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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Puerto Rico Notebook By Julio Francis Edwards Money In The Land San Juan City Manager, Felisa Rincon, v% was %wen a colorful welcome y some 6,000 (f)ai'tis‘ans at the Isla Grande airgort on herreturnfrom the States, received acheck for $6,326,605.83 from Rafael Carrion, Banco Poi;u lar vice president, which is the loan she made in the Continent for public wel fare, including improve ment of streets, sewer sys tem, censtruction ofléze Public'Works Center, the Public Market at Rio Pie dras, a new cemetery for the capital; reconstruction of the Recreation Park at Rio Piedras. items for the San Jose Plaza, and purchase of construction material. 9 Readers’ Forum Editor, Home Journal f My opinion may be con sidered weak, but public opinion is almost omnipo tent. A single hole - who cares for that? But a road with a hundred holes which threatens life and limb, and destroys one’s m ea n s of transportation - who does not care for that? If His Excellency Morris! F. de Castro would brave a ride over the road leading to the ‘‘Hideaway’’ Ciub at least onee, he would, it is believed order the Superintendent of Public Works (who would have us believe he cares not a damn about publie opinion) to effect repairs iinmediately. The condition of this road over a p eriodof months indicates Boreham’s utter disregard for tax-payers money. How long must we continue to live under such conditions? When is this investigation of certain government depart ments I hear so much about to take place? I am most anxious! F.E. de Lagarde The Health Department or-} dered closure of three slaugh terhouses at Bayamon, Guana bo, and Ciales because of ina dequate sanitary condition. He Goes to London In a brief talk with this cor respondent, Amadeo Francis Jr., gr&,%fin&e of the Charlotte Amalie Highk School, and of w Polytechnic Institute at 2dn German, revealed that he will be leaving on the 17th. to take up post-graduate studies at London (England). He was awarded a scholarship by the Government of Puerto Rico. with which he works in an im portant position in the Person nel Division. (t is recalled that he has been the first Vir- T A e———————— Urology Specialist Opens ~ Office ' Dr. V. McKinley Wiles, a Specialist in Uro logy, announces the re-opening of his oftice at No. 12 P Street, Bourne Field, at the in tersection with B Street, at Bus Stop. His practice will be limited to medical, sur gical, and x-ray diagnosis and the care of disease of the Genito-urinary tract. Dr. Wiles is a Diplomate of the American Board of Urology. . Hours will be by appointment only. Telephone number is 64 Bourne Field. YOUR EYES AND EARS DESERVE THE BEST A Bloch Center Examination: For Eye Correction Ray Ban Sunglasses : For Eye Protection Zenith Hearing Aids : For Ear Correction Properly Corrected Eye & Earstrain Means Greatly Improvéd Health The Bloch Center for Better Vision and Hearing NOW OPEN HOURS 9.12 3.6 The Home Journal gin Islander to participate in the World’s Olympiads at Hel sinki, representing P.R. He leaves for the English Capital via New York. | Gov. Comments throughout the three-day period. § **‘l view this festival as a bugle blast which should be sounded again, and again, to marshal ability to meet t h e many urgent community needs. You surpassed our best imagi nation with the 1951 and 1952 March-of-Dimes marathons. And 1 believe the Virgin Islands Card of Thanks We take this medium to ex press our sincere thanks and appreciation to all those who showed us sympathy and ioffered assistance on the oceca sion o! the death of Mrs. A della Potter. l The Potter, George and Fahie Families can continue to look forward again, and again, to receive of your bold courage and expert planning, Ron, as we continue to share our best co-operation in concerted effort. & @ | FLY N, e ‘ “»‘L AT ’ —— e, WLt V) f{ ‘ Y/. [l .l- ’ O e DL L) RIO DE JANEIRO SAO PAULO From Trinidad magfl.fioent double decked “El Presidente,” world’s largest, most luxurious airliner. Direct flights to Rio, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Convenient con nections at Rio for Sio Paulo. 5 !A". B e Monievides Buenos Alres R B, et at Trinida Be‘gula?pe servicep:i‘: Belem to Rio, Sio Paulo, Monte video and Buenos Aires. For reservations - Travel Agen:.:rw ‘-}.;\ worie's PCCC Y most sxesnisnced .:‘f’«f.fgl AIRLING WortLo AIRNAYS Norre Gade No. 4 — St. Thomas, V. L & Phone: 319 . "TM REG., PAA, ING®.