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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
Newspaper Page Text
K\\Xé{ L 4 / Qr St Grotx A 76TH YEA R, __ri:-';)& s : - il < 3 - ol \"R Aot 4 % R 3 i R B B A B\ P Vet ) SRS & P& T - = A |' O ADDING AND - ; ;= : ’© LS '“”; o 3 |3 o CALCULATING MACHINE . - You may not think so now, but a very short time after you have installed a Daltorn you will commence to wonder why you did nct have one before. You will socn e»me to consider i. quite as necessary as your typewriter or telephone. WOULD YOU THINK OF BEING WITHOUT EITHER OF THESE NOW? Every office, no matt=r how peculiar its needs are, his pleniy use for a Dalton. The improvement you will efteet by the in stallation of one in YOUR office will be equal to the one you miade when you put in your typewriter. It is much easier to learn to use a Dalton than it is to learn to use a typewriter. In faet, there is nothing to learn in the Dalton, you add with it as easily as with a pencil, only quicker and without the mental strain. : [ s - Why D. Work with Your Brain -I ® ® . That A ma--ine can 7o quicker & better? T : A ( ‘,",";"E«)\‘;""‘;‘;‘F \ {..". 54"1 3 i . <y 5 e z 2 P Lg/ Let us tell you about the D¢ lton. Write us a card today. Our salesman will g be in St. Croix soon and will be glad to bring a machine to your office and s fotibi of Lt ¥ : . ' x e ; A 2 /,.:_‘4!,;’6%' - S show it to. you, ler you try it yourself. You will be under no obligation Q= . Please give us a chance to put you on to something good. N T e e Rl : -e . . 9 sl B e- it . - ‘ By el a0 0 L iB S ST THOMAS V l U S A R . s.t e e o P e "m i ,;’ e . : P Tl R RN TT e . 7S Boe o v RS R O QY S e T S 5% e @ e« o2ii e ,‘fi d M h C Sie Ee . o The Dalton Adding Machine Company. S S BN ET T R e ' SR - T ‘*o.4';l’ 3 ./l-" q 148 - - CHRISTIANSIED, V.LLU. S 8 & SATURDAY gt MAY {1921 No . 125