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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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ST. CROIX TRIBUNEL TwELFTH Y EAR } wristiansted Theatre - _ 8.15 TO NIGHT 8.15 ; ’ ‘. . Paramouni’s Musical Special | “ESPERAMLE" All-Spanish Movietone picture racked with entertainmert for every oie whether vou speak Spanish or not. The Siuging and Music are of the Cuban type, and the agent of the great Paramount Company strongly recommends it o the people of Croix. e— ———— : « It is our intention to exhibit at least one Spanish each month. This will depend of course on whether or not the esteemed, Spanish-speaking element in our midst turn out n sufficiently large rumbers to make that possible. 1 Readers, please teil your friends about it.’ ADMISSION AS USUAL At Estate Constitution ' Hill Pure bred and graded Milking goats . WM. BEATTY ' Noti oticCe Notice is hereby given that the Colonial Council’s ordinary meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday, Januvary 10, 1934, according ta Governments decision has been postponed untii Wednesday January 24, 1934 at 1.30 pm. Colorial Council Office, St Croix, Jan vary 5, 1934 ABRNOLD M. GOLDNEN. Chairman, READ THE TRIBUNE A Journal For The Progress Os The Peopie Let Jumsiice BBe Dome Though The Heavesms Should Faii THEISITANSTED., &8t CROIy. V. U US, Dawnic Steamship Corperation S.S. ORITANI is expected to.arrive on or ahout the 16:h instant from the Leeward and Windward Islands and will be despateh ed for New York acce=pting Freight rnd Passengers. ARNOLD M, GOLDEN Agent. P vou cansor cEr 12 S ' ON A WALLORONA R [REE TOP LIKE SN PX\ THE ROOSTEE. S ")\ YOU CAN ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS THROUGH THE IRIBUNE FGR HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN sisksk slkskeok sioskealesieskesk Hsleste ok TUTSDAY, JANUARY 16th 1934, ADMINISTRATION CONDUCT RUG MAKING [N ISLAND The administration 18 conducting the making of hooked rugs in the island. In the spacious building adjoining the Harbor Office a number of girls are em plyed to hook rugs. The rags used are not salvaged remnants but cloth end from the factory. The type of work is greatlyv improved and the designs are new and attractive. Arrangements have been made with Mr. J. Blumba:g to sell the finish produets in the United States. Extensive repairs are being carried on in the meantime on the building where the rug making is taking place to make the factory more convenient for this type of work. A new roof will be laid on this and the other warchouse oppo site, Commissioner Taylor, who is super vising operations, pldans to expand this business in a large way as soon as the buildings are completed. The Daily News. I WHAT ‘ WOMAN NEEDS * To keep robust health, vi vacity, attractiveness ; these are woman’s greatest needs, from puberty to motherhood and on all through life. Scott’s Emulsion, the famous vitamin tonic of Norwegian cod liver oil, can be depend ed upon to make rich blood, increase strength and safe guard against anaemia, loss of flesh or premature de cline. A sure help through the years. Ifi Refuse all imitations. I !%Lscofi"si EMULSION NQ, 158