OCR Interpretation

St. Croix tribune. [volume] (Christiansted, St. Croix, V.I.) 1922-1937, January 08, 1934, Image 3

Image and text provided by University of the Virgin Islands

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84037536/1934-01-08/ed-1/seq-3/

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the very things which they are best
qaalified to prodaee tor themselves, par
ticularly when we are 80 limited in the
range of things we e¢an produce.
’ — Ine Daily News.
Mr. Jules Blumberg of N w York is
here on a business trip staying at the
Grand Hotel. He is connected with the
rug industry we were told.
--The Carsons, Philadelphiars;,, who
spent several weeks at the Grand Hotel
have removed to the romantic quarters
of Blackbeard’s Castle.
We note with pleasure that Mr. Harry
Taylor, our Commissioner of Industry,
who was confined to his bed for a consi
derable length us time is very much im
proved., He however will not be seen at
Lis offi:e for sonetime as he was adv:s :d
by his physicians to'rest a little from lia
borious tasks. Mr. Taylor is nevertheless
workiog on various items that can - be
done out of his regular office in the Ad
ministration Building.
Hon. T. Webber Wilson, Judge of the
Distrizt Court of the Virgin islan 13, ad
dressed the congregation of Fire Bap
tised Holiness Church of God of the A
mericas on Monday night.
Radi S
Radio New
Mansfield: Five men robbed the Na
tional Baunk of Mansfield of approximate
ly SIOOO today. l'hey escaped in a small
Albany, N. Y.: War to extermination
has beer declared upon *‘timber wolves’’
of the Adironacks that have reappeared,
250 miles from Broad'vay, to menace hu
man life, af:er a lapse of 50 years. Tre
art of wolf trapping will be revived as
the major weapon in the States cam
paign against ihe marauders,
Atlanta,’;a, Almostimmediate release
to depositors of $5,600 000 in frozen
bank assets was assured today
following a State Supreme Court
decision the. ktanks had a right to
borrow on the assest from the
Farmerville La:. Several hundred
farmers, it was said were represented
by a Committee rhat met here, today to
telegraph a request to Harry J. Early,
New Orleans, C. W. A. Administrator
to order an investigation iato Relief Ad
ministration in Union Parish. _
Columbia: Dr. Josiah Morse, Proces
sor of Phyenology and Pailosophy at the
University of South Carolina, thinks uni
versal happiness and prosperity are pos
s.ible if people will follow a live and let
live policy. Dr. Morse recently said that
we can help to determine what the new
era will be by using our thought and ex
perience. ‘‘The grabbing for all we can
get away with 1s passing, it failed and it
failed miserably.”” He declared, for all
to enjoy life in their capacities let us all
live and serve large numhersin all our
days of healthy living.
Pasadena: Word that Standford ap
parer.tly will be at full strength against
Columbia at the Rosebowl January first
lengthened odds on the Western eleven
Pa:is: Former King Alonso of Spain
today declined to comment on the publi
cation by a Madrid newspaper of a re
port h2had threatened toreturn to Spain
aud plot his restoration. Alfonso lives
in exile at Fontainebleau.
- Havana, Cuba: President Grau San
Martin today signed a decree effective
at the start of the sugar grinding sea
son January 15th, limiting the crop 1o
2,315,459 :ons of sugar. .
Washington: President Roosevelt is
sued a Proclamation tonight restoring to
State Banking Authorities supervision
over all Stare Banks not me nbers of the
Federal Reserve Systrem. The Proclama
tion in effect gives back to the States
the responsibility for future of all non
member banks. :
Ruysseld, Belguim: A trim-motored
Impearial Airways passengers plane, fly
ing low through heavy fog crashed into
a wireless tower, oday and in the ensu
ing explosion and flames 10 persons, one
possibly an American, lost their lives
The plane named'*Ap»ito’’had left Brus
sels bound for Luondon with a passenger
list of eight, homeward bound for the
holidays. And was due at Croydon Field
at 2:25 p m. Flying extremely low over
Ruysselde it emerged suddenly from a
heavy bank of midst and fog, and b:fore
the eyes of horrified witne:ses, crashed
head on irto a high wireless tower. The
‘*Apollos’’ ccllapse was instantaneous
and complete [t fell to the ground in ex
plosive flames, and in the.furnice it
made there was no chane, for survival;’
all but one of the ten bodies, ineluding
those of the pilor, listed as'J. Gittis, and
his mechanic, were burned to cinders.
Atmore Alabama: Possemen search
ing wild country near here for convicts
who yesterday made a wholesale break
for liberty today had recaptured 11 of
_ the 29 fugitives, and believed they were
closing in on many others. Os the 11,
seven were white men and who helped.
to vuverpower their lone guard, disarm
nim and force him to accompany them to
the edge of the Atinore prison eamp
stockade, All were apprehended without
resistance. Fifteen white men and three
negroes remained at liberty at midnight.
St. Joseph, Mo : Eight men were in
dicted here today in conneetion with the
lynching and burning of Lloyd Wa ner,.
negro. Four of 11 indictments returned
against the eight were made pubiie. Joan
Zook'and Aaron Levine were named in
first degree murder indictments. Walter
Garton was named in a murder indict
ment and in another charging malicious
destruetion of public property. Emery
Donnelly 21 said to have boasted of plac
ing the ropz around Warner’s neck, was
not billed.
Chicago: Chicago had a ten per cent
increase in murders in 1933 over the pre
vious year Figures complied by Cor
oner Frank J. Walsh revealed todsy.
Shawnnee, Okla: Federal and State
officials today tried to draw new con
fessions from Wilbur Uaderhill, South
west desparado. A life slowiy ebobed
from his bullet ridden body. His phy
sician predicted he would b 2 dead be
force sunrise tomorrow.
AColorado Sprinzs: I'heir New Year
celebration, perhaps most unique of all
the nations complete a band of Hardy
mountaineers today began the descent
f'rom Pikes Peak, from
whose summit mobers and
guests of the Adamon CUlub, greeted the
New Year at midnight with a pyro
technic display which was visible a hun
dred miles away.
Washington: Henrv Morgenthau Jr.
acting secrerary of the Treasury was
sworn in today as Secretary of the
rreasury succeeding William H. Woodin
whose resignation' effective, January
Ist, has been in.the President’s hands
for several days. i
Wilkesbarre Pa; Four hundred griz
z'ed miners of nearly every race in the
world gathered here today to discuss
throwing antracite coal fieids into an
inlastrial war. lhese men., representa
“tatives of the United Anthracite Miaers
of Pennsylvanla, will meet in conven
tion tomorrow to determine whether
Pennsylvonia will have a strike, which
will affecr at least 50,000 miners.
Dawaic Steamship Corp.
is scheduled to sait from New York Jan
uary 10th, 1931 and exp2cted to arrive
on or about the 15th and wiil be dispatch
ed for the Leeward and Windward Is
lands acczpting freight and passengers.
is expacted to arrive on or about the
16:h Instaat from th: Leeward and
Windward Islands and will be despateh
ed for N2aw York accc:pting Freizhe
rnd Passengers. -

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