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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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Our Town And You Jme s e After reaching legal vot ing age,'each Virgin Island er can expect tohaveabout 24 opportunities to vote inan insular election. Surely, none of us wants to waste these opportuni ties. We want to make the most of them. The way to make our vote count most is to judge the candidates by their stand on important issues. This can be illustrated by just one issue, Govern ment economy. Qur gov ernment is a generous fellow—often more gener ous than prudent, consid ering that he has nothing to spend except our own tax money. He has taught us more and more to de pend upon his support. 2%1 3 8 bALLBRREEAVE B : ARRRWLLIEEGE BLE 3 ’ | : §§ X 2 B & 2 B —:‘g-:-.‘_ e R ' ™& i y,-’§\ 2 ' X\\ 4.,1 = . ; R | 88, links &B¢SB £ 2 A : S ?g ¢ ‘;‘ En RN i 5 <' % 'é{ «' e P ' | f‘\‘ “"\ G it . 1&2 2_; B = Ry L AR IR LCR iy 9 av"q '§i; *j ‘j %& VL. , ¢: lv S D 2 -f’-:—\: [hunse > Elther é;_:?'f.; ‘ e ;.',:‘.':l. ey V\y( BPR RA S 0 SN O = A it A|) b B G /r § R \ “:\ :(Ss m’ e e v-‘,m AG SR R /] ¢ rTA'; 7057 ¢o { Gy % .Aa‘\vv ] b : YNS 2 H} N 5 ; N \ I’/// e ) =" A !th Ul!lm P|l2l 1 lug s “\JL //7|O 8% \e S a2 ONE r i I -!’ TN \ > Y f ,w!: ?‘»\_"“fc o | [“ii fout e . ..,;; = @'éu\ Q ) \ G §7% g %75;' e I %y | el L7 = 4 SN " | A S T W Ny, ey DML T ; 7N T 4 N brle dZor /\ \ <-l i il e BB |- - : B LN Miami offers you delicious late summer warmth plus l If “’Paris in the Spring” is enchantment, then Autumn in cooling sea breezes for an ideal vacation Enjoy sunny days | New York is a dream...a dream of falling leaves, clear, crisp delightful nigh B Sais : . : I air, of new fashions in the shops, of new shows in dozens of elighttul nights, sparkling beaches, spo,rts, e.nterta.mmen S theaters, exciting exhibitions, stimulating concerts, in short, a only a few short hours away. Fly PAA’s swift Clippers* to kaleidoscope of color and gayety and movement. Take PAA’s Miami; enjoy the restful atmosphere. Connecting airlines fly comfortable Clippers to New York and return by connecting regularly to New York, from where you can fly home again airline to Miami for a few days in the sun before letting via Pan American. Pan American fly you home again. Call Pan American for reservations or consult your travel agent. =Y WORLD'S MOST EXPERIENCED AIRLINE NG *T.M. Reg., PAA, Inc. NORRE GADE NO. 4 — ST. THOMAS, V. 1. L2av AdERICAN WorLo Algways PHONE: 319 The line at his pay win dow grows longer each year. His checks for salar les, pensions and various benefits go out regularly. ~ The time has come to ask ourselves: How much government spending can we afford? Big spending by government leads to many complications. High taxes, for example. And higher prices. An enorm ous debt that some day must be paid. It leads down the road tosocialism. And it leads to corruption. Let’s take up these mat ters one at a time. - You’ve seen ycur taxes go )up lately. Maybe you don’t realize how much becsuse ’a lot of your taxes are hid den in the prices you pay. The Home Journal Next, big spending by government leads to infla tion. And inflation, as we know, means higher prices. We have inflation w hen there is a big increase in the supply of money, with out a corresponding in creases in the production of things to buy with that money. T h e government pours out sums of money and produces nothing that you or I can buy. . Spending promotes big government. Maybe you’ve noticed that the bigger gov ernment grows the more it tells the people what to do and when to do it. So cialism, after all, is just big government equipped with all kinds of controls over the lives of the people. ~ Finally, big spending in vites corruption. Even s t r o ng men are tempted when money flows like wa ter So there you have it. On November 4, you have a choice to make. The issue is:on theone hand, unrestrain ed government spending, with high iaxes, high prices, grow ing debt, new steps toward socialism, and corruption. On, the other hand, fewer guvern ment services, less spending, some hopes of tax relief, less upward pressure under prices, a balanced budget, a return to the traditional Americarn way of life and less chance for cor ruption in government _ Vote in this issue as you see it. But above all else - VOTE: FOR SALE Hull, boom and sails of Sioop ‘Olive’. Hull awash, Consuit Commander Work St. Thomas Boat Yard Telephone 83 eB L L SOR SALE Upright piano, good condi tion; low price. A sacrifice. Call 77. Inspect and hear it playgd before purch:sing.