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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, Wednesday an(f, Saturday EARLEB. OTTLEY . .. ... Editor b cent a copy, 50 a month, $5.00 a year $7.00 abroad Advertising Rates on Request Monday, September 22, 1952 Special Session The Legislative Assem bly of the Virgin Islands will meet here on Friday to over-ride Governor de Castro’s veto of the bill to establish the office of the Legislative Contact Repre sentative in Washington, D.C. We are happy over the decision, and the fact that the Assembly is vir tually unanimous on the question. The Governor’s main ar gument against the bill, his declaration that the A ssembly violated Section 24 of the Organic Act which provides that the Gover nor shall make appoint ments to all positions in the municipal budgets is weak and ground] ss.That the legislature ha s the power to elect or appoint a legislative officer such as the Contact Ropresen tative appears to be fully supported not only by the Organic Act, but also by U. S. court decisions in volving cases of a similar nature. In his vet o m-ssage, Covernor de Castro em prasized that lre alone as Chief Executive exercised the right to make appoint ments to positions. This must be a sudden discov ery. The Governor ap proved the ordinance which gives the Virgin Is lands Tourist Devel pment Board the power to select and appoint its own Direc tor and other employees. When this bill was passed we didn’t hear the Gover nor quoting section 2 4 and claiming to have ex clusive right to make the appointments. Similarly, no objection or cries of un constitutionality were raised by t h e Governor when other laws authoriz the Boards of Directors of the St. Thomas Power Au thority and The St. Tho mas Development Authori ty to appoint their General Managers became effective. [f the Governor felt he had theright to make all ap pointments, it is Strange he did not seek to exercise it recently when oneof the Authorities enla ;ed him by selecting a m a n to whom he was violently opposed. [t is gratifying to see that the Assembly is not taking the vetolying down, and because of the benefits which the islands stand to reap from an investment in the office of Legislative Contact Representative in Washington, we believe that the people generally applaud the Assembly’s de termined stand. Card Os Thanks The family of the late James A. Kean expresses its deep ap preciation and thanks to al | those who by their expressions of sympathy made his passing easier to bear. Amended Notice of Registration It is hereby brought to pub lic notice that the Notices of 'Registration previously issued ‘and published are amended in ‘accordance with the following 'schedule of meetings to be ‘held by the Board: St. Thomas Town District - At French Town(The Clinie) on Sunday, September 28,1952 from 4 o’clock to so’clock p.m. At Fort Christian on Friday, October 3. 1952 from 7 o’clock to 9 o’clock p.m, instead of 4 to 6 o’clock p.m. Alphonso A. Christian Chairman, Electoral Board St. Thomas and St. John The Home Journal You can fly climost anywhere via With its farflung network of routes extending to all six continents PAA will gladly help you plan a trip to any of 80 countries and colonies. You will be amazed at the wide choice of routes, destinations and costs. . O i RN / ) = L A Y E ) X o 7 ) £ ; ff ‘\‘ /{ Qfl-fiv . e Yok : CN /] TN Le = -3, ( - ..:;:::sz:;f;'s_iz g_”f‘i%{ ° S > & -.-‘\)N 2 S ,‘ | g Gt Daily, non-stop service from San Juan by deluxe Con stellation-type Clippers*. Reduced, 15-Day, Round- Trip Excursion rates now in effect...also new, low Tourist fares. Convenient connections from New York ‘ to London, Paris—leading European cities. Miami Daily, non-stop service from San Juan by Constella tion-type Clippers. Special Round-Trip Excursion Fares now in effect. Connecting airlines to all U.S. cities. . : St. Johns - Pori of Spain Frequent flights by PAA’s swift, popular Convair type Clippers...convenient departure times. Also regular services to principal Caribbean cities. First around the world, Pan American ; now provides regular Clipper service ‘ to 80 countries and colonies on six ; continents. You literally can “fly PAA" almost anywhere. For reservations, see your Travel Agent or e PAA - WORLD'S ‘7"". ‘§~’ ™ v 4 {;“z;};;,p MOST EXPERIENCED ) gi“o“ : AIRLINE ) - &’ AN AMERICAN Wortp AIPwAYS Norre Gade No. 4 — St. Thomas, V. L Phone: 319 *TM REG., PAA_ INC