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(‘Dh uwP l‘lmfifl il @H HIPY J. Antonio Jarvis Deems Taylor, the com poser and music critic, in an article on Stephen Fos ter says “So faras I know, only one song has ever /made the Hit Parade eigh ty seven years after it was written and seventy-seven years after the death of its composer. That song is ““Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair.” - Stephen Foster is one of my favorite composers be cause he is so easy to un derstand and his mel dies are appealing for all the'r simplicity. Some years ago Random House put out ‘A !7535:13.‘:3:;:!;E‘C:1zi:i':5-':-'::::17':::3:'125.’:3::'7':‘::-":‘:‘:'3‘3‘:‘5'3‘5‘:‘4 BN . N B S P KSR KR, A ) B e » ‘h"rs’zw&%va; R e e B e s e .E:" ':5::\';'.5::':%::':::'::::@:‘:%&'\}:?::?{.:?"' S B e e L Bogmpdne T N N N aawae. 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RS BRRRO g b Breoi iR RR R ,’”% SR LAY iIR B R R e : S Koy RR R R iO e S B ~->:;$;.;:;:;:§:;:;;.::::::..,':;:<:~:¢:¢:f:1:1;::- B “‘""‘-{} 2Fale o TTN S e s N RO O 3 P TG e v, R "'-T~:-:-:::::::::'.'--:-:»:»:v.-:-'-:»:-:-:fzizi: oY B 75 S e \k' e BRN Se e B R g e RE- g Bs S g P g e RN :M:::::":..“?} z!:i.'i:if.::z:?:-.t.-.-g;:és;' R R s S s o gR AT I;}'{::::" fie & B e s Ro s .t SR BRI x 5 Ryt ; DY ""‘}‘*Mr‘ R P R RRS I, Ny BT R "&"fi eRr P B R e R M R 0 TRI gTR ke gy BN R S eN S g sw SR g R B BRSSO SS L e iQ&Ke B T Qfig Rk F o e RR e R A R o SRR g e BL B R s SRS e R goo e 3 §l~-§ B R SR 2 RR A &Bfi«"% e SO MANY LITTLE CHILDHOOD ILLS N . STRIKE AT NIGHT! -‘ That’s why so many modern mothers ~:J os¢ » always keep St. Joseph Aspirin For FoRASp’RI;/ K " Children on hand, ready for any emer- ‘_ c”l[gk ["' gency. It’s a wise precaution for you, Sl v too, for this specialized aspirin is ape proved by thousands of doctors as an L R easy, safe way to give aspirin to a child. S 9 Tablets are % adult dose; children like its pure orange flavor. Buy it to- & day, your child may need it tonig. Bottle of 50 tablets 39¢ 1. PLEASANT TASTING : VYV SO 2. PURE ORANGE FLAVCR g OT.JOSE PH 3. NO BREAKING OF TABLETS &2 » ASPIRIN * $ 4. ACCURATE DOSAGE ILDREN S A PRODUCT OF PLOUGH, INC. g ,__\.‘- ._ ;e‘\,,::~_affi;ai‘f;?‘3'3‘f"' lTreasury of Stephen Fos ter’ which contains fifty songs including some me lodies which are part of the tapestry of Am:rican Life. It is only now that people are beginning to give Stephen Foster the critical acclaim which he deserves. ! A music history to hand gives Edward MacDowell sixteen lines, Horatio Par ker, twelve; Victor Her ’bert twelve; and Stephen Foster six lines: The Hall !of Fame has given the ac colade to Foster and cer tainlv the public has mad 2 The Home Journal both his folk music and his art songs popular pos sessions. The Foster love songs are particulariy good and as romantic as anyone can ask. Os course, if a person has never loved, even the Song of Solomon will not move him; but Come Where My Love Lies Dreaming is one of Foster s songs which may be com pared to Schubert’s musie. Each time | fall in love I find an appropriate song for the occasion. I r- mem ber once going by Pan American flying boat to a Latin port where Isaw a beautiful girl, a hostess or clerk - I've forgotten which - whose eyes made me dream of lutes and p 'mgranates and sunrise in Mandalay. Incidentally, there was a middle - aged priest on the ship who seemed to feel the same way because he reached her first and held her at tention m st of the time. At long last I got near to her and sputtered a few words. She was very char ming. Unfortunately for me, that was her last day at work because she was to be married very shortly to a doctor. It was no us- staying over, The priest and others said ‘‘au revoir’’ *but al. I could manage was adieu, Because of my lost loves I can enjoy Stephen Foster's n.usie, but I avoid the inevita ble tragic overtones. And his preoccupation with the other world is not quite to my taste. Yet the iyric of ‘Why, No One to Love’ does not exactly fit, for ailits opsimism. Whenever bra g L R FOR SALE Late 1949 Buick Sedan, per fect condition, for only $1,200. Owned by Judge Moore. : SOR SALE Upright piano, good condi tion; low price. A sacrifice. ~ Call 77. Inspect and hear it played before purchasing. 1 feel self pity 1 look fora more stimulating song like Oh, Susanna. Played in alla breve time it goes well with beer. 7 FLY r m V., // 'W/’ 7D .:7//////////%///// ' //4//@%%/% ',’ {gg,/ //¢/ "/% g 4 ) BN—— ;=N — D - i —= « o B = Sy == J.{m_,—f_‘f’*‘;f /fi G 5 \ fi/,// .> Wioe ///{%/% B ) b i S //%M 1= 3 = R e S e From Trinidad magnificent double decked “El Presidente,” world’s ~largest, most luxusious airliner. Direct flights to Rio, Montevideo and Buenos Aires. Convenient con nections at Rio for Siao Paulo. B\ ffli T:;-\ .f_‘:-.-!‘. o Mentevideo © Buenos Aires Connect with popular, economical “El Turista” DC-4 type Clipper* at Trinidad. Regular service via Belem to Rio, Sio Paulo, Monte video and Buenos Aires. For reservations, see your Travel Agent or e : Pl I o e \ 3 | () ‘{:‘;"&"{'f}" AIRLINE WortD AIRWAYS Norre Gade No. 4 — St. Thomas, V. I. / Phone: 319 - %*TM REG., PAA, INGC.