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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE TWELFTH YEAR Order Os The Day for the fourth ordinarv meeting of the Colonial Council for 3t. Croix for the fiscal year 19331534, Tenta Council First Session, W-eain2sday 24 January 1634 at 1 30 o’clock p. m 1. Election of two (2) menbers to serve on the Export Tariff Com mission in accordance with Ragu lations establishea Maren 31, 1840, 2. (Colonial Council Bill No. 18 Continuation of Ist discussion on Colonial Council Biil No. 18, draft of an ordinance to autho rize the Governor .0 sell at pub auciion the public property known as ‘‘Gallows Bay’’ in Christian sted Distriet. With Commirttee Report. 8. Colonial Couneil Bill No. 19 ChHntinuation of lst discussion on Colonial Counci' Bill No. 19, draft of an ordinance to establish a loan fund for the improvement of pri vate house-holders’ water supply With Commitiee Report. 4. Colonial Council "Bili No. 20, Contipuation cf Ist discussion on Colonial Council E'll -0. 20, draft of an ordinance to establish a pen sion board and to establish a pension system in the Muni¢ipa lity of St. Croix. With Committee Report. 5. Colonial Council Bill No. 24. Continuation of Ist discussicnon Colonial Council Bill No. 24. draft of an ordinance to regulate and contirol the manufaciure and sale of aleoholic beverages in the Mu picipality of St. Croix and for other purposes. With Committee Report. 6. Colonial Council Biil No. 25. Discussion on resolution concern ing a vote of.confidence in the presect administration. Introduced by Ist Appointed Member (Moorehead). Colonial Council Office. Ciristiansted, January 15 1934. ARNOLD M GOLDEN, Cnr rman. A Journal For The Progress Os The Peome Let Jusiice BBe Done Though Thke Heavens Should Faii CHRISTIANSIED., 31 'CROIX, V.l 0.5 A Christiansted Theatre 8.45 SUNDAY NIGHT 8.45 “The White Sister” The screen wus made for pictur:s like this— and a picture like tkis was made for the screen. i i PARDON QUR ENTHUSIASM! We are making a big noise, but will someone lend us a dictionary of surparlatives? Our [anguage fails us! We are at loss for the words that adequately deseribe our picture for Sunday. .____o____ YOU’VE GOT TO SEE . ‘ . - | The White Sister WITH HELEN HAYES and CLARK GABLE (It’s another M. G. M. Trlumph) 1 Believe it or not, your’e heading fordwdopomtment if you wait until the last min ute to secure seats, And here’s good news:— We have decided to charge ouly tne usual pricez of ad mission NOT ONE CENT EXlkaA FOR THIS SUPER SPECIAL! “THE WHITE SISTER”’ “LA HERMAN DEL DOLOR”’ Knapp Brothers Shoes Al Bargain Prices Formerly $7.95 now $5.95 ‘ : $6 95 o 4 95 i $5.95 Lo /a8 . $4.95 ‘895 &3.50 These prices effective only while stock lasts. Buy now and save money. Never again will you get this bargain. Higher prices are coming and you owe ycur seif the advantage (o obtain a pair of these Shoes. V. C. RISSING Box 171, Christiansted V. I. Lo:al Representative KNAPP SHOES Boston Mass FRIDAY, JANUARY 19. h 1934, By Spzcial Request A Christmas Eve in Medieval England under the direction of Mrs. H. Hansen, that was rendered on Tuesday 9th in the Theatre will be repeated on Friday night January 19th. It is hop-:d that a suificient number of patrons will turn out to make the re petition as successful as the first night for it is said to be '‘The Most Elabo rate, Entertaining, and Beautiful Ope retta Yet Presented’’. Plan of Seats and tickets will be on Sale at Miss Quin’s Book Store. P rices R2served Seats2o cts General admissionlo cts NQO, 161