will 1 s 1 Again Seek ” Council Seat ' George E. Audain, Editor of 'the Si. Thowas Mail Notes, ;l:sst week announced his ecandi ldacy for a seat in the Munici ‘pal Council in the November election. He said his decision to run was made ‘“‘partly through the urging of some of my friends, who, [ am proad to say, believe{ havemore than a modicum of legisiative ability, &of my own volition.”? Mr. Audain, who has been seeking electiun to the jegisla ture for nearly a quarter of a century. without sucecess, wili run as an independent candi date for the Town District. He stated: ‘No other indivi dual on this island has before, or since, sought eieciion with such a clear wdication of the desire to help the people and probably no other individual ~ thus rebuffed, would have the temerity to come before the electoraie. I do so because I have faith in my fellow Virgin Islanders and in my ability to serve them.’ : Mr. Audain is the second candidate to make a formal an nouncement. Oiher announce ments are expected in the next week or two. attractions contributed by local writers.