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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday EARLEB. OTTLEY ... . .. Editor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Wednesday, August 27, 1952 The 40c Dollar The average family hard ly needs auy survey or fi gurestoknow thatitis fighting a losing battle a gainst the ever rising cost of living, But these figures and surveys tellus how current conditions campare with the past, and let us know whether things are improving or not, According to the latest study made by the U.S. De partment of Labor, taxes & the spiraling cost of living force the average American to spend 10 percent or S4OO more than he earns. These figures were for 1950, but living costs and earnings have increased more or less in proportion since then. Since 1930, the fortunes of the American family have progressively d e c reased. Twenty years ago the aver age American was able to save ]O per cent of his in come after personal taxes. In 1941 he was only break ing even. That he is spend ing S4OO more than he earns today means that he is de pleting his savings or going heavily into debt. And the end is not yet in sight. If the average family on the mainland is in such a tough economic squeeze, it takes little imagination to realize how hard hit are ta milies in theseislands where wages are not only c 'nsiderab.y lower than c= the mainland, but where al so living costs are consid erably higher. It is little wonder that so many The Home Jburnal natives are finding it im posibles to make a living and are flocking t o the United States. _ It is estimated that the dollar is now worth 52c in ‘terms of what gnods and ’serv'ces it can purchase on ’the mainland. It must be less than 40c in the Virgin Islands. Those persons who talk glibly about prosperity and boast that things have never been better, are talk ing plain poppycock. Mena Heads Bar Association Judge George A Mena was elected last w e e k as president of the Virgin [slands Bar Association. He succeeds Disirict Attorney Cyril Michael. Other officers named in. cluded Harry Dries, v ice president; William Bailey, secretary, and Jorge Rod riquez, treasurer. Leeward Is. Gov. Will Visit Sir Kenneth Blackburne, Governor of the Leeward islands, has sent wo : d from his capital at Anti gua that he intends to make a visit to the British Virgin Islands from Sept ember 4 to September 14. As he usually goes to Road Town by plane via St. Thomas, that means that he will probably pass through St. Thomas on the dates specified above. RN PN NN TN WP o Register All First Graders who will attend Washington School in September at the school build inrgon Thursdy, Aug. 28, 8:00 A.M. t05:00 P. M. Please bring birth or baptismal ceriificates. ‘ B. Andre Principal S s You can fly almos? anywhere & via With its farflung network of routes extending to all six continents PAA will gladly help you plan a trip to any of 80 countries and colonies. You will be amazed at the wide choice of routes, destinations and costs. -1 : sons » ooy /8 G ED A G 78 # 0 C A MNP "'.52‘,77?55";;:?5 5 S ( , £t J7 e 9 : o Be B £ SNE S - T_ U Y e .‘¢.::::~;.~.» g m‘lt‘ :i & et e R Ernin e (A o3t Daily, non-stop service from San Juan by deluxe Con - stellation-type Clippers*. Reduced, 15-Day, Round- Trip Excursion rates now in effect...also new, low Tourist fares. Convenient connections from New York to London, Paris—leading European cities. RAEesrm y & GLE ok = : Daily, non-stop service from San Juan by Constella tion-type Clippers. Special Round-Trip Excursion Fares now in effect. Connecting airlines to all U.S. cities. ) e st. Johmns - Port of Spain Frequent flights by PAA’s swift, popular Convair type Clippers. .. convenient departure times. Also _regular services to principal Caribbean cities. First arcund the werld, Pan American now provides regular Clipper service to 80 couniries and colonies on six continents. You literally can “fly PAA” almost anywhere. For reservations, see your Travel Agent or SR p >, (R T —’ WORLD'S 7‘;: T ..-:\',V'»."'”« / '.:,‘;‘";"7,‘;..5 4 MOST EXPERIENCED O AIRLINE v ,\-;1“.‘ XX e/ PIN AMERITH S N 7- _ Af‘ & WL EL X HWoripD Alßwass® Norre Gade No. 4 — St. Thomas, V. L. ‘ Phone: 319 %*TM REG., PAA. INC.