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"S'T. CROIX TRIBUNE TWELFTH YEAR ’ i At Valls’ Grocery For your Gifts Fancy American’ Biscuits and Cakes in tins Huntley and Palmer Xmas Cakes Engiish Fancy Biscuits §i Morton’s Puddings and Pickles . Faucey Chocolates in Boxes : Spanish Nougat % Fancy Bonbons Creams and Covered Almonds : Crystalized fraits in fancy boxes Table Dates, Cluster Raisins and Figs in pkgs For yonur Table Horomels’ Cooked Hams ~ Pork Sausage Roneless Pigfoot Danish Ham Sausage, Sausage Meat Beefst2ak in Gravy Heinz Fig and Plum Pludding Sparish Olives stuffed with Anchovies Underworld Deviled Ham and Sardines Danish Pickled Sausage, Hot dogs in Pickle . : Famiiy Extra Beef Plaza Coffee (Puertorican Style) Maxwell Hoause Coffee : Faney American Pickles, (all varieties) ) Table Raisins : _ ort b California Dried Figs, English Walnuts ; Mixed Nuts Boston Baked Beans, Brown Bread Confectionaries Os Ali Kinds - Danish Fruit Juices, Fancy stuffed ana Plain Olives Fruit Jams ‘ French Anchovie in oil. Danish Anchovie and Caffelbitar = California Ripe Olives ’ Danish Gouda Cheese, Dutch Edam Cheese i1 Wilshire Hams, best of Sperry and Barnes Certified Wilsons’ Ham = Sweet and Sour Relish Sandwich Spreads French Capcrs. Sour Gherkins— Pickled Salmon—Pickled Herrings HEINZ CREAMED CANNED SOUPS S " DEL MONTTE CANNED FRUITS aud Vegetables—All kinds and prices. Fish —Roe—Caviar—Anchovy Paste Cranberry Sauce- Apple Sauce Orange Marmalade, Marshmallows and Marshmallow Creams. v FRESH CREAMERY BUTTER Vegetables— Bezts—Carrots—Celery, leeberg lettuce-—Cooking Apples—Table Apples GRAPES Sunkist Qranges . ’ . What You don’t see please Ask for it A Journal For The Progrese Os The Peorre Lzt Jumiice Be Done Though The Heavems Should Faii CH{IST'ANSTED, 31 CROIX, ¢. 1 U.S.A. TU#SDAY. JANUARY 2nd 1934, Rdo b S adio New Paris, France. A grave warning that France is faced with another period of disastrous intlation unless the 1934 bud get is balanced was sound2d in the Sen a'e today. As debate on 'yhe estimates for the coming year opened in the up per house of parliament, " inflation si milar to the days of 1925 when the Franc dropped pelow four cents, where it final ly was srabilized ‘was -inevitable Marcel Regnier, budget reporter, ' de clared in addressing the Senate unless the budget was balanced promptly, world trade woulgd be meonaced by such a move, it was feared, and, the credit of FKFrance imgpaired Regnies, criticizing the budget project as passed by the Chamber of Deputizs.declared it was incomplete. He insisted that furth er realjustment measures were essen tial. Montevideo, Uruguay: An armistice in the sGran Charo warfare between Bolivia and Paraguay has been agreed upon by the belligerents and it was hop ed in high diplomatie eircles here to night tnat this would pave the way to arbitration of the bitter territcrial dis pute, an offictal announcement at La Paz said that the Bolivian gavernment had accep'ed the Paraguayvan proposal for a truce b2tween December 19 and 31st, further negoutiations to occur =g Montevido. Diplomatic circles here where the Pan American eonference is in ses sion with bigh officiais- from all American countries as delegatés,” con firmed that Bolivia also _had aceepred an arbitration offer by which the Cbha co dispute. would be turned over to the Hague for settlement. P Berlin:Another cut in Germany’s pay ments which through aetual transfer of cash abroad to meet foreign debis was announced vy Dr. Hjalmar 3Schact, head of the Reichsbank,today: -Dr Schaet said that for the nexc six ‘menths Germany would be able to transfer:: only tnirty per cent of the intergss, abroad on her long termrioans, -The: announeement came” during a meetingof the Reicns bank CentralCommittee:-The remiining seventy percent of the interesty falling due in the mext six months will be paid ia script as fifty percent of the in terest on these obligations has been h eretofore during the so called transfe: moratorium, N, 146