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Image provided by: University of the Virgin Islands
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ST. CROIX TRIBUNE fwBLFTd YEAR CHRISITANSTED, ; T . A NEW DEAL ¥ A ‘ Grahaham in 1334 is ag:inst the field in. automobiie ; - The new Uix 116-inch whoel base iarger and Finer at lower price’ Availablein Siandard and De Luxe body styles. Egh ' = y T'haNew Standard Eight §oo 123.inec1 wa2el-basa-largar anl more powerful-more’ economiczl to Jperate beautiful new interiors. SUPERCHARGED CUSTOM EIGHT 123 inch = wheelbase 135 horsepawer without ‘sacrificing economv-the first moderately priced ear to offer Super charged performance. Here is the real news of the 19'}4' Au tomonile 3now and it is Graham aloas: comorution oac of tne pictars entirely. 93 Horse Porwar b220n23 135 hors2prwer- Without saeriticing fuel egoncmy. . . The = Supercharged engine delivers 135 horsepower- an increase of 42 per cent witk only aslignt increase in en engine displacement and weight. GRAHAM STANDARDS ARE FEA / lURING 1 Srreamlining 2. Spring Suspz2osion 3. Supercharger Streamlining: The 'qrigi‘ul jeadzrship has been waintained by furiher refine ments in. the exterior siyliag of the 1934 GRAHAM. N lok at other glitomobiies and see ~how they are imitading GRAHAM.: Rave money-enjoy ceenfort by Owning a Graham. ’* > Latest cuts and désigos can be seen .at the office of: - ARNOLD M. GOLDEN ¢ Virgin Islands Distributor. - A Journal For The Progress Os The Peome Let Jusiice 'BBe Done Though Tk: Heavems Should -FanN 81 EROly. V.l US A IN HE DISIRICT.COUR" OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDSOFTHE U. S. A" CHRISTIANS ED'SUB-JUDICIAL DISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF | )H NO. JAN '.’ERM. 1934, HANS JORGEN LARSEN, DECEASED ) © NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned Administratrix of the above entitled estate having filed in the Distriet Court of the Virgin Islands her Final Account of said Estate,the hearing of the same has been fixed for the 21st day of March 1934, at 10 o’elock a.m~of that day at the office of the Judge of said Court' in the town of Chris tiansted, St. Croix and all persone interested are bereby notified to appear and show cause if any they have, why said account should not be allowed, the estate declared set tled and the undersigned discharged from office. ; . Datea January 28, 1934. “ \ ‘ - » ‘s) JULIANA LARSEN, : J ’ © Administratrix, e g e R R Y e e i S e b R iy i “IN IHE DISTRICT COURT OF THE VIRGIN ISLANDS OF THE U.S.-A. ‘ CHRISTIANSIED SUB-JUDICIAL DISTRICI. : IN THE MATTERK OF‘ THE ESTATE OF ) NO. JAN, TERM, 1934 ; CELESTINA SIMMONDS > NOTICE OFf FINAL HEARING.. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Administrator of- the ahove entitled ' ,estate having filed in tne District Court of the Virzin Islands his final account of said estate, the hearing of the sam»> nas been fixod for the 30tn day of March, 1934, at 10 a.m. of that said day at the, office of the Judgze of said Court, in the town of Christian- : sted, St. Croix and all parsoas interested are hereby notified to appear and show cause if any they have why said account shoald not be allo~ed, the estate declared settled and * tue undersigred discharged from office, Pated January 31, 1934. , - : (s) PRINCE MILLER. 3 ___.__,-__—__,____.—-———————————'___..___..\'J____——____——_—_ e eko iiiiad ’ IN THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE VIR‘}IN ISLANDS CF THE U.S.A. 5 : CHRISIIANSTED SUB-JUDICIALDISTRICT IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF ) NO. JAN. TERM, 1934 LESL/E FABIO ) NOTICE OF FINAL HEARING. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned. Administrator of the above entitled estate having filed in tha Distriet Court of the Virgin [siands his final aceount of said estate, the hearing of the sam= has peen fixed for the 3lst day of March, 1934, at 10 o’ciock a.m. of tirat said day act the office of the Judge of said Court. in the towa of Christiansted, St. Croix and all persons interested are +hereby notified to appear and show cause if any they have why said account should not be ailowed the estate dzclared settled and the undersigned discharged from office ] Dated January 31, 1934 \ i ; : ;s 8) JOSEPH ALEXANDER. : o Subscribe Now THURSDAY, _FEBRUARY Ist 1934, O, 171