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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE [WELFTH YEAR Order Os Ihe Day for the fourth ordirary meeting of the Colonial Council for St. Croix for the fiscal year 1935-1534, Tenth Ccuncil First Session, Wednesday 24 J:nuary 1634 at 1.30 o’clock p. m. 1. Election of two (2) members to serve oo the Export Tariff Com ' mission 1o acrordance with Regu latious establisheo Maren 31, 1840, 2. Coloaial Council Bill No. 18 Continuation of Ist discussion’ on Colonial Counecil Biil ‘No. 18. dgraft of -an ordinance to autho rize the Governor to scll at pubhie aacicn tne puolie property Known as "‘Gallows Bay’’ ia « hbristian " gred BDistrier. With Committee Report, 3., Coionial Couucil Bill No. 19 Continuation of Jst discussion on wolonial Couneil Bill No. 19, draft of an ordinance to establish a loan ‘tund for the improvement of Lri vate nouse-holders’™ water supply. witn Committee Report. 4. Coionial Council Bill No. 20, Lontipuation cf Ist discussion on Colonial £youncit £l Loo. 20, draft of'an ordinance toes. ablisn a pen-. : sion poard and to establish a peusion system in the Munitipa niy of St. Croix. Wiwo Committee Report. y 5. Colonial Council BiJl No. 24, ' continuation of Ist discussionon Colonial Council Bill No. 24. araft of an ordinance to regulate and contiol tne mavufaciure a: d sale " of aleoholic beverages in the Mu pieipality of St. Croix and for - purposes. Wi.nh Commitiee Repori. . " 6. Coionial Council Biil No, 25. . Discussion on resolutibn concern ing a vote of confideace lin the presect administraton. : lotrodyced by Ist Appointed Member {Moorehead). Colonial Council Officé, Christiansted, January 15 1934. ’ ARNOLD M. COLDEN, S : Chairman. A ‘Journal For The Progress Os The Peopae,' Let Jusiice BBe Dome Though The Heaveng GShould Faii CHBIATIANSTED, 31 CROEA.: Vit U. 8 A lok B T T e S eM L oe P Tl ity "i* “}*‘J’Nsi’\'%{fi@v«f‘j . AL ee>e et e TE S A AR it e e W RDR B v MY N B S T SRR i B NS R e O A Vi ?( B > @ e IO G ASSELS RY2R Yit . e e- G s;; b e R S L & '}i-'%. s R A BT -3 ARG LA " — ¢ Al /‘fg& : o O . s":%l“ Sy G Vsl \ P T N *’b{fi‘:‘ B N | ,s‘.~"?‘f§3f'gs‘_";i,£; oo R e R o R R L e é‘}%m g 4 o R T s Pt ey —% e | Eels e B R e NLS . 5 Iti - Itis a constant danger FILM, the great enemy of teeth Pepsodent contains mo pumice, and gums, is the chief cause of harmful grit or crude abrasive. Bt meost tooth and gum disorders. It is so safe that dentists recommend absorbs the stains from food and it for cleaning the soft teeth of smoking and gives that cloudy look. children. It clings to teeth and hardens into tartar. Germs by the millions breed Accept Pepsodent Test in it. They, with tartar, are the 1, prove results, secd coupon fer ehief cause of pyorrhea. To remove 19 425 fr2e test or buy a tube—for &im, use the special film-removing ~j. cyerywhere. Pa this new for - dentifrice ealled Pepsodent. It acts your own sake. to curdle film and easily remove it » i gentle safety to enamel. : o e ee e e Peps Odé.r\'l': : The Pepsodent Co., Dept. . 1 i VI, 1104 S. Wabash Ave., The Special Film-Removing Destifrice 1 } Chicago, U. S. A. : 1 § 1 ! Mait 18lDay Tube of Pepsodent to i i ; s>~ s - FREE ] i 2 ¢ i RIS e it : bt : - 10-Day Tube: " | Gire Sl mddroms. Write plainly. Only cme tbe o a family. v-01-m ! Koapp Brothers Shoes Al Bargain Prices Formerly $7 95 now $5.95 <8 $6 95, g 5 495 = £5.95 LA - 5 84,05 3,95 &3.50 These prices effective only while stack lasts. Buy now and save money. Never MONDAY, JANUARY 22n0d 1934, again wili you get this bargain. Higher prices are coming and you owe ycur saif the advantage to obtain a pair of these Shoes. : ’ ; V. C. RISSING Box 171, Christiansted V. I. ; Local Represantative KNAPP SHOES Boston Mass NO. 163