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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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THE HOME JOURNAL 2nd Year Several New Candidates May Run for Council The political campaign moved into high gear this week when with only three more weeks before the Nov ember 4 election several new candidates indicated theirjintention to seek seats in the Municipal Council. Efforts to formulate a ticket which were launched last week were said to be making rapid progress, and announcements of new can didates are expected any day, Pressure is being applied on William Greer, owner of radiostation WSTA, torun as member at-large on this new slate. Auguste Rimpel, Chief Clerk of the West In nian Company, Ltd., has already agreedto run as member at-large. Alithough no statement has been issued, it was said authoritively that E. Leo nard Brewer, who was slat ed to run with Oswald Har ris for the town district, has asked to be excused due to pians which he has al ready made to go to the mainland It was said that Jack Monsanto’s name has been mentioned as a possi ble successor to Mr. Brew er on he ticket. ‘ - The name of Billy Chris- | tensen as a candidate for the countiy district was also | brought into the picture, and therewas talk tha: Atty. David E. Maas m y also decide to make therace. In the meantime canch dates who h a v e already «tarted theircampaigns were preparing for a vigorousj fight, and voters were St. Thomas, Virgin Islands, Monday, October 13, 1952 Seeks Transfer Ot Projects To Municipality Enactment of an ordi nance to authorize the Governor to accept from the Department of Interior certain sanitary and fire protection facilities, pota ble water supply facilities, and certain highway and road improvements con structed under Public Law 510, has b=en urged by Gov. de Castro. On some of the projects there is some additicnal equipment which must be installed, and in some cases these installations will be delayed until ap propriate materals and facilities are available, the Governor disclosed. As con struction is substantially complete, however, it is felt desirable to proceed with the transfer of these projects to the municipali ty. PaiewonskyForms Council Ticket At a mecting- held on Saturday night, an Inde pendent Ticket headed by Ralph Paiew nsky w a s formed. It includes Aguste Rimpeland James O’Bryan at-large; Oswald Harris and Jack Monsanto, for the town district; Wey m.u h Rhymerand Joseph Gomez, for the country, and Julius Sprauv-, St. John. William Greer,who, | nad been asked to run{ declined. An announce ment is due today. lanking forward to the most spirited election since en actme.t o the organic act. Hurst Company Promises To Meet Shipping Needs With positive assurance of a steady flow ofrefrige rated cargo, including car go originating in San Juan and cargo originating in New York and trans-ship ped in San Juan, William A. Hurst and Co., expects to install on the ‘‘Mary X’* any additioual refrigerated space necessaryto me et the needs of the islands. The company has been op<rating the “Mary X” on a scheduled weekly s<rvice between Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands since Sept. 5, 1952. The steel hull, twin-screw, diesel \powered ship, is capable 0. handling 400 tons of general cargo, eleven tons of refrigerated cargo, and has 1600 cubic feet of hold space, It can handle heavy lifts up to 6 tons, and ecan al s o carry aut mobiles, trucks and tractors With thedecision of the Bull Lines not to operate a small ship between Puerto Rico and the Vir gin Islands, the ‘‘Mary X” is expected to handle the bulk of this trade. Mr. Hurst has stated that his ¢ mpany will continue this service permanently if ‘“we get the support from the merchants and dealers of >t.Thomas and St. Croix that perliminary interest has led us to be lieve will be forthcoming.” Mrs. Williams In Radio Address Mrs Thyra Hodge Williams, candidate for t he country district, will deliveran addres over radio statiou WSTA io night at 6:15 o’clock. Earie B Ottley and Percival: No. 220 Caribbean Still Free of Storms With three months of the hurricane season al ready over, the Caribbean area has been virtually free of stom scares. Only two have hurried along the At lantic up to now, 500 and 350 mil es, respectively, from San Juan. In 1921, there were ten hurricanes in the area. One of them, put a big score in the islands when it ap peared it would strike. During the last 70 years, there have been hurricanes in every month from May to December, with most of them occuring in August, September and October. Not until Christmas can the inhabitants in the Ca ribbean be merry. Chamber of Com. Meets Friday The Chamber of Com merce will hold a general meeting on Friday night, Oct. 17. A colored sound |movie, “The Dupont Sto ry,”’will be shown. The Ex ecutive Board will give its report and amendments to t h e constitution will be discussed. Servicemen Praised For Good Behavior Praise for the conduct of the nearly 2000 servicemen who visited St. Thomas dur ing the last week-end was ex pressad today by po ice officers, who reported a minimum of di-order. Severa] hundred servicemen were entertained by the local USO committee at a dance held at Grand Hotel on Saturday .. e H. Reese, candidates for the own district, will speak in Carena,_ze at 8 o’clock tonight,