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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE TWELFTH YEAR Order Os The Day for the fourth ordinary meeting of the Colonial Council for St. Croix for the fiscal year 1933-1834, Tenth Council First Session, Wednesday 24 Jznuary 1634 at 1.30 o’clock p. m. 1. Election of two (2) members to serve on the Export Tariff Com tnission in acordance with Regu lations establisheo Maren 31, 1840, 2. Colonial Council Bill No. 18 Continuation of Ist discussion on Colonial Gouncil Biil No. 18. _araft of an ordinance to autho rize the Governor to s¢ll at_public aucdon the publie property known <~ a9 "Ggallows Bay’’ in Christian sted Disirict, With Committee Reporrt, 3. Colonial Council Bili No. 19 Continuation of lst discussion on Uclonial Counci! Bill No. 19, draft of an ordidance to establizsh a loan tund for the improvement of pri vate nouse-holders water suapply. Witnh Committee Report. 4 Colonial Council Bill No. 20. Coontinuation cf Ist discussion on Colonial Council El 0. 20, draft of an ordinance toestablish a pen ston pboard and to establish a pansion system in the Municipa ity of St. Croix. With Committee Report. 5. Colonial Council Bill No. 24. Continuation of Ist discussionon Colonial Council Bill No. 24, araft of an ordinance to regulate and - control the manufac ure and sale of aleoholic beverages in the Mu nicipality of St. Croix and for other purposes. Witn Commitiee Report. 6. Colonial Council Bill No. 25. {iscussion on resolution concern . ing a vote of confidence in the presect administration. . Introduced by Ist Appointed Member (Meorehead). Colonial Council Office, Christiansted, Janusry 16 1834 . - ARNOLI D M. GOLDEN, : Chairman. A ‘Journal For The Progress Os The Peome Let Jusiice 8¢ Done Though The Heavens Should Faii CHRISTIARETIED, S OROEN, -¥. L U, 8 A IN THE DISIRIZCT COURT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDSOF THE U. S. A. CHRISTIANSIED SUB-JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MAITTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) NO. JAN TERM, 1934. HANS JORGEN LARSEN, DFCEASED ) NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Administratrix of the above entitled estate having filed in the Distriet Court of sthe Virgin Islands her Final Account of said Estate,the hearing of the same hus been fixed for the 21st dav of March 1934, at 10 o’cloek a.m, of that day at the offize of the Judge of said Court in the town of Chris tiansted, St. Croix and all persons interested are hereby notified to appear and show cause if any they have, why said acecunt should not be allowed, the estate declared set tled and the undersigned discharged from offl :e. Dated January 23, 1934. (s) JULTANA LARSEN, ; Admin.stratrix, Knapp Brothars Shoes Al Bargain Prices Formerly $7 95 now $5.95 . $6.95 5 4.95 5 $£5.95 A8 5 $4 95 ‘395 &3.50 These prices effective only while stock lasts - Buy now and save money. Never again will you get this bargain. Higher ptices are coming and you owe ycur soif the advantage 1o obtain a pair of these Shoes. V. C. RISSING Box 171, Christiansted V. [. i.ocal Representative KNAPP SHOES Bos.on Mass Dawnic Steamship Gorporalion S 3. ‘‘ORITANI” : scheduled to sail from New York on the 91th instant expecied to arrive at Zred criksied on or about the 30:h inst. and will be despa‘ched fer the Windward and Leeward islands accepting mail, passengers and freight. ARNOLD M. GOLDEN, Agent, e . Dawnic Steamship Corp. sSS. “"ORMES”’ is expected to arrive at Frederiksied fron. the Wit dward ena Leeward Islavrds TUESDAY., JANUARY 23rd 1934, on or about the 30th instant and will be despatched for New York accepting mail, passengers and freight. ARNOLD M. GOLDEN, Agent. WHAT WOMAN Inssbs | . rTo keep robust health, vi vacity, attractiveness ; these . are woman’s greatest needs, from puberty to motherhood and on all through life. Scott’s Emulsion, the famous - vitamin tonic of Norwegian cod liver oil, can be depend ed upon to make rich blood, increase strength and safe guard against anaemia, loss of flesh or premature de cline. A sure help through the years.’ i fi Refuse all mutataonsJ I €53 EMULSION NQO, 164