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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Readers’ Forum Editor, Home Journal | St. Thomas, Virgin Islandss [referto anarticle w h i ch appeared August 16, 1952 on the front page| of the Wall Street Journal‘ Establishment of Eligible List The Division of Personnel an nounces the establishment ot‘ an eligible list for the follow ing class: Employment Service Interviewer Duties involve responsible work of a specialized nature in velvinrg a wide variety of as signments in cerrying out the program of a local empluyment office, s uc h &as interviewing applicants for work and eval uating their occupational qua lifications, developing and ac cepting job orders from em ployers and providing techni. cal assistance to employers, in determining jobrequir e-' m=nts. (Salary Range: $2400-I $3300). per annum. Minimum qualifications in clude at least three (3) years of successful fulltime employ ment within the last eight (8) years in the following or re.' laied fi¢ld: business or pub]icl administration; ed cation: la- )| bor or industrial relations; and Graduation from a recogniz-, ed college or uriversity; or completicn of the twelfth! schrol grade and an additioral four years of the required ex-‘ perience; or - Any eqi ivalent combination of the required education and | experience. ! Applications must be made! on the official form which may‘ be obtained from the Division | of Persunnel-Adn.inistration’ Buildirg and shouid be post-| marked by midright of Sep-J tember 5, 1952. ] Eligibility will be hased upon] the so il o wing examinatien weights: Written: 40: Educa | tion and Experience: 4 ;Oral‘ Inie view 0. f Kindlv contaet the Divisicn | of Personne! for further infur-‘ mation, if desired: Ullmont L. James [ Director of Personnel by Stanley Kligfeld. To quote from a section: i “Today, local merchants such as Isidor Paiewonsky ar: agitating with U.S. Officials for the right to bring in additional workers from nearby British-owned lislands. Say Mt. Paiewon sky: ““We’re proving three 'small islands can stay out of the poorhouse by at tracting Tourists with our biggest asset—climate.” Evidently Mr. Kligfeld has usced poetic license. 1 know of no such discus 'sions with the gentleman. - On August 11, 1952, one ;Stanley Kligfeld came to m e seeking information relative to the Federal In ternal Revenue Laws as they applied to Virgin I:- land Rums. I was busy, very busy, so I disposed of Mr Kligfeld, or thought I did by handing him a copy of the Hearings before the Subcommittee on Territo ries& Insular affairs & possessions, January 14-15, 19521 in the Virgin islunds;, which covered all asp-cts of Federal Internal Reve- Norman R. Cissel CERTIFIED : PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Announces the Opening of His Office on September 3rd, 1952 14 A & B Kirkegade Christiansted, St. Croix, V.L The Home Journal nue as it applies to the Is land. - I have not been ‘agitating,’ nor am I sware of other mer. chants who are so engaged. During the Hearings before the Congressional Committee in January 1952, I recall point ing to the acute shortage of Farm and Domestic labor here and suggested that with pro ‘per screening thru Labor & Immigration authorities, t h e gneighboring British Virgin Is lands could fill our needs. l It so happens that with per | mission _of the local Labor Union, Federal and Locai authorities are now in the act of sereening and processing Farm Labor for entry into St. Thomas. Also, on the recent visit of the American Consul from Barbadoa, domestics were given priority for entry into St. Thomas. Very sincerely, ‘ Isidor Paiewonsky August 19, 1952 Mr. Joaquin Marquez Mr. Jacinto Caleb ‘Mr. Miguel Nolla Mr. D. Grillasca ’Mr. O. P. Mendez {Gentlemen, ¢ ~ Your understanding and help in the undertaking of the Women’s League pro gram for beautification of the Emancipation Garden and your wonderful dona tion of 5 concrete benches installed complete for use for the July 4 celebration is a gift which the Wo men’s League and the city of St. Thomas will be for ever grateful. With this example of SR Coutinue on page & oo You pay no mere @ v ® for ine of & A5 ¥ S | / E 4 5L B g - ‘Mfl e &N QG r;;’l'&' SR Sg o B % o, /] éX/ i For W s i Ses QR e O e RN | ki : w:«.{ e & piaviet i Qe B BRI ,’;\ * r-# ’\, \.\a e —that’s one reason why this airline has been “first choice” of internae tional travelers for nearly a quarter of a century. BEWY YORIK Via san Juan or by leading con nectdg airlines from Miami. Re duced 15-day, round-irip Excursion Fares now in effect from San Juan. Daily flights—non-stop service from San Juan by deluxe Constellation. type Clippers. Special 15-day, round trip Excursion Fares now in efect. - st. Schns Frequent flights by Pan American’s popular, swift Convair-type Clip per* Convenient departure times, For reservations, see your Travel Agent or Pl 5 1 o ”':‘i": 2 ‘Rflév = ‘ 2 AR G ,;,,{3-:.‘;(; WORLD'S OO MOST EXPERIENCED G o ARUM Ky 5. fox % Pfl[y 14 f?'.’f?f!@?faiv WOrRED (LiEasyy - Norre Gade No. 4 Phone: 319 @ s¢2. Thomas, V. £ ® SR *TM REG., PAA, iN&,