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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
Puerto Rico Notebook By Julio Francis Edwards All Superintendents of Schools in Puerto Rico wili discuss together with Se cretary of Education Mati ano Villaronga and other! high officials the Reform! Project referring tothe im-! provement of the public! schools, as recommended] by the Pedagogues Com mittee from Columbia Uni versity some time ago. Propositions nclude im provements in child health, development ofthe aestetic and creative life, efficient social life; development Publication Pursuant to the provisions of Section 37 of the Regulations for the Levy, Assessment. Col lection and Enforcement of an Assessed Valuation Real Pro perty Tax in the Municipality of St. Thomas & St.John,all delin quent taxpayers :re advised that their Real Property Taxes and accrued interest thereon must be paid to the Depart ment of Finance, Administra tion Building, Charlotte Amalie and in case of those taxpayers who reside in 'heislands of St. John, in the Office of the Ad m!mistrator for St. John, Cruz Bay, within a period of :hirty days from the date of this no tice. namely up to and includ ing October 22, 1452 Un esssuchdelinquent taxes, together with interest, are paid within such period the proper ty of delinquent taxpayers will be attached and soid in the manner provided by law. This list is posted in accor dance with Sectivns 36 and 37 of the Regulations aforesaid. Goverrment of the Virgin Is lands of the United States Office of the Government : Secretary Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas . Virgin Islands * September 23, 1952 Daniel W. Ambrose Government Secretary of skill in communication ! and solution. | .~ The 65th. Infantry Rfl-' giment (Puerto Rican) has. been in the united Korean lWar since two years ago, September 22, when the' unit landed at Pusan. ‘ | - es e e e Ted Willi-ms, former! Boston-Red Sox slugger, | oW Captain in the Marine i Corps aviation, arrived in :Puerto Rico last Thursday to participate in the two i week naval training opera ;tion in Vieques Island. l The U.S, Navy will con istruct a permanent naval ibase at Vieques, beginning |January 1953 to offer all ‘facilities t o men during future maneuvers, includ ‘ing ample kitchens mess rooms, sanitary installa tions, post offices, ete. A small-detachment of Mar iines will be permanently stationed at said camp for maintenance. i Thousands became homeless when two rivers overflowed. due to the heavy rains all over the .island. . ' Residential zones in Ponce, Bayamon, Jayuya, Caguas, San Lorenzo, Ad juntas and Coamo were flooded. Telephonic and }telegraphic servic s andl transportation were also| interrupted. Big trees fell| on the waysides and some mtorists were injured. The Portugues River in Ponce washed away 22" small houses and more, than 300 others were des | troyved. At Caguas, the| continued on page 3 The Home Journal Mr. Editor: Kindly allow me enough space in your paper to con vey to our people something that they lose sight of. Dear Citizens, I would like to bring to your notice a situation that [ believe should be of great concern to each and every one of us. In this notice I am making referenceto the present proposed plan of taking away from our child tren, the Municipal Ball Park which I might say is iabout the only public re creational center that we have. As present condition stands, we do not have suf ficient playing areas in our c om m u n ity. Therefore, some ot our kids have to go quite a distant from their homes in order to partake ~C)2 7 N 5 & AT . = S \ : ; - AILINGg .FI‘ROM NEW YORX . lcoa Pioneer (vi PLaI s New York jra S , Alcoa Pi . a SR) 3 t. Thomas anter (viaP.R ] Oc';Oclt’% 3l - Oet - 11tk . q . Tith SR Ale ' New Orl PORTS oa Puinter ; rleans Mobile Due S SAILING Oct. 9th Oct llih t'OT{'Omas . 7 : ct..2oth S.s. Folke Bernadotte ) e ~ About October Bth : Above vessels and sailing dates subject to change or cancellation., Cargo accepted. for other West Indian Islands and British and Dutch Guiana. Ports of call on application. CHARLOTTE AMALIE ¢l4 QUEEN STREET [ TELEPHONES: 440, 441 R eaders’ Forum in clean and healthy sports which they love so well. I believe that should this municipal park be taken a way, our government will be doing a great injustice to the community and might even face a greater problem than that of findiag a site for the new school building. Instead of taking this place from our children, our gov ernment should try to im prove same for their bene fit. It seems so strange that one or two types of sports ‘'with only a minority group participating in sameshould receive so much attention, ' white other sports in which almost the whole island in cluding our children are iinterested, get, the type of treatment that we might ex continued on page 4