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5 T EN = o PROCEEDINGS OF THE FOR ST. CROIX Continued from Tribune Jan. 22nd No one requesting the word further Ist discussion closed, 2,4 Membver fur Christiannsted Town (Chabert) proposed tnat 2ad discussion come on foday. A vote was taken on the motion with the result that 9 mewners voted for; pone against, The Chatrman, 2nd discussion will come on after recess. A recess of 20 minutes was given. At the resumption, with the Govern meunt consent, 2nd discussion oa Colonial Council Bill No, 23 came on. 2nd Memuber for Coristiansted Town (Chaberti;: Mr. Chairman, 1+ have had some further light duriag the recess on Colonial Couneil Bill No. 23. | beg to witkdraw my amendment. . No one desiring to take up the amend ment it was withdrawn. 3rd Member for Frederiksted <Joun try Distriet (Noll;: Mr. Chaicrman. | thic k gentlemen are less hea'ed now ihan before the recess. We are iuformed by Goverament epresentative that theie is Franes 27,000.00 in the Hurricane l.oan Fund; and 1 want to see the streets fixed up, but on principle i do not want to see a precedent established nere today or at any time by using the lmmigration fund for that purpose. | thing the a mouant in the Hurricane Loan Faad Isin tended tc be depleted, so I propose that the amount be taken from that forrepair: ing the sireers, Ist Member for Christiansted Town (Canegata): Mr. Chairman. May I ask a question? if these prejects are not com pleted by February 15tn what would hap pen? : Lieutenant Governor Lawrence W. Cramer: Mr. Chairman. If the draft of ordinance proposed is pissed with the a mendments offered it will be up to the Municipal Committee to control the ai lotment of funds. The Government will not ask for a lump sum to take care of ail the projects at one time Only one will be taken up at a time and the Municipal - Committee will be asked to make an al -I>tment for that particular project and * if approved the marerial necessary to do that particular work will be purchased, and if after two wecks that work is comr pleted, the Municipal Committee wili be _asked to make another allotment for an other project. We might: complete one, RCI v g O R 2 AR N S R A e *‘YQ&Q\ S RR R R R SRR RS Ae TR (f»} RRN S ] '§~"s§“‘\- \o\* pRESaE t@\i«“\ ST e S SR R "%‘ e R R BRI ‘*"\?fi'?"‘-‘i‘-"' SRR R R 2 «\:‘~’~§\'~:'f:~e? ‘\\z\}‘&‘\ T BN e £ eSN T R T & S E RN SRR N R R SRR \éfig\ \“\3‘\\\ \\‘\“\fi%\\< *\\\\§ \ R O N '\,-\\yzg?;;:;;g-:»;;c;.\_; \\\ SR Ay R R R R TR 3‘::@"s"' R \‘\\&:3\‘\“\ N N SROR P 8 TR RAR ORI R s :\:@}\?_;»93?:~S§;~§A_‘i@_~j~:§&§;“‘§g~§-‘i};_. SRR T R e AR Ll TN VR R O LR \?\.\“.:.’:-."n\?\-':-':-i»‘:‘c‘l\'w\ RN AR ARR LA AR LR A e ,f\'-“fi':: NN ST R SR i“\\‘ e R R }\ SR RSN R R A SAR RN A B R SR R- B W A O RLA oSRR SDR N D I e NN A R R B \b% SRR R g DR v’;\\\‘\b\‘ EERER %i L R ee S N N Q\*"»‘lfifl&:fii}ifi.fif& R 5 SRR \\ o '5:-3’5" RN :':‘:'.\‘\\ N} \\\ e O e R AN -,;,‘Q_-,;. > B BTR RR £ ORI e A "‘s:'-:::i:?::‘;5>"?: NN DR R \\\ N N RN e O }‘(-:-‘:;-:-':-\‘\c;\'»‘.-':;\f:r;:;:f::::-:f:‘ig‘,ts‘:-'.-r::f.'r;:;:-‘:::' Ro L AR 3 SRCNNNRY BAR O SR VNN ~}:,-‘:-;:;;\‘Q;t\:_-::;&;;:_\'_-‘_;-;&q.":-‘;-:'.~:~; B T T RN SRR E‘{{\\ \rpetiiioin A S NN E*"’ 3 : i g St R 'i BN R eAN RTEE N R R NN SRR T &\\\w\\ & ISR RN A SBR - NN N (BRSNS BAR e RS SR L S R R N AIRY *fi Be e T e e ,\Q,&\ § RN NN FOO R R D GAND 11! Just what shouid be done abour Gand hi was a serious preolem before the government of India during the third quarter of 1933. On August 1 e was arrested, while preparing to go on a pil grimage of individual civil disobedience, He was taken to Poona and released with an ord:r restricting his movements, He refused to obey the order and was avain arrested. He was s2ntenced to a yeéar’s irapriscnment as an ordinary pri soner without ths sp2cial privileges which he had usually b2ey aczaordad. H:z immediately demauded facilities for ¢roducting his campaign against Un touchabi.ity fromn the prison, threaten ing a fast unto death if they Were not furnishad. On August 16, the gnvern ment yielded, but Gandhi echanged his mind and decided to fast anyway., He was then off-red his release if he wouid devot: himseif exciusively to social re form. but he refused this offer. By August 20, he had become so weak that he was sent to a hospital. Three davs later he was unconditionally released. On August 25 he told representaiives ¢f Jne press that he oraferred peice to im prisonment and fasting, bat he had not decided on his fu'ure program — §al. AR s eR S e S ] a sz2cond and a third and possibly not the fourth Os course, the Goveroment would like to put throuzh all the pro jects 1 am not prepared to state that money will be found to complete all the projects from Civll Works Administra tion funds. Ist Member for Christiansted Town (Canegata': Mr. Chairman. That does not answer the question. As [ under stand it, the L.ieutenant Governor means at the end of February 15th work will be halted wherever it is on that day because there will be no funds to earry on. Lieutenant Governor Lawrence W. Cramer: Mr. Chairman. 1 take that a a question. [ say [ cann»ot give the as surance that funds from Hederal sourc2 wil be available to do all the work. ¢ some of the projeers are noi compler at that time, | cannot give assurance tha Federal morey will be available to com: plete them. Ist Member for Christiansted Town (Canegata): Mr. Chairman, Do 1 under stand then that afier February 15th, 194, this Municipality will not be called upon to furnish money to ecarry on pro jects that-are not completed? Lieutenant Governor Lawrence W. Cramer: Cert2inly, not under chis draft o' ordinance. The amaondment proposed by 3rd Mem ter for Frederiksted Country Districe (NJUL) was pat to vote. 10 members voted for; none against, the Chairman: Tlhe amevodment is ca'ried, - 3rd Member for Frederiksted Couritry District (Noll! moved that 2od discus sion be clused. - I'ne motwa was put to the vote with the result that 9 members voted for; pone against, 20d discussion closed. . 18t Appointed Memoper (Moorehead) movel thit 3rd diszu-sion come vn to day. I'he motion was put to vote, 9 members voted for; none against, With Government’s (consent 3rd dis cussion opened.l : 20d Member for Christiansted Town (Chabert}: Mr. Chairman. Lhere haa been more argument on this bill than,is neces sary. | move tnai 3rd discussion be ciosed, desiring the word further 3rd discussion be closed, the Secretary read the ordimance in its amended form and tne volte was takenjon it 11 members voted for; none against, The Chairman: The ordinancze ils a dopted, drd Member for Christiansted Country District (Armstrong}: Mr. Chairman. Do you not think that item 5, Colonial Coun cii Bill -No. 24, shouild be taken up be fore item 3? The Chairman: If the honorable memb>r wiil read the Rules of Business he will see that one m2mber cannot make such a motion, . 3rd Member for Frnderiksted Country Distriet (Noll). Mr. Caairman. As | am the Chairman of the Committee that in troducad the biil | ask thas the Chair man use his prerogZative and make item 5 item 3. : To be Coatinuad. - « READ THE TRIBUNE