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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL 2nd Year To Build Open- Air Theatre At Sub Base The Development Au thority has agreed to lease an area in the former Sub marine Base to Joseph Fish er for an open-air theatre. Mr. Fisher, who intends to invest about SIO,OOO to $15,000 in preparing the new establishment, expects to have the theatre ready for operation by the begin ning of next year. Mr. Fisher, who recentlyl came to the islands, will pay s3ooa year, and 20 per cent of the net pro fit. : The area leased by Mr. Fisher will covernearly two acres immediately to the west of the telephone ex change at the base. VIBCO Kiddie Show At Center Huge Success Saturday’s first VIBCO Kid die Show at 11 a.m. has been a huge success. Over 700 chil dren attended. Notall the children could be admitted as the theatre was already over crowded, With only a few ex ceptions each child carried as admission 15 u%ed bottle caps of carbonated beverages made by the Virgin {slands- Bever ages Inc. / The one hour program com prising a Technicolor Short feature '‘The Wise Owl’’, 3 black and white cartoons & a 2 ree. comedy short feature with the 3 Stooges were tho roughly enjoyed by the child ren. VIBCO arncunced the next Kiddie Show on Oct. 4, 1952 at 11 a.m. with “Popeye} the Sailor’* and Mickey the Mouse a.O. St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Monday, September 22. 1952 . t Union Here May Jam C. 1.-0. The St. Thomas Labor Union is taking steps to become affiliated with the | Congress of Industrial Or ganization. At the rcquest of Phillip Murray Presi dent of CIOO, David Stern back, Representative o f the labor organization in Puerto Rico, will arrive here shor 1v te discuss this matter with Union officials. The CIO isoneof the most powerful labor o r§ ganization in the United ‘= ates, and has branches in Puerto Rico and other territories. el The Town Crier... e e | Sons to the following, Mr. and Mrs: Isidore Gre aux, Joseph Nibbs, Allan Krigger, C y r i1 Dessuit, Vernon Williams, Eugene Thomas, Oliver Hassell, Graciano Peterson, Alturo Venzen, J a mes Hodge, Vincent Francis, Samuel Gibbs, Anthon Emanuel, George Smith, William Peets, Carlos Woods, Ralph Boulon, Stanley Barbrow, Hulbert Granum, and Charles Smith. Daughters to Mr. and Mrs: Joseph Bryan, Antonio Rivera, Charles Clarke, Carlton George, Jose Moore. Dorald Hodge, Louis Vialet, Gene Greaux. _ Recent deaths reporied local ly include Nazaline E.Francis. 70; Marie Danet 70; John F, Smith. 72; Christina Brown, 35; Irvin Petersen, 59: Mathil da Davis, 64; Aaron de Windt, 87, Terrence Todman., 26, Louise Aubain, 72, Mary An thony, 2days; Maria LaMothe, Bough To Get Post With Finance Dept. Aopointment of Oscar Bough, former Agent in chatge of the Dorothea A gricuitural Station,as an administrative assistant or expediter in the office of the Commissioner of Fin ance isexpected to be made shortly. - Mr. Boughisalready on duty in the Finance Dept., but on a temporary basis, pending clearance of the new Federal office. He is now classified as Clerk IV. Funds for the position of Asst. Chief Bookkeeper are available,but Finance Com missioner Shulterbrand t dozs not intend to fill that post. Mr. Bough’s duties will include special assignments , including statistics and making re ports. - It was expected that Mr. Bough would be given a position with t he U.S. Departmentof Agriculture in its new program in the Virgin Island. However the position offered to him paid a considerably small er salary than he formerly received,and he is not interested in it. Leah Sasso Back Miss Leah Sasso, daughter of Asst. Finance Commission er and Mrs. Ernest Sasso, re turned to St. Thomas on Fri day, after spending three months at the Canal Zone. as guest of Col. and Mrs. Ber nard Law. She visited New York for a week before her return. and on the boat trip up thrilled passengers with tunes on the piano. 65; Theodore Matthias, 72, Adella Potter, 52: Elva Martin, 56; Alma Simmons, 74, Helena Hodge, 70. No. 212 Use of New Tele. System 3 weeks of f Calls which are now re ceived at the telephone ex change at the former Sub marine Base will be trans ferred to the new exchange at Commandant G ade School within three weeks, it was disclosed. ~ Gradually, other sections lwill be added to the new switchboard until all cus tomers are served by the new system. The sy ste m now has ‘about 700 customers, and there are 150 applicants. The new system will be able to accomodate 1000 customers. . Governor Meets P.U.C. Tues. The Publie Utilities Com mission will meet with Governor Castro tomorrow ‘to discuss several matters. One of the most important lsubjects will be the dispute between the Commission and the Governor over the establishment of landing rates at the new bulkhead. The Commission has pro tested the setting of the rates bythe Governor without its consent. Harris Opens Campaign Oct. 1 Councilman Oswald Harris, who is seeking his sixth term in the legislature, has obtain ed permission to use Roths child Francis Square on Oect. 1, 17 and November 3, and Emancipation Garden on Oct. 30 for lectures. Man Stabbed In Back Candito Lebron was held in bail of S6OO on Saturday after Tho :as Rodriquez was stabb ed in the back.