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[[DET bekjendtgjøres herved at Præsidentskabet har tilstillet undertegnede Foged Listen over übetalte Skatter til Colonialkassen for Aaret 1875 med Ordre atfore tage Execution for disse Skatter saafremt Qvittering ikke er foreviist inden 3 Uger fra Dato. Byskatterne for de Eiendomme der ikke cics as Plartageeiere ville fremdeles blive modtagne her pan Contoiret. Frederiksteds Fogedcontoir den Ade October 1876. C. SARAUW. \n\n alongside that schooner. Then thera were active, nimble hands to get that rum out quick into the small boat, and there was a certain Custom House officer there to help and see that it was done right, but, singular as it may seem, he has nuver taken occasion yet to report that as among his official duties. Some alarm was occasioned, and the unloading of the schooner was stopped when she still had on board 200 five-gallon demijohus filled with that obhoice rum. A little before daylight she ran off down shore past Savin’s Rock, and these 200 demijohns were thrown overboard one after another at a littlo distance apart. While this was going on, when the water was just lighted up by morning, a Custom House officer happened to be looking down that way through a big spyglass and saw the long line of things that bobbed up and down on the waves in the walks Afi \he schooner. Ile went right down thers va a tug to sce what those things were. He gota few of the demijohns, but the water was pretty rough that morning and the tide was coming in, so that pretty near all of them were smashed together on the rocks. There was nobody on that scnooner when the tug caught up with ber that had noticed any demijobns,"”’ “ Has there been any smuggling since then 1" “Not that I know of 1f there is any, nobody comes around to tell me aboul it. But T don’t think there is much any more. When a fellow is caught smuggling nowadays be is put in jail, and that’s uncomfortable.” NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Tis hereby made known that the Presidency has transmitted to the undersigned Sheriff the list of arrears of taxes due to the Colonial Trea sury for the year 1875 with order to levy for said taxes if receipts are not produced within 3 weeks from date. The taxes for town properties not owned by estate owners will as hitherto be receiyed at this Office. Sheriff’s Office, I'rederiksted Octo ber the 4th 1876. C. SARAUW, PRICES, ON CREDIT OR FOR CASH, PAYABLE 500 GLS. Lamp, Paint, Lard and Kerosine Oils, in One and Two Gallon qus, Kegs Nails, Tallow, Tur, Oakum, Pitch, Paints, Canvass, Twine, & other Estate necessaries. ALSO— Halifax Herrings, 3 barrels Family Beef, Tins But‘ter and Lard, Hams, Starch, Vinegar in demijohns, and all the usual supply of Groceries, Provisions, Liquors, Malt, Wines, etc, A FULL ASSORTMENT OF—- CLOTHING, HATS, BOOTS, ctc ete. Frederiksted, Ist QOctober 1876. R. J. ROBINSON. NOTICE. OR SA L—E—by the Under ’F signed BUILDING LIME 40cts. per Bbl. delivered upon Estate. oocte do. do. do. in town. Work & Rest Oct. 6th 1876. Y. C. HVID, 8 7T. iRO 1 = 5. ¥ .8 . 1 TELILIGRARS. St. THOMAS STATION. October 2nd. New York, October 2nd.—A telegram from London announces that the Right Hon. Robert Lowe, ex Home Secretary, has delivered a speech, in which be vehemently represented the necessity for the immediate reassembling of Parliament to consider the course the country ought to adopt with regard to the Eastern question. PrymoutH, October 3rd.—The R. M. S. “Tas manian’’ from the West Indies arrived here at five o’clock this morning. The correspondence will be delivered too late to admit of a reply by the outward steamer. October 3. NEw York, 3rd October.—The Czar of Russia has written an autograph letter to the Emperor of Austria in which he proposes that Rusria should occupy Bulgaria. The London * Times' commenting upon the Czar’s letter says that his Majesty has misread the mind of Europe. The Right Hon. John Bright has expressed his opinion that an extra session of Parliament is desirable. October 4. - DemERARA, October 4th.~The cricket match was resumod yesterday morning by Demerara going in to finish their first innings which was concluded in about half an hour for fifty four runs. After a short interval Demerara was again sent to the wickets, but owing to the very effective bow ling of Penalosa were all disposed of by 2 o’clock for eighty two runs. Total in both innings 136 thus leaving Trinidad the victors in one inning with 28 runs to spare. An arrangement to play aroturn match having been made Trinidad went to the wickets at 3 o’clock and when stumps were drawn had a score of 84 runs to their credit 8 wickets having fallen. Play willke resumed to-day. New York, 4th Oct —ln reply to the mediating Powers the Government of the Sublime Porte offers tc agree to a suspension of hostilities, and promises to prant national reforms, and toremove the disa bilities of the Christlan subjects. This offor bas been refuscd by the Servian Go vernment who will not treat for peace except on the conditions at first submitted. In France the bullotings to fill up vacancies in the National Assenibly have resulted in the re-elections of fuur-Republicans and two Bomapartistg, Messrs, Peyrusgo for Auch in thie department of Gers,and M. Tron for St. Gardens in the Haute Garonne, eAy e THE ST. CROIX CENTRAL FACTORY. (From Dagbladet of lith September.) The Minisiry of Finances has appointed Civil Engineer C. E. I. ANDERsEN, and Colonel of Artillery P. C. BoECK so super intend on behalf oi the Ministry the eree tion of the Central Factory in St. Croix. The two gentlemen will arrive in St Croix at the close of this month. Ow their arrival the work of erection which is ex pected to extend over 14 years, will be immediately ¢)mmenced. e D B R THE DANISH WEST INDIES. The Ezport Mercantile Advertiser and British Prices Current gives the Prospec _tus for subscriptions for shares in the St. Croix Central Factories with the following introductory remarks : “In our July No.we made some re marks on these interesting possessions of the Davish Crown which we are glad to observe have been highly appreciated aud CORIC(] by the St. Thomas newspapers. Ve know the difficulty ina tropical climate to get people to bestir themselves, 80 as to accomplish any given end that requires exertion, yet we trust that the “SveAr CeNTRAL Faciories” Company, whose prospectus we give below, wili be only one of the efforts that our friends will make to raise the present condition of these Islands: and we shall be all the more glad if they are able to do it without the aid of Euglish or French capitalists. Should, however, help be needed, we have little doubt but mortgages or prefer eoce shares could be floated here, seeing that the matter is dona fide and must com mand respect. We 'hear on this side, with what truth we know not, that the island of St. Croix, where the Factories are proposed to be carried on, has been somewhat impover ished by continuous erops. This is a cir cumstance that cai easily be rectified by a cargo ortwo of Peruvian Guano. The system of a Joint Stock Company is par ticularly suited for making improvements in the manufacture of sugar assuch a com pany by an expenditure of a portion of its capital, can become the possessors of the newest and most approves methods of the machinery, both tor the cultivation of the cane and the manufacture of sugar; which will both increase the quantity and quality of the produce at a reduced cost —a circumstance that small planters can rot afford to do. It becomes the resident plauters at oncer - - to put their shoulders to the wheel. “ Providence helps thos: who help them selves” ; and, doubtless the success of the scheme lies in a great measure in their hands. His Excellency, Governor Garde, Gov ernor-in-Chief sinca 1872 of the Danish West Tudies, by last accounts had just re turned from a visit to Copenhagen, where he prosecuted with energy the furtherance of this Company. lle is deservedly popu- . lar, as one who I:as the best interests of the Possessious at heart; and our best wishes are, secing the ¢ right man in the right place,” that these may culminate in what is locally called « The one regeff* erating p'an ftor the island of St. Croix.* e A e HURRICANE ITEMS. (From the Bt. Thome Tidende ) Tur following is an extract of a letter, dated Moutserrat, September 25th, addressed to us by G W. Westensy, the well known M-teorologist : Sir,— ® ® e = k] e £ “ Some account of the late storm as experienced in this Island may interest many of your readers. “About 11 & m.on the 18th of September, the wind which had been blowing very moderately from the N. E., during the morning, veered to the North with squalls of wind and rain, thd-Baromtter . slowiy falling. In the aftrrnoon the force of the wind increased, changing to West of North, with a rough sea. At sunset the squalls of wind became more violent with occasional showers, and the sppearance tothe N. West was dark and threatening. Up to this time tha Barometer had fallen three tenths. About 7 p- m. there was a decided lull, but not a calm, indicating that the centre of the Cyclove was passing at no great distance to the North of the Island. About 7.30 the wind began to blow in heavy squalls from the Wex~t, changing during the night to South West, and early on the morning of the 13 was blowing moderately from the S. Llast, withalmost a clear sky, and a calm sea. No damage was sustained in this Island. During the latter half of the storm there was vo rain, and no thunder and lightning, and no swell or heavy sea preceded the storm at this Island. From our experience in Montseirat, and from the reports received from other Islands, I gather—that this Cyclone originated not far to the South East of the Leeward Islands, as it was not preceded by a heavy sea—that during the carly part of its course it was of small cxtent, and by no means violent—that as it progressed to the N. West it rapidly increased in size and force, and became a destructive Hurricane in the neighbourhood of the Danish Islands—that 1t progressed in a right line at the speed of from 10 to 14 miles per hour. From want of iiformation respecting the changes of the wind at the various Islauds dwiing the Storm, we are unsble to trace the cour-e of its centre; but it appears to have passed to the South of St. Thomas, nearly over St. Croix. over a part of Porto Rico, and to the North of Hayti, and would probably be felt at Turks Island before turning to the Eastward. We learn from Cape Hayti that the wea-_ ther there on the 14th ultimo had been very bad. The hurricane which visited us on th= 14th havinga'so reached that place. It has caused very much damage to the coffee erop ; destroyed and damaged about 30 houses in the town, and amongst the shipping there has been soms injury. A Dominican Government sciooner has been lost with all hands.