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ST.CROIX TRIBUN= Published dAlilv 2xr~2pt Sundavsz & HHl daws at 53 BCompany St Christiansted St. Croix. ¥V .J. . S. A by3t. Croix Cooperative 3ociety Eotered as second class marteron July Ist 1922 at the Past Of.dce at Christian ted, St. Croix, V,I. U.S A under the Act of Mareh 3rd, 1879 R. DE CHABER ', Editor Thursday January 18th 1931 EDITOR] JAL We understand that some of the “‘Princesse’’ humesteaders who calied at the Government Building te sign pur chase contracts for th=ir plots were un becoming 1n their behuvior. This is sad news. The Umted States Government responded to cur request made throuzn Mr Herbert D. Brown 10 establish the small hoiding system in St. Croix for the purpose of affording opportunities to those workers who could not by 'h=ir own efforis become owners of land. A bountiful grant of muney from the Upnited States Government secured abuui2,ooo z2cres of land at the “Whim’’ estares ard ‘" La Grande Frincesse”’, Tenants who naid ten to twelve dol lars per zcre rzntal for their plots, are, under the homestead plan, payiug atout haif that amcunt and at the erd of twenty years would be issued deeds of conveyance; if they pay the entre pur chase sum before tine expiration of iwenty years they will receive title at the timme-such payment is completed. Ihere are certain condiiions in the contract which are necessary for the success of the experiment. For example, if a person is even able to, pay cash for his ploijno deed will beissued witkin three years. The reason for this is ob vious. The Covernment is not in the real estate business and would like to have the land in the hards of people who will develop it. Therefore during tha three year period the Homestead Com mission will pbserve whetheror no the person desirable as a home steader. - That buildings should not be erecte por live stock and poultry kept withou the approval of the Commissionare als reasonable” restrictions. The Home stead Commission has a building pro gram ihat will in time solve the hous QT. CRDIX TIKIBUME } hought for the [ray Thurs. Jan. 18. Chair cf St. Peter. Ne'ther prav [ f~t thee alone, but. for th-m also whicn shail believe on ¥e rhrecugh their word, that they all may be oue, Praver of Christ H M. PIGOTIT Rector. St. John’s Church. Christiansted ing problem anl itz advices in such mat. ters may be beneficial. I've free run, of livestock and pouitry woud prove a nuisance to the owners of neighborhing pliis. Such apimals must be Kep~ with in proper encicsure, Bundings on the esia’es have been soid 10 approvea applicanis on the long term payment pian. New bu:ldings are being constructed also on very easy terms, > It residents of the town couid be told that the tnoney they pay as house rent would be considered as payment ogainst the parchase of tne hsuases (hat waey occupy they would go dowu on their knees in gratituce. Lne pur:znase contract is the form ap proved vy the officiais at Washinglon who are supipying the money Ilor the carrying forward of the project. A/l the requirements are for the general good. Ihe penefiis extiended by a benevoleut Government ought to be accepted in ihe same spirit 1n whien it is given and since we, asa peopie know how to \be grateful for kindness, let us show .our gratitude for gifts which we dic. not C-eam we wouid receive. : 1 Random Notes There was a se=srcity of cigarettes in Ckristiansted. Smokers will be happy to learn that Morales” grocery and Bojes’ drug store received their sup plizs oo tne ‘‘Pocahontas’’. We learn that other business houses have drop ped the saie of cigarettes becaus2 the packages must be stamped by them before they are released from the cus tody of the customs. A few_mors piots of land will lata, be availabie at the “Wnim’' coscern ag the Homestead Commission has decide to dispose of the cattle. d The Schooner *‘Pocahintas’’ arrived here yesterday from Puerto;;Rico with general cargo shipped via the, Bull In sular Line. The funeral of Mrs. Idalia Briscoe will take place at 4.30 o’clock this af ternoon. Continued from Page One Jhr 3imon, British Foreign Minister, and are expected to be 2poroved by the usrl 180 Cabiset within the next few diys e . W .. % s . 7 ‘;&;? . RN s l | L Zoap SIR JOHN ST NN Mr Ivan Grigg dropped in to ses us. He says he is going along famously 'in St. Thomas. He finds the pecple cour teous and friendly and his fumily feel happy in their new hommne. Noti Notice is hereby given that the Colonial Council’s orggnary meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday, January 10, 1934, according ta Governments decision has been postponed untii Wednesday January 24, 1934 at 1.30 pm. Colorial Council Office, St Croix, Jan uary 5, 1934 ABRNOLD M. GOLDEN. Chairman. PROTEEDINGS OF THE COLONIAL COUNCIL FOR ST. CROIX Continued from Tribune Jan. 16th As I see it, the proposition stands this way: $32,000.00, minus $13,000.00, minaus $2,000,000 minus $1,0000.00, minus unknown quanti ties, a, b, ¢, dand e. | think we are get.