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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
- THE HOME JOURNAL A Virgin Islands Publication Published Every Monday, : Wednesday and Saturday EARLE B. OITLEY . .. ... Fditor 5 cent a copy, 50 a month, - #3490 a year $7.00 abroad Advertiging Rates on Request " Saturday, December 20 1952 . Hospital Fees | Governor de Castro has . -submitted to the Munici . pai Council an ordinance ' to authorize the establish ment ot fees for medical { care in the municipality, - and has urged immediate - enactment of this legisla etrm. - | The bill would authorize the Governor, with the ad vice of the Commissioner .~ of H-aith, to establish a scheduie of fees for me dical treatment, surgical operafions, and dental and hospital services. All p :isons, except those who are indigent, would be re quired to pay the fees. Hardship cases, that is, patients w h o seek free medica: serve 2 on the ground that they cannot afford to pay, would be re viewe: by a special C m mifttee on Hospital Fees, ~which would be composed -of seven members, includ ing four government offi cials and three other in dividuals. T h e ordinance further provides tkat if any per son neglects or refuses to pay any fees for medical care within ninety day s the Sheriff shall have au thority to collect the same by the attachment and sal: of ‘personal property of the debtor. Under the proposal, doc tors, dentisis and nurses would be autho ized to charge professional ser vice fees to private patients in tre hospital, “provided that if munici * pal supplies are us ed, their annual c: st shall be billed monthly by the mu ‘nicipal hospital and paid for by the private prac tion-r monthly. Municipal physicians, dentists anad nurses may charge f or fe s for services rendered outside of their regula duties.” ~ Another important p ro vision in the ordinance is the'one that requires per sons who require medical caie to pay a d posit prior to . receivingsuch }care, eXcept in cases Where adjustment of the ‘hospitalbiii wiii be regnired. ~ The Governor aud o her officiais are urging enact ment of thisordinance with in the next few days. No doubt, there is need for speed since the new hospi tal will go into operation within a few months. But that does not mean that the proposal should not be sub jected to tie most careful Sheriff’s Sale It is hereby brought to Pub lic Notice Ihat, in compliance with an Order of Execution is sued by the District Court o the Virgin Island<, (Civil No. 275-1952) the Sheriff has seized the following vessel in an action for Debt: | Six ton British Sloop ‘Centaur’ The above named vescel will be offcred at a Public Auction to be held in the vici-‘ nity o' the Vilia Olga where it" 1S presentiy moored, at 10] o’clock a m. on Tuesday, De-i cember 30, 1952, and sold to the highest bidder. Earle H. Charles Sheriff Office of the Sheriff* St. I"homas, Virgin Islands ‘ December 18, 1952 ‘Get Your Supply Os ] CiAEta: SCOTCH ILIQUEUR I also l ANDERSON’S SCOTCH WHISKY | Available at your dealer The Home Journal scrutiny. For one thing we are opposed to the suggest ed make-up of the Commit tee on Hospital Fees, with government officials com prising the majority. Other amendments which would make sure that our good 2 €y T /}/’_3»}/ e L e I’s’%%’-:_7 2\ = : T SAILINGS FROM BALTIMORE & NEW YORK Sails Baltimore N. Y. b= St. Thomas Aleoa Runner [via P.R.) Dec. 15th Deec. 19th Dee. 26th Alcoa Roamer Deec. 29th Jan. 2nd Jan. 9 h Alcoa Ranger Jan. 12th - Jan. 16th Jan. 23rd SAILING FROM GULF PORTS New Orlezns Mobile Due St. Thomas ‘Evrof Jan. 3rd Dec. 31st Jan. 7th SAILINGS TO NEW YORK Folke Bernadotte ©= about December 26th : - - ot to change OF cance?lofion., Above vessels m?e:io;‘::go?h:‘res v;:l::el::ii:n islands or_\d Brifish _ ::cgztd\ Guiono. Ports of call on application. % a EET ARLOTTE AMALIE ° 14 QUEEN STR e TELEPHONES: 440, 4“. e————— At Criterion . .. DRASTIC PRICE REDUCTION Everything In Delicacies For Chrismas Cheer ° . Including European Provisions & Liquors also usual fresh fruits, vegetables, meats -~ and poultry. AVAIL YOURSELF OF THESE BIG BARGAINS! Telephones 98 & 198 intentions areactually translated into law are ne cessary. We are too famili ar with the previous hard boiled attitude of the offi cials who will enforce the law to give them a blank check.