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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE TWELFTH YEAR Radio News B s R A RS R SR e S AR D R SR RBS RR A RR N :""?" :fif’:3s>§l:§ssfss:%fis:3‘??:§:'s:‘ RS e R L BAP AR, R set R 4.-::::7,:%-5.’\-::?;?@? ';:‘ TG Ao \l&\s ¢ AV\ Ee i e e e B R O S W ::.:55';:% e B RR R G o i BR S AR oGR RSR eSR e R i RECITRI REIREES .L SO TRt AN \$.W R et T L Seoa o W - . GR 0 et SR & A SR S BEs ~\'i:ss§lss§s33:_:.'s¢:§':ls._':';s‘;:: BN A SR S R G R .eoD R bR f o B R G mea g R oR e /_},{\‘ '»:,,'.3:?:-':'s:s:l?:3:¢:¢‘¢’l'7’-'S3""F Sa i ‘4:.--;::5',1'.1433.152.:":;:::‘:.:': B R ‘5’)5&2-"":':5‘"'5:}:::" e é\i"z m s T B RR B o et SRR e ] X (X\\\\" R \\.\ SRR B P ..%‘:.._,;.;-;_.:.;.;.:.:,:.;;,-- R R Ss o R il SR @.-- |L am R Bl g e SSERRGT T B B BSR .\-<§....:~:...A. e R S R B R SRR e _»),_-%‘;;.;:;:;:;:;:-:-:-;1:23:-‘ LA Rl R S §L~&-,..:<:.:!;.;A- B R B M R R SRR i S es N e S R SR R s S R R R s B SR S SSR oSR AR e e B SRR T S ~-g.,::..::;'f,:‘:e-:‘:!:i-‘-r-?:::i':‘*i" RR e B BRI S s{ = SRR S B R “,‘:,:9-.‘_:‘:_»_‘:;.;.;.~.;:;:n-:-:»:» ] SRR M S :-;::;..'é?::::::::::?::::::;:;:;‘::::: 2 :;:5'2’@5?~~~~:~~"‘? S S R RN AR S SR BSOS, RAR e R R bRR Se S SR iR R “1'15:511---511151:-"?55:555':';;3&“ R PR ARG B SRR g .Q.‘»?}'::::' B SRR ":.:~_:~:'-:X‘é:}:?:1:1:1::31‘5:5:’6'1" R e L G O >L S SB 1 S pon ! Gee F- S e e F-on R i » sRS R ¥ RS et R & [sy NS s ; ‘f:%-q:j:':ifi:v £ o ; B X L oy e % T y g A 3 R s ; GST A R ¥ Ais o S 3Rot B R PN 5 SRR O RO SRR R. BYRD Abdiisd 33 Tieoh Rannert Earoate to Little America. R2ar Admiral Richard Byrd was elat ed tnday at worl from Lincoln Eils worth. fellow explorer in the Antarctic Ice that Little America was pracrically as he ieft 1t four years ago. Ihe air pianes that he left and the equipment and houses were intact. Ellsworth’s m s:age related the discovery was made oy Bernt Balchen, vateran Polar flier now with the Eilsworth expedition, wno fiew 1o Littls America for a brief inspeetion and returned wiith the good pews to the Elsworth Flagship. Ap proaching the Bay of Whales the mes sage sent from the Ellsworth ship “Wyart Earp’’ to the Jacob Ruppert said '‘Little America’’ is as you left it with planes in good condition except for digzirg out wireless masts.-or but tre mendous pressure ridges show in front of '‘Ner Sur Mer Bay’’ making it impas sable for dogs teams.”’ At Estate Constitution Hill Pure bred i graded Milking goats Kje Sante VM BEATIY A Journal For The Progress Os The Peopie Let Jusiice 8¢ Done Though The Heavenms Should Faii CHRISTFANSTED,. 81 CROIX. V.l Notice is hereby given that the Colonial Counci|’s ordinary meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 1934 according ta Governments decision has been postponed until Wedoesday January 24, 1934 at 1.30 pm. Colorial Council Office, St Croix, Jan uary 5, 1934 ARNOLD M. GOLDEN. Chairman, Knapp Biochars Shoes A Bargain e PHOES Ak Formerly $7 95 now $5.95 il .. 0488 T P $5.95 a it 495 t¢ $4.95 et ‘395 &3.50 These prices effective only while stock lasts Buy now and save money, Never again will you get this bargain. Higher prices are coming and you owe your self the advantage to obtain a pair of these Shoes. V. C. RISSING Box 171, Christiansted V. I, Local’Represen-:ative - KNAPP SHOES Boston Mass el L At By Special Rz2quest A Christmas Eve in Medieval England under the direction of Mrs. H. Hansen, that was rendered on Tuesday 9th in the Theatre wi!l be repeated on Friday night January 19th. It is hop:d that a sufficient number of patrons will turn out to make the re petition 2s successful as the first night for it is said to te ‘‘The Most Elabo rate. Entertaining, and Beautiful Ope retta Yet Presented’’. Plan of Seats and tickets will be on Sale at Miss Quin’s Book Store. Prices Reserved Seats 20 cts Gereral admission 10 c¢ U. S. A, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17th 1934, To keep robust health, vi vacity, attractiveness ; these are woman’s greatest needs, from puberty to motherhood and on all through life. Scott’s Emulsion, the famous vitamin tonic of Norwegian cod liver oil, can be depend ed upon to make rich blood, increase strength and safe guard against anaemia, loss of flesh or premature de cline. A sure help through the years.’ \'“.". 11“ P Refuse all imitations. eV I§} < B K SCOTT A Insist 9 : on this EMULSION RICH'IN VITAMINS shesloskaksiosk siestesiesicskook 6ok ddesk o 3 y ~7.. YOU CANNOT GET / ON A WARLORON A /| e R ‘ TREE TOP LIKE “’;. $ Y/ £X\ , THE ROOSTER YOU CAN ADVERTISE YOUR GOODS THROUGH THE IRIBUNE FOR HAPPY DAYS ARE HERE AGAIN NQ, 159