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ST. CROIX TRIBUNELE [WELPTH - YBAR -CHRISTIANSTED, WHAT WOMAN ...' To keep robust health, vi . wacity, attractiveness ; these - . are woman’s greatest needs, | from pubertyto motherhood " "and on all through life. 9! Scott’s Emulsion, the famous vitamin tonic of Norwegian . . cod liver oil, can be depend ° od upon to make rich blood, _ increase strength and safe guard against anaemia, loss ---of flesh or premature de- - 5 cline. A sure help 3 through the years. I@ Refuse all imitationqj YT ik EMULSION Knapp- Brothers: Shoes- At Bargain Ventr o PREBRE R Do Forindily $7.95 . - how $5.95 - esS o s . ' “""g Os 00l $4 95 £y % : “3 95 &3.50 g These prices effective only while stock lasts. Buy now and save mon2y. Never again will you get' this bargain. Higher pricei are coming and you owe yodr gals the advantage to obtain a'pair = of B e v e £ oy RmeG . - Pox 190, Christiansted 'V, [, - . Local Representative . KNAPP SHOES Boston Mass A Journal For The Pcogress -Of The Peopre - Lot Jusiice BBe Done Though 'Tre Heavens Should Fai 31 CROIX, ¥, 10! US A, IN THE DISIRIZT COURT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDSOFTHER U. S A.. g . CHRISTIANSTED SUB-JUDICIAL DISIRICT ‘ IN THE MATTER'OF THE ESTATE OF ) NO. JAN TERM, 1934. HANS JORGEN LARSEN, DECEASED ) NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. A g : i . NOTI‘CE is hereby given that the undersigned Administratrix. of the above eptitled estate having filed in the Distriet Court of the Virgin Islands her Final Account of said Estate,the hearing of the same has been fixed for the 21sr day of March 1934, at 10 o’cloek a.m, of that day at the office of the Judge of said Ceurt in the town of Chris tiasstéd, St. Croix'and all persone interested are hereby notified to:appear and show cause it any thely have, ‘why said aceount should not be allowed, the estate declared set tled and the undersigned discharged from office. Datea January 283; 1934. L 3 ' ' (s) JULIANA LARSEN, : Administrairix, : e e W ]l eL, IN { HE DISTRICT COURT OF THE VIRGIN ISL.ANDS OF THE U.S.A. v CHRISTIANSTED BSUB-3UDICIAL DISTRICI. : IN THEMATTEK OF THE ESTATE OF ) NO. ‘JAN, TERM, 1934. CELESTINA SIMMONDS ) NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING.' Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the ahove entitled estate having filed in the District Court of the Virgin Islands his final account of said estate, the.hearing of the sam> has been fixed for the 30th day of March, 1934, at 10 - a.m. of-that said day at the office of the Judge of said Court, in'the ‘town of Christian sted, St. Croix and all persons interested.are hereby notified ‘to appear and show cause if any they have wky said account should not be allo~ed, the estate declared settled and tue undersigned-disenarged from office, : - : : - Daied January 31,1934 , Sl Pl L vl . (s) PRINCE MILLER. . ‘ IN THE DISTRICT COURT:OF THE VIR%IN ISLANDS GF THE U.S.A. Giwo.v o 7o CHRISTIANSTED SUB-JUDICIAL. DISTRICT ; : IN THE'MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) NO. JAN. TERM, 1934 ; LESLIE VAR =@ o & ' -1 ) 'NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. ~ Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of the above .entitled estate having filed Tn*th> Distriet Court of the Virgin Islan s his . final aczount of said estate’ the hearing-of the'same has p2en fixed for the Jlst day of Marccn, 1934, ac 10 o’ciock a: m. of that'said ‘day at the office of the Judge of said Court. in the town of Christignsted, St. Croix and-all persons ‘interested are: hereby notified to appear an 1 show cause if apy they have why said aceount should not be allowzad thz estace daciaczl settled and the undersigned discharged from office : ; “Dated January 31, 1934 9 510 : : ot : p ; : Sy {s) D. HAMILTON JACKSON S' <>3. ‘ . .- ',’l : übscribe Now WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 31st 1934 NO. 170