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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE TWBELFTH YEAR Christiansted Theatre ; ~ 8.15 TO-NIGHT 8.15 “Sherlock Holmes” erigCK. 101 mes .- ———_-————o—-—————-— : 1€ you are a reader, you have certainly read one or more of the ‘‘Sherlock Holmes’’ series by rre late Sir Arthur Conan Doyle — These worderful detective stories just had to reach the screen and we are pleased to present you : : [l9 ’ Sherlock Holmies TOMORROW NIGHT- YOU'LL TIKEIY - R e : Admission as usual, Order Os The Day & . for the fuurth ordinary meeting of the Colonial Gouneil for 3t. Croix for the fiscal year 19331334, Tenth Council First Session, Weadnesday 24 January 14634 at 1.30 o’clock p. m, 1. Eiection of two (2) m:>mbers to ; serveon the Export Tariff Com inission in accordance with Regu lations establisheaMaren 31, 1840. 2. Colonial Council Bill No. 18 ; Continuation of Ist discussion on ' Colonial Council Biill No. 18, drafu of an ordinance "to autho rize the Governor to s¢ll at pub auciicn the public property known as ‘Gallows Bay’’ in ' hristian sted Disirict. With Committee Report. 3. Colonial Council Bill No. 19 : Continuation of Ist dizcussion on Golonial Counci! Bill No. 19, draft of an ordinance to establish a loan fund for the improvement of pri vate housz-holders’ waier sapply A Journal For The Pcogress Os The Peor:e Let Jusiice BBe Done Though The Heavens Should Faii CEBRISTFIANSIED, .3T CROIx, ¢V. 1. U.S. A With Commirtee Report. 4 Colonial Council Bill No. 20. Coatinuation cf Ist discvussion on Coloaiual Council E!ll No. 20, draft of an ordinance toestablish a pen sion board and to establish a pension systen, in the Municipa ity of St. Croix. With Committee Report. 5. Colonial Counecil Rill No. 24. Continuation of Ist discussionon Colonial Counecil Bill No. 24. draft of an ordinance to regulate and conztel the manufacture and szale of aleoholic beverages in the Mu nicipality of St. Croix and for otner purposes. With Commitiee Report, S 6. Colonial Council B:il No. 25. Discussion on resolution concerr ing a vote of confideace in the presect administration. Intrcduced by Ist Appointed Member (Moorehead). Colonial Ccuncil Office, Christiansted, January 15 1934. ARNOLD M. GOLLEN, Chairman. THURSDAY, JANUARY 18th 1934, Radio News Washington: —Soviet Russia realizes war with Japan may come aad is pre pared for it, William C. Bullitt, Ameri ca’s firatA mbassador to the Soviet Union said roday. Back to report to President Roosevelt on his brief visit to Moscow as American Envoy, Bullit confirmed re ports that war clouds threaten the Far East. ‘‘Soviet Russia’’, he said, ‘‘is sincerely striving to maintain peace, no country in the world except possibly the United States wants . peace more than the Soviet., "However Soviet Russia realizes war may come and is prepared for it.”” asked whether the Soviet Gov ernmant was taking any measures to prepare the Russian people for the pos sibility of war with Japaa, Ballit re plied, no efforts were being made to con duct any ‘'‘Hate Campaign’’ but that war woald not be exactiy a surprise if it should come. Rome: —ltaly will submit shortly to interested governments a new disarma ment propoz=al, desigped to end that ex isting deadlcel and give Germany a measure of satisfsction, it was said re lianly today. [Uhe proposa's were agreed vpon in the recent conversations be tween Premier Benito Mus:olini and Sir pee g e e x L/~ S S .og@;?rh» :?-;:."-; Ae A G B R BR A B e :‘5733?:'»':::?.::?;1:3:2:'& -"‘:v'-fltitéfic-:v:":?:?:'»:i'i'l"13:-'. R R R s B R e B e s ~,:-‘.{".;z;;:gz;'»,.;:;:;:;:;;;.- s P’9S SR IR S B SA< o R R i e S e . U e o PRt T GAR B e e 2 S R RBA . R s R - P 3 R Y RO B R I 5~ SO S B 2 RO S 3 4 % B R G At 2 8 Sy G R e e B 3 r o ' &h e R o .+ ey SRR it B Rey T e B s R TR YR S S nne e B T ] SRy B S CR S % R s B - g v A S e R R RS R BRI v z R B SR - oy e RO o BB i v STR S A S B S % SRR ~§, % BR s S M 0 L i L 2 S SR M : 5 AR 2A L e L R » B s B R RxS % o { T 3 2 S RN S _:,.;:%;;;;:;:v:-“' R % G B g P . 5 Rt " e AR s B e e N e ; P B (- B R B . , “u % R e & B s Bye R, e e 5 A 5 a4 T P < Pi S N I g R R e o TR S % B R o N R, . S Cey PREMIER MUSSOLINI NQ., 160