Published daily except Sun ifays & lol
daws at 53 BCompany St. Christiansted
8. Croix. VA 3-S5 A, bßt Croix
Cooperative 3)cieil
‘fintered as second class narteron Jaly
Ist 1922 at the Post at Onristian
ted, St. Cioix, V.l, [J.S A. under the
Act of Marcn 'rd, 1879
R. DE C tAßuul, Editor
Wedresday January 10th 1934
Random N
ancom DNotes A
A resident of Compainy Street sent us
a suggestion which is timely. He says
that he 4nd others would like to install
modern toi'ets andthat before putting.
the asphait surface on the stree® the
sewerage pipes shouid oe laid. We do
pot know if itis the intention of the
wvovernment to exiend the pipe lines to
Company Street. ILe sewerage system
is an improvemant long promised this
community and therefore the pipes were
laid in King Street before * the Street -
was paved.
The Government-can find the little
extra mooey for this work if the in
inelination to do it is there.
The time will come when the reve
nues irom the sale of ligior wiil enaoie
us to carry forward the improvements
now begun and to make all St. Cioix a
paradise. :
I.etters continue to pour into St. Croix.
from persons interested in the purchase
of St. Croix Rum. President Roose
velt has done more in his talk with
pewspaper men o advertise St. Croix
rum than we could have accomplished °
with an expenditure of millions.
@it is now up tour to DO OURIPART.
We must put a good product on the mar
ket. The old rum manufacturers who
made St, Croix rum famous were not
merely contemplating to get rich. over
pight. They weré much concerned over
making good rum, and when this good
rum was put through the aging process
- it was something fit for a Franklin De
lano Roosevelt to serve at his table.
If the Colonial Council thinks it wise
it would legislate to protect the name
*‘Bt. Croix Rum™’, so that only good
rum could bear this label. A basis for
~ Lhought for the Day
| i
{ Wed. Jan. 10
The Lord gets his best soldiers out’of the
highlands of affliction.
H. M. PIGOTT Rector.
St. John’s Church. Christiansted
such legislation will be found in the
recommendations of the Rum Standar
'dizalion Commissiin. X
The Distriet Court of the Virgin Is
= lands for St. Croix, Judge T. Webber
Wiison, presiding, will open the regular
January Term of the Court at Christian
sted at seven o’clock p. m on Friday,
January 26. h, and at Frederiksted at
nine u’cluck a. m. on January 27. It is
} not expected that this coming term_ of
tne Court will afford so great public in
terest as did the November Terin, for
~ the reason that the number of ecases is
| much smaller and those of a e¢riminal
‘ nature of much less gravity.
: The work on the second section of
~ Company Street will be more satisfac
~ tory to procerty owners. Instead of
deep drains there will be shallow drains
which ¢an bz used in part for parking
cars and, in the absence of sidewalks
present a better appearance. :
Nature seems to be giving St. Croix
a "'New Deal’’. After three successive
~ years of bonntiful rainfall January open
~ ed with rain and it has b22a
~_raining continuously since New "X :ar’s
- Day. If thisis pot a new deal for:a
‘ drought stricken island we do not
know what is? ‘
‘ “The Emancipator’’ carries an arti
cle, apparently written in New York,
~ attacking Ashley L. Totten and A.
} Sereau for saying that ‘‘coercuin, stuffed
ballots and repeating were devices used
to place the Governor in an unfavorable
“Ihe article refers to a parulari ty vote
recently taken in these istands to prove
how the Governor stood with the peo
~ ple of the Virgin Islands.
; The concrete work on th2 public cis
’ tern hasbeen cothpleted, An underground
pipe will lead water from the roof of
l the custom house to the cistern.
A large crowd was assembled at Re
lief Headquarters from before 8 o’clock
this morning. Wheat flour ‘and fresh
beef are being distributed to the poor
today. i
The ° Carib’”> arrived this morning
from St. Thomas with mail. and sailed at
Dr. Venegas, a dentist who has estab
lished a elinie at St. Thomas off2rs pain
less operations. :
s 8
Christiansted Thealre
Jan. 15, 1934 8.30
Inkograph Contest
And Entertainment
H->lp rais>= funds for the construction
of a monument tc oe built in memory of
the late Franklin D. Wilbekin who died
December’ 11th, 1924
This monum:nt will be presented to
the siudent of the Vocational lanstitute
and later erected by them at the
grave spot of the deceased.
A program has therefore been ar
ranged as,fcllows:
A Speech...... By Ejnar E. Jackson
Ma5ic.».......... By The Orchestra
KA Boug - vrsiesi.i. By Nl Boys
Musie” ... .. By The Orchestra
ASong!... ..... By E’ B, Jacksoa
A Fancy Dance..By Randolph Williams
A 50ng.......... By E. E. Jackson
Music.... .....-..:8y the Orchestra
Magical Feat.... By E. K. Jackson
Several prizes will be awarded the
wirners on the Inkograph Contest as
Flst Brine (savas o 0 iv o a v 0D
Second prige., fove cesveiii e $2.00
TOID MG« vosniiv. . i niheoi-00.00
Other prizes ..............50 cts each,
To make inkographs simply take a
piece of white paper and smear ink be
tween same by foldicg in twou erosswise,
+Size (6 int by 4 ins.
Contestants are asked to submit their
inkographs with their namesplainly writ
ten on the back for idenrification along
with their subscription of 10 ceats at
the Theatre’s window. Non-contest
ants may subscribe from 15 cts. up.
Seats Reserved by Engagament only.
Adpply at the Theatre Thurs:day or Sun