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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Says Reward Theft Inside Job Rafael Maldeonado, a de tective who came here to assist in the investigation of the missing Woodstoek Reward Fund, has submit ted his report indicating that the loss of the money was the result of an inside job, There isnothing in the report which may form the basis of a criminal informa tion against anyone, Dis. trict Attorney Michael stated. Officers who have been assisting in the inves tigation will continue t he probe, it was stated, PR Pt L PTG A P eIR N T To All The Virgin Islands s & 5 O : : " SERVICE Pléa<é send a post card with your name and address. ~Barold Norman, -~ - P. O. Box 442 . .. St Thomas, V. L- - e | -CARLOS JARDINE . The Only Specialist in'St. * Thomes for repairing ell makes of o - Typewriters ... . .- Adding . and Calecu la ing Machines - ~ Cash Registers Comptometers Mimeograph Ma - chines, ete. % * 148 Norre'Gade, back of : Br. - Anduze’s Clinic | + PHONE 662-% --« | P. R. Notebook : ! to Puerto Rico by the above mentioned entity. ] ¢ T T w \ - Adventist Hospital At a mass meeting held at La Fortaleza (Governor’s P alace presided over by Mrs. Inez M. Munoz plans were drawn to campaign for ~sloo,- OGO which will be used to fin ish constructior of the Adven tist Hospital at’ Mayague z. Several leaders of the Adven tist religion were Mrs. Munoz’s guests at lunch. The total cost of the hospital is $750,000,and will be known as Beila Vista (Adventist) Hospital with 75 beds, many of them to hospi talize patients free o f charge, QCur Own Jose (Pepito] Figueroa, the internationally. famous Puerto Rican viclinist offered another refreshing reeci al at the Uni versity last Thursday under the auspices of Pro Arto Mu sical, accompanied by his sister Angelina. In thefirst part they inter preted Gabriel’s Faure’s Sona ta in- F minor Op. 13.-and ‘Ebuardo Lalo’s Spanish Sym phony Op. 21. The second pari included Henri Ern’s Ma zurka in FMinor; Ern’s Scherzo. Dvorak’s Slavish Danza and Rios” *‘Kreisler & Perpetual Movement.”’ A Washington report Te vealed that 23 891 -men-w h o were previousiy rejected for military .service as mentally uufit, were re-examined and re-classifi-d as 1-A last Januu ry. A total of 114,233 former- DimasGas Station (Head of Main Sireetj . “Is Now Open 24 Hours. A Day : Prompt, Couretous Service Any time of Day or Night y FOR SALE Late 1949 Buick Sedan, per fect condition, for only $1,200. Owned by Judge Moore, v NOIICE : - Persons interested in pur chasing Scott’s Farm, may subit written offers up to October 10, 1952, to ' S Seolt. . St. Thomas, V.I. The Home Journal ly classified as 4 F were thns!The report added that in July re-examined on that month. ancther 8 245 were reclassified. - In the District Court of the Virgin Islands Division of St. Thomas and St. John at Charlotte Amalie In the matter of the Estate of .) .Probate Abraham Alexander Smith, Decreased) No. 22 - 1952 - Cifation | Application having been made herein for probate of the last will and testament of said deceased, and for Letters Testamentary on said estate by :Alice Marie Smith, itis ORDERED this 36th day of' September, A.D., 1952, that Alice Marie Smith, J oh n Franklin Smith, Hugh Maxwell Smith, Laroy Valdemar Smith, Eric Alexander Smith, Lucille Smith K igger, Aifredo Edwardo Smith and Clarence Smith“and all others a.m. to show cause why such application should not concerned, appear in said Court on October 30, A. D.. 1952, at 10 o'clock be granted. - Let notice hereof be published in the Home Journal once in each of four successive weeks before the return - day herein mentioned, the first publication to be not less than twenty days before the said return day. ‘ t - T - 'George A, Mena, . \ District Court Commissioner. | . _Francisco Corpeiro = ‘ . Attorney for the Estite .= ; Iv'v- OSSO o s 2 b e e T P go R R R ‘’w R e ,fi_ 25 ))//*f’fl*«f% | i sm— e v fl(-fi 23 ' eSS S e i AILINGS FROM NEW YORX ie il Alcoa Pio ails: New York = jve Si n $ ork i "Alcoa Pla e (via P.R.) it iov= St. Thomas a Planter ~(viaP.R].. - Oct. 3rd- Oet. lith 1 SAILING F Oct. 17th - Ot 25 - : o g .FRO:\/} GULF ",LZ:"}:(TS et Zolh Alcoa Puinter ew Orleans Mobile . Due St., | e e ! ith - Oct. soth ' TO'N T ct. 20th Ss. Folke Bernadotte - T'O'NEW YOKK .. N ; T About October Bth o "Above' vessels and sailing dete; subject to change oF cthe“dfionu R ! ‘Cargo accepted. for other Wes Indicn islands and British " : and Dutch Guiano. Ports of call on application. LS 8 | CHARLOTTE AMALIE »14 QUEEN STREET: . 1 » “TELEPHONES: 440, 441 | diee : : ne&@