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G 2 3 pogef 3 L ) e,&Qs il @ A AIBUN E . ) feass 28 i .o R o PwsiurTd Y EAR ERYTHING UNDER THE SUN : 4. : \ ‘ EVERYTHING ! x 'v B 2 | At Vails’ Grocery | ~ For your Gifts : Farey American Biscuits and Cakes in tins 5 i.untley and Palmer Xmas Cakes ; : Envish Faney Biscuits Morton’s Puddings aad Pickles : : Faney Cheeolates in Boxes . Spanish Nougat Fauncy Bonbons Creams and Covered Almonds v Crystalizad fancy boxes Table Dates, Cluster Raisins and Figs i, pkgs : s For ynur Table Horomels’ Cooked Hams e Pork Sausage . Roneless Pigfoot Danish Ham Sausage, Sansage Mear, | : ! Beefsi2ak in Gravy Heinz Kig ané Pium Pludding . g _ Spanish Olives stuffed with Anchovies , Underworld Deviled Ham and Sardines ~ Danish Pickled- Sausage, Hot dogs in Pickie Famiiv kxtra Beef Plaza Coffee (Puertorican Style) Maxwell Hoase Coffee % Fancy American Pickles, (all varieties) s Table Raisins . California Dried Figs, English Walnuts : ' Mixed Nuts ; Boston Baked Beans. Brown Bread : ~ - . -0 Confectionarics Os Al Kinds o M Daish Fruit Juices, Faney stoffed ana Plain Olives ; Fruit Jams » - Wreach Anchovie ia oil. Danish Anchovie and Caffelbitar Califcrnia Ripe lives -~ Danish Gouda Cheese, Dutch Edam Cheese Wilshire Hams, best of Soverry and Barnes Certified Wilsons” Ham . ' Sweet and Sour Reish ° Sandwich Spreads : Freneh Cap-rs. Sour Gherkins— Pickled Salmon— Pickled Herrings ) HEINZ CREAMED CANNED SOUPS , ’ DEL MONTT CANNED FRUITS and Vegetables—All kinds and prices, Fish -Roe—Caviar—Anchovy Paste Cranberry Sauce- Apple Sauce : Orance Marmalade, Marshmallows and Marshmallow Creams. ; FRESH : CREAMERY BUTTER syetables — Beats— Carrots —Celery, iceberg lettuce-—Cooking Apples—Table Yoo 7 GRAPES Suokist Oranges . e What You deon’ lease Ask for i What You don’t see please Ask for it R Journal For The Prozress Os The Peepw Ler Jutsiice Be Done Through Tke Heavens Should Feli CARISTIANSTED 8L ÜBoßas ¥, - U 8 A, MONDAY, JANUARY Bth 1934, Don’t Miss The Most Elaborate, Entertaining, and Beautiful Operetta Yet Presented. A Chrastmay Eve In Medieval England under direction of Mrs. Hfinsen Tues., Jan. 9th;, 8.30 p.m * 3 ° . —~ Chnst:ans‘ i heatre CAST "OF 60 Starring The Watchman. .. .......Joseph King Mary ......... Mrs. ‘Andreas Adams Hawelll: .. vaicanes O HoEE ADD o, i e- LoOlItE, Bellamin Margaret .......... Esmecalda Claxton The Food Dame........Mr5. I. Larsen Elsbeth . ............Magdalene Clark Thes. Morely < ......<...G D La Motta TOBE v Hermon Hansen sir Arthur Hertford.. Lewellyn Larsen Father Christatas.... . ..... ‘? B Géogw - 0l oS Jhe Turk. .. .... .. Andreas Adams The Cru5ader.......... Henry Francis [he f0c15....A Mgarshall and A Manners The Mum:mers .Monroe Clendinen and His Famous Pirates They will make you laugh! Featuring The Nativity Scene Carol Singers Strolling Players The Morrice Dance Skating Songs This is the feature of the Season . TICKETS: Reserved section 25c— Gen' entrance 15¢ At the close of the performance prizes ‘ will be awarded to various members of the east who are the most popular with the audizsnce. : Tickets On Sale At Quin’s Ster NO, 151