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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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CENTER THEATRE Weekly Schedule For The _Week of Oct. Bth- Oct. 14th WednesdaY, Oct. Bth Big Double Feature Program MGM’s top dramatic in techni Two Weeks With Love Jane Powell - Ricardo Mon talban - Ann Harding Warner Bros. exciting preduc. Isle Os Fury H. Bogart - Margaret Lindsay Thursday, Oct. 9 Uni.’s top suspenseful produc. Shadow Os A Doubt Joseph Cotten-Teresa Wright Friday, Oct. 10th : MGM’s dramatic production To Please A Lady Clark Cable-Barbara Stanwyck Saturday, Oct. 11th Chapters 9 &10 of Republic’s exciting Serial Don Daredevil Rides Again Monogram’s action-packed Montana Desperado ~ Johnny Mack Brown Paramount’s hilarious produec. Duck Soup starring the Mark Brothers Sun. & mon., Oct. 12th-13th 20th Cen. Fox’s dramatizfro duction of the Korean conflict ~ Fixed Bayonets Richard Basehart-Gene Evans Tuesday, Oct. 14th 20th Fox’s top romantic comedy Love Nest June Haver- William Lundigan Program Schedule For Week of Oct.Bth to Oct. 14th Wednesday, Oct. Bth THEATRE IS CLOSED Thurs. & Fri., Oct. 9th-10th Chapters 3 and 4 of Columbia’s new serial Deadwood Dick Uni’s. action thriller Saddle 'l'ramgl Joel McCrea- Wanda Hendrix RKO’s Radio’s western produc Saddle Legion Tim Holt - Dorothy Malone Saturday, Oct. 11th THEATRE IS CLOSED Sat. & Sun., Oct. 12th - 13th Uni.’s top production in techni Song Os Scheherazade Yvonne Decarlo-Brian Donlevz Tuesday, Oct. 14th Double Feature Program Repub. top exciting produec. The Leathernecks Have Landed Lew Ayres - Isabel Jewel RKO exciting western produc. Wagonmaster Ben Johnson - Joanne Bru S MOVIE | T Tlcl | f :' . | | “‘Shadow of a Doubt,"! starring Joseph Cotten, Teresa Wright,a nd Maci Donald Carey, will be played tomorrow at Cen ter. An average American town and an average Am erican family are drama tized in the action. The story concerns a notorious fugitive murderer wh o higes out incognito with distant relatives. They are unaware of his criminal record. It is packed with sensational suspense and drama. The roaring excitement of midget auto-racing and daredevil stunts in an auto thrill circus, climaxed by the 500-mile classic race of the regular-sized speed sters at Indianapolis, fur nishes the background for “To Please A Lady”, which brings Clark Gai’)le and Barbara Stanwyck to the Center screen on Fri day. This pulse-pounding MGM drama offers Gable the type of hard hitting, high-romancing role which won him fame. Card of Thanks | Thefamily of the late George Richarhson take this] medium to thaok the many friends and acquaintances for sympathy shown them in their recent bereavement. i e ' FOR SALE Upright piano, good condi tion; low price. A sacrifice, . Call 77. Inspeet and hear it played before purchasing. AN ki e ' Card Os Thanks ~ The Hodge, White and Tuc ker families wish to take this medium to express our thanks to all friends and acquaint ances for the sympathy shown us in the passing away of our mother, Caroline Tucker, The Home Journal Our Town And You Our Town and You should ask all cardidates in the coming election, “Mr. canditate: What are your answers.” | The big crowds at politi cal rallies; the applause that follows a candidate’s speech; the music and the lights are part of election year in the Islands. But the noise and glitter should not take precedence over the issues facing the vot er. In selecting a man for the Council the voter will want to consider first how the candidate stands on some of the important questions of 1952. Listed below are a few that will require answers b e f ore November 4th. Do you believe that every Eerson shou!d have the right to work witrout regard to union-‘affiliation? Do you believe government should prohibit concentra tion of economic power in any group, whether busi ness or labor or both. so that monopolistic practices will be impossible? Will you confioe spending torevenues, or will you gam ble on inflation induced by deficit financiag? Will you In The District Court of the Virgin Islands Division of St. Thomas & St. John at Charlotte Amalie In the matter of the Estate ) Probate Os Monroe Simmonds, Deceased) No, 23 - 1952 NOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an order issued by the District Court of the Virgin Islands, dated October 3, 1952, all creditors of the estate of Monroe Simmonds, deceased, are notified that his heirs and next of kin have filed in the District Court of t h e Virgin Islands a petition for a summary administration of his estate and are requested to file their claims against said estate, within 30 days from the date hereof. All persons indebted to the estate are requested to make payment within the same time. John L. Phillips, Attorney for Petitioner Dated: October 6, 1952 By The St. Thomas Chamber of Commerce work for increased legisla tive control over spending? Will you automatically provide whatever tax reve nues the budget calls for-or permit continued resort to deticit financing-or will you insist that spending be held to a level which area sonable tax structure can maintain? Do you plan to rely on controls or on the stimulus of a free market? Do you believe that we need decentralization of gov ernment, voluntary action and a strengthened legisla ture. Do you see that cen tralization of power gives us hasty, arbitrary action Iwhich takes away our free 'dom and breeds waste and i corruption? ’ Mr. Candidate: what are your answers? i FOR SALE ‘Late 1949 Buick Sedan, per fect condition, for only $1,200. iOwned by Judge Moore. DimasGas Station | (Head of Main Street) ' Is Now Open 24 Hours A Day Prompt, Couretous Service Any time of Day or Night