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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
Puerto Rico Notebook By Julio ‘Francis Edwards & = = <7 . A huge,516,600,000 re-| creation center will be con structed at the zone ad jacent to the n&éw Interna tional Airportinlsla Verde. The extraordinary recre ational facilities to be in cluded in this center will be avsilaple toresidents of San Juan and tourists pass ‘ing throfgh. : + ~ <& 5 Private capitdal will" be used up to $13;000,000 while the Transportation Authority will contribute with land valued at - $36,000,000. This “reecrea tion center will be control -ed by a:special-board, ae cording to.the T.A. chief Salvador V. Care who ad dressed' members o f Rio Piedras Rotary Glub. -+ —~ Many Facilities P Henry Klump, the dis tinguished American arc hitect. who resides in Puer to Rico formany years now, is the author. of the : e ; . °:::_\ T ) & W = 1 T, BY -2 0 o :-‘. *3 : SCOTC‘i ( o st o nls L ndaae £ SIAGEY W 6 e N ety M LR S g e EWHITE 3 -y 7}- . 3 “cm.éu . EsGow, scallE % i N =] ; K b : ! i e 8 5 B ol L R B RS e ‘ - PR 5 el Tk P N ¥ i b 2T y :ff:&""O'NW},‘f e A M TTRE KNG, g . Dlstllled, Blended [ ' e : .’ ." = {:/. F - . > 4. 3 " . and Bottled in Scotland e . < 3 .': ‘. ;. o Boebucy or scoran® g’ | BRCK 5 whITE ; by > ' ' i : O OL, SCoTCH et ‘ ALI $ ' s R -3, . eey s B 4 > | e et e - L WSS ® 3¢ i ! BRI ¥&, ’ ey ; Q 5 ‘:‘ & ¥R 1 v A . h TS - - eLT LR gugs . NS ‘ o é}fi o g : g eclion : N eot @ (A, f R ;;,tfii"e: James Buchanan & Co. Ltd., Glasgow, Scotland Rt project; which will inclfudeJ hotels, aquarium, swimm.-,‘ ing pools, “coney.‘,i‘sland_”*l apparatus, . e¢hildren -play grounds, -cabins, sorts, submarine gardens, ayacht club, a zoological park, shooting club hippo d r o-m.e, a . motor-movie, drive-insrestaurant, soft ball fields, automobile race track; art gallery, tropical garden; horticulture mar ket, gasoline-stations, tour ist guide offices, and bus terminak. @ - "o . “We want - to make the International Airport the transportation - center of the Western Hemisphere. Her ample facilities will al« low all mpglern airships to land comfortably.No-diybt that Puerto Rico’s geogra phie positign, will turn this into- the most important airport in eastern United States” gaid Oifa. vt s | The: Home Journal Don’t Mix Them - . o Munoz Marin who hasi gone. back: to his habit of 10 years ago:-campaigning in the rural districts, ad-‘ dressed 300 -of ‘his party leaders at Laurel Coloay stating that it is not true,‘ what some Catholic leaders are propagating about himl as anti-Catholic. 'l am a religious man but..l'm, also, a staunch believer in the separation -of Church and. State...He added that -the Govervmenthas copperated and still cooperating with all religious : sects to build churches. and schools in raral:aones,....o.. ¢ .. . .., Attorney Marceline Ro many, the Puerto Rican GOP delegate whose hilari ous speech-at ‘the Republi can Party Convention made Fhim ‘nationally famous, has been invited by the bigwigs to campaign for Eisenhower in New York, . . - : Dr. Rafael Pico, chief of the P. R. Planning Board and his financial specialist, Rafael Durand Manzanar, explained in a detailed and interesting exposition that To All The Virgin Islands i Yes Tiißg ; he i o i i { A Ly - ,:' ' : ":'ga S-' b | L SERYIEE - | wsnAnd Fining |+ 3 ’Pléhc'e send ‘a ‘post” card “with Yyour hame and address. - - ' i~ Harold Norman, gL. - oP O Bot 442 ",g f SQ¢ Tlhomas, Vo £:SF Preo . FQR SALE .. ; “Hul,Loon:amd sails.of Sloop "Qlive!. Hull awash, : ;‘ ‘Consuit Commarder W rk - St. Thamas Boat Ysrd Telephone 83 complete industrialization of Puerto Rico will call for 30 million-dollars per year during an entire decade. You pay no mere ‘ - ® B for the . ‘ “" 'r- . ¥ { / oy | W '“"‘..v....x ’- 3 2 - 'l . \—; : - / i,' ’ AR ) : 4 v ] ~‘~‘:\,~_ W,v L i = e NI | B * % ~that's one reason why " this airline has been - “hirst choice” of intérna tional travelers for nearly a quarter of a century. : Via jan ,J'u:‘a.nAor by leéglin con - necti?fag airlines from Miar’ng:. Re * duced 15-day, round-trip Excursion Fares now in effect from San Juan. " Daily flights—non-stop service from _San Juan by deluxe Constellation type Clippers. Special 15-day, round - trip Excursion Fares now in effect. - St. Johns Frequent flights by. Pap- American’s popwlax, swift Convair-type Clip- ’ ;- per* Convenient’departure times. (0 For reservations, see yous g Travel Agent'or ' ° AL 4 ;}&A . . WORLD'S - NEEECOWAL MOST EXPERIENCED NS L KIRKING ' . Worto AIRWAYS « ¥ " Norré Gade No. 4 g ¢ o - Phone: 819 prrba » 8. Thomas, V.O. .. ® ‘. A *TM REG., PAA, INQ. .